Pumpkin Carving Ideas

Hello friends, even as Hurricane Sandy is pounding half of the country, the other half will still have the pleasure of celebrating Halloween! So, we will give you three little secrets on how to make your jack-o-lanterns look more dazzling than your neighbor's!  Warning: your neighbor may end up pouring benzine on your lawn in an act of Shakespearean revenge Trick 1) After you have carved a facing for your pumpkin, you can buy a 16 inch latex balloon from pretty much any recreation store, and shove a battery operated led light inside. You can then proceed to turn the light on, shove it inside the balloon , and put the flat balloon inside the pumpkin, with the hole area outside of the pumpkin.Now simply air inflate the balloon until you see and feel it to be firm. Don't allow too much of the balloon to exit through the actual pumpkin or...

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  65812 Hits

Windows 8 : failure before release?

Windows 8, the newest operating system created by the monopolizer of the computer world, promises to bring innovation, ease of use and much more to their newest operating system.As with everything before, windows 8 will come equipped with new (mostly useless) features, and the typical flashy , attractive designs most of us have long adored.But the major issue with Windows 8 is quite rather that it is a recycled concept from the windows mobile os, where the only innovation is being able to scroll through a sort of "iphone copy" type interface through a touchscreen.Now, if you have a touchscreen , good for you, but to 99% of us, 1400$ for a touch monitor is a bit out of reach.  This is the first strike against windows.The second strike is the removal of the beloved desktop, start button and the masking of the command prompt. Yes, windows 8 is visually appealing,...

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  66485 Hits

Making a perfect country

Long ago(well, not that long), I personally wrote a book on the benefits of monarchy, I scrapped this book after I realized that 348 pages of boring text would never sell, even as an ebook. But, I will share three fundamental points I have established as being very beneficial to creating a successful country, with a global reach. Now let us start off with the first point. Economy:As you may know,  in paternally autocratic country, there is a middle class , mostly comprised of land owning farmers and craftsmen. The men above them would be lords, or the upper non-noble class, usually deploying middle class workers as craftsmen or farmers.Putting a now archaic concept into retrospect, imagine you (the reader) regardless of your economic status as a middle class craftsman. In todays world this could be a computer programmer,  a construction worker, a farmer, a cable repairman, or even a car mechanic.What...

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  68750 Hits

Wearing panda costumes may allow you to get closer to pandas, scientists say

We are getting word from our correspondents in Wuhan, china, the same place that hosts the pig lifting sport. They are telling us that members of the elite journalist block Reuters have uncovered a secret operation by Chinese scientists in the province of Wuhan  , these scientists discovered that upon masking their human identities in panda suits, the pandas no longer felt fear.In fact, they were capable of touching the cub right at it's mother's side, and were not mauled. This is great news in in the field of trying to preserve the rare creatures, here is a photo courtesy of Reuters. Men in masks can get up close to pandas 

  66481 Hits

World of warplanes closed beta review

After about three months of testing the closed beta, we decided to write a review. As such , we will disclose a bit of information, but not too much.First, we want to note that as of the beginning of this month, 60,000 additional beta codes were given out at random. This means most that will read this review will indeed already know what the beta is like. World Of Warplanes BetaA summary:World of warplanes is pretty much wargames' attempt to create a pre-world war II to Korean era flight simulator for combat aircraft. As such most of the early reconnaissance biplanes, and early jets are included. Most world war II fighters, bombers and heavy attack aircraft have already been implemented , and hundreds are being finished up before the "open beta" launches. AR 65 biplane We personally went down the "all German" line, as we did in world of tanks.Furthermore, the game...

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  69130 Hits

Does the soul exist?

For too long, religion has tried to prove the existence of the human essence. Simultaneously, scientific zealots, for whatever reason, have tried to the full extent to dehumanize people and have stated that much like other animals, humans are not unique, and the soul does not exist. Soul The first question you have to ask yourself is "why is it that unlike other animals, humans create their own, usually unique behavioral patterns?". This is an argument which science cannot explain, much like they cant explain how chemicals came together to create the first microscopic lifeforms, or why  humans and trees share a common ancestor, yet we are nothing alike.The simple question we will address today is the existence of a soul, or something that separates humans from lions, or pigs or praying mantises.  For the sheer purpose of not confusing you, we will call the "life essence" the "soul".Lets go back to...

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  67938 Hits

The Destiny Spinner beta release and video tutorial

As we have stated before, our new invention, the Destiny Spinner  has entered the "open beta" stage. Whether you are trying to make a tough decision, or you are unable to choose a name for your new child (ie you have like 10 choices and you can't make up your mind) , the destiny spinner  promises to make your decision a " do and forget" type of thing. Just check it out.As an added bonus , we promised a video tutorial, so here is your tutorial: Hit the "hd" button to the top right, then the fullscreen button to the bottom right.   And don't forget to have fun with this! Don't take it too seriously, or maybe you should, we leave that up to you :)   

  66448 Hits

Tough choice? Let the Destiny Spinner make the decision for you!

The Order Of The Iron Phoenix has recently run a bit dry, we know, (the world is getting boring). But we are glad to announce that we have created another innovate little feature you may want to try. This feature is a party! Imagine that one night you cant decide which movie to watch with your friends, or even what movie to order off netflix (we all know how tough this can be) . Luckily, The Destiny Spinner  will make the decision for you! All you have to do is input your two choices, hit spin , and BAM! Your choice was made by a program that literally flips 200 coins in one millisecond, and gives you an answer based on what came out most often (your destiny).Now imagine that you got accepted into multiple colleges, or have a limited budget, and you don't want  to waste your money, pointlessly applying for...

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  66381 Hits

How to get a full background check on anyone!

Getting a background check is no longer something that major corporations and firms can do, yes it's become accessible to the general public! You too can be Sherlock Holmes Have you ever wondered if your neighbors were serial killers like in the horror movies? Or perhaps if someone you are about to fornicate with has the AIDS virus (and this can be helpful). There are millions of reasons you may want to perform one.Many Americans hire people to take care of their most precious assets: their children.  But how do you know the guy/woman your leaving your kids wont start fapping on the couch when you leave and ruin your good towels, the remote and your leather sofa!?How can you possibly know if a guy your interested in doing your shingles  is not going to put a nail in your skull, then rob your house and run off to Mexico!?There is one...

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  67225 Hits

Some famous cats

This is a list of some of the most famous cats on the internet!Number 5: Maus The Cat! Coming in at number 5 is Maus, the German male cat! His name means "mouse" in English, ironically. Maus is an iconic cat that  recently became the subject of internet memes following a sitting posture he did, resembling that of humans. Maus Number 4: Fatso The KeyBoard Cat:Fatso is one of those cats that upon seeing , you will remember fond memories. A man named Charles Schmidt created the original "keyboard cat" in 1984. His work has since spawned clones and has made Fatso an internet sensation. As once was said "old is still gold".And in case you think keyboard cat died, he retired and his son came out with a new song in 2010 under the nickname "Bento" :)Number 3: Banker CatSometime in the year 2009 of our lord, a beautiful thing came to...

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  66569 Hits

Why america never got the 99mpg car

Were you aware that as far back as 1993 , Volkswagen had been working on a top secret project. They planned to create the most fuel efficient car known to man, as did thier two top rivals: Fiat and Renault.Well, Fiat and Renault went to about 45-50 mpg and capped out. Volkswagen  , on the other hand, managed to create their amazing Lupo series of car. This car capped out at 99 mpg, using a 3 liter 4 cylinder engine. Thats the power of German engineering , we guess.At that time, and until it's last production in 2005, Americans claimed they did not need "small fuel efficient cars" , companies like general motors stated  "it would not sell" (funny how they failed because of lack of fuel efficiency in their vehicles?)Well anyways, the car handles well and its a two-door sedan, really. The car runs ok, and doesn't look too bad...

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  67219 Hits


If you ever feel like relaxing, please remember that we created a section for people like you here: https://theorderoftheironphoenix.com/relax/ . It is scientifically proven that white noise makes people relax, if you like rain , wind or the sound of whistling snow outside, you should definitely check this out!Remember, you click the arrows to move through the seasons, you don't have to listen to the youtube videos we selected for you. You can simply leave the "Relax"  windows in the background and listen to your favorite music!One listener emailed us telling us how much they loved the "rain" noise, and the music, they claimed that they played it on full blast, and fooled thier sleeping spouse into thinking that it was actually raining outside :)So, if you find yourself inspired, feel free to contact us ! Screenshot 

  66841 Hits

New section: Video Game Review

We are adding a new section called "game reviews" , here we will try to give you detailed analysis of video games that we will test for you. We hope you stay tuned and check it out.Regards, The Order Of The Iron Phoenix   

  66717 Hits

Why do people join the army out of free will?

It is baffling to most people why people would intentionally join the armed forces, and care little for the fact that they will be pigs for slaughter. But after years of compiling research, we have discovered why 80% of the army is made up of people with little choices left. Now lets imagine life as two rock paths. At some point, the rock splits into a crossroads,  this what psychologists refer to as the defining moment in your life. Now, the said person would have to take a chance by going to either extreme of the crossroads. Now imagine that this person randomly chose one extreme, and imagine that something went horribly wrong and that path crumbled, the person then falls into a pit.Somehow at this point, the other crossroads begins to pull towards that person, but he can never ascend it, and the crumbled rubble also begins to push towards the...

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  66646 Hits

Three popular myths that are actually true

Over the years, science has proven that certain things that man has taken to be fact (ie the world is flat) , are actually very far from the truth. But today we will dedicate this post to telling you that there are three myths that have proven very true, and they are time- tested, we assure you.#1) Pouring alcohol on a scorpion will cause it to commit suicide:It's true. For some odd reason, when a scorpion, of any species, is hit with alcohol, it begins to sting the afflicted area erratically. Some scientists say this is because the scorpion's exoskeleton is permeable, and the poisonous alcohol causes it to "twitch". Unfortunately. unlike snakes, scorpions have no immunity to their own poisons. This leads to a self-inflicted fatality. Scorpion#2) Oxalis flowers make you go blind:As common as they are in the continental North America, did you ever hear your mother telling you to...

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  67020 Hits

Amazon unleashes the hd Kindle Fire

Packing a stunning 1280x800 full hd screen, the brand new high definition Kindle Fire HD seems like a game winner for sure. And the price tag starting at only 200$ is affordable on any budget. Kindle Fire HD We just assume this is Amazon's answer to the now popular ipad 2 and 3.  Ironically, it beats the ipad in every possible way, unlike the whole kindle vs ipad 1 thing, this is proven by facts.Remember, the screen is fully HD! This means , unlike the ipad 3, you will be getting near 3-D images popping at you.The Kindle also comes with a 1.3 GHz processor, beating the ipad 3 once again.According to speed tests , it also has faster  wifi than any other tablet out there. Wifi tablet speed testAnd remember, the kindle gives you access to millions of tv shows, ebooks and movies, free to stream, or at least some are....

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  67129 Hits

Making your car's headlights shine like new

We are going to go off on a tangent here and attempt to simply describe some experience with a product that worked for us. We saw no other reviews on the product other than directly on the seller's website, so why not be the first to make a review right?Naturally, after 5 or so years, your prized car's front headlights begin to get all old and ugly. Worst of all, they don't function as safely or comfortably as they should.This is due to oxidation that occurs on the glass, nothing can really prevent this from happening to begin with. You may even be very disappointed to know that on average, a mechanic will charge you between 500 and 2000$ (US) to fix this issue.So, is there a cheaper alternative? Well, we at  The Order Of The Iron Phoenix  believed that if the mechanics can do it, so can anyone else.We began...

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  67164 Hits

Can cats teleport?

Does it bother you when one second you come through the door and see your cat on the stove, then you look behind you and hes already there, instantly? How is this possible?Well, after years of research, lead scientists have discovered that cats can teleport, yes  it's very possible. They can do this because years of evolution had to give them some sort of distinct advantage over other things in their weight tier. Here is a great example.  Disclaimer: this is a joke post :)   

  67289 Hits

Toshiba qosmio x870 review (update)

As we have stated before, we will continue to update the section on our review of this toshiba x870 laptop. After a month of testing, we have updated this review, read the update from 08/20/2012 by clicking the image below. Toshiba Qosmio X870 

  67832 Hits

Abyssinian Ground Hornbill

The Abyssinian ground hornbill is another odd animal we would like for you to hear about. It's one of those types of "larger birds" that inflate their frontal pouch to attract females. They live exclusively in Africa, so if you have never heard of or seen one, there is no need to fret. Abyssinian Ground Hornbill It's diet mainly consists of spiders, termites, snakes and other small animals. But, like most birds, it wont turn away a good fruit or grain. The strangest thing about this bird is it's disturbing breeding patter. Upon fertilization, a mother will always give birth to two eggs. She will leave the eggs for a week, when the babies will fight and eat each other(the stronger always survives), come back and feed the lone survivor for nine months, until it leaves the nest and searches for a mate (at which point it should be skilled at hunting). 

  68055 Hits