The Conversion Of Body Fat To Muscle

The Conversion Of Body Fat To Muscle

How the f*** can you go from gaining weight to making muscle? Is all the hype around “converting fat to muscle” even possible? Muscle itself is a tissue type that constantly feeds on and absorbs calories (whether you are working out or not). While fat simply stores energy until the body is desperate enough to begin eating from these “reserves”.So is there a transition possible in which the fat energy can be absorbed by muscles to produce muscle while shrinking the fat cells (giving you a sculpted physique)? If you have ever seen a professional weight lifter, you might be very surprised that this is not an easy task (as the fat on a weight lifter is very obviously overgrown above their muscle). Coexistence seems almost completely and utterly impossible based on the appearance of these individuals. So how the f*** can someone with a bit of extra luggage turn into...

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