Filthy terrorist chops apart British soldier in broad daylight

Early today two Islamic radical militants, residing in the U.K. , attacked and killed a British soldier with a meat cleaver. While screaming filthy blasphemy in their native tongues, they "chopped the man like a butcher does a piece of meat". The head was rumored to be removed as were a majority of all limbs.The men were confronted by armed enforcement, but they precoded to chop like the mad dogs they were, so like mad dogs, they were shot but not reported to be killed. This was an "ideology led craze" say British authorities , prompted by Islamic extremism, just like the Boston Bombers.The voracity of the attack and the extent of obvious hatred awakens us all to a grim reality : this "religion of peace" appears to be the root cause of recent attacks. Even with people that preached violence being killed  (bin laden and al zwahiri) , random radicals...

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