Some guy is selling celestial land

If I told you you could freaking own a piece of the moon , or Venus, or Pluto for just 19.99$ an acre, you would stick a stake of wood through my putrid sinning heart. But, as absurd as it sounds, some guy in California, running a scam operation called the "Lunar Embassy Corp" made over 27 million dollars in selling people portions of every celestial body in our solar system. And why does this guy think that he owns all of space and can simply sell it?Who really knows. So after you purchase your acres , this guy gives you the deed to your newly acquired piece of "celestial" real estate.  You might be asking yourself who in the hell or what would fall for this blatant scam. After all , humans don't exactly own everything that we see, hasn't history taught us anything?.These idiots that have bought this land...

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  62420 Hits

Man loses 2600$ at carnival

The 30 year old New Hampshire man never saw it coming, a simple ball toss game cost him his savings-2600$ to be exact-. And what did he get with these 2600$? A stuffed banana with dreadlocks!The man, identified as 30 year old Henry Gribbohm , had come to the New Hampshire carnival with high hopes to win a brand new "xbox360 kinect " complect through a ball toss game. Gribbohm tossed and tossed, but luck was not on his side, and the ball kept coming back out. Rather than just walk to the average "Best Buy", Henry kept going. Soon, he spent 10x what the prize was worth, although he did manage to win a banana with dreadlocks.Henry is now considering a civil law suit, claiming the game was "rigged".At least he has that banana to keep him company for the rest of his life. guy spends life savings on stuffed banana 

  62766 Hits

Is the mp3 player dead technology?

The mp3 player, something that has changed our generation could soon be phased out. Although the mp3 player , and especially the ipod, have become very common and still have large customer bases, ipod and mp3 player sales have crashed to an all-time low (since 2001 parse).At the rate that things are going, soon the mp3 player will no longer be available at stores or even online retailers. And what is the reason for this sharp decline in mp3 player sales? Well, after the phasing out of the cd player, mp3 players were just so much more convenient. The size factor was a huge benefit , but most of all the portability, no more disks to luggage around.And using that same reasoning, it is possible to assume that the cause for declines in mp3 standalone player sales is the huge focus (emphasis) on smartphones. Again, people prefer having less that can do...

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  63051 Hits

Cop pulls gun out at slow McDonalds line

Sargent Scott Biumi couldn't help himself, he really needed a big-mac! So, when he ran into the local McDonalds , there was a huge -ass line. And we mean about five or so people(sooo much).One guy got out of line, after ordering his food, and the cop snapped. He couldn't wait for four more people to get out of line!, so he pulled out his gun, aimed it at all the people in line, and told them to gtfo. All the people just got on the ground or ran for the exits.Well, he got rid of the line, and he got his Big-Mac, but then he lost his job and his freedom. Now he will be on 5000$ cash bail at a local jail, all because he couldn't wait for his big-mac and his drink with two ice cubes. Cop Arrested For Pulling Gun At McDonalds (so worth it)

  62247 Hits

Rapper 50 cent loses weight to play a cancer patient

Rapper, actor and (national) icon 50 cent (pimp money) has lost an amazing amount of weight with the intent to play a cancer patient in the movie "All Things Fall Apart" -to premier soon in theaters.Just one month after the final shot, he was back to normal. Check out this picture! 50 cent loses weight

  65182 Hits

Five Weapons You Wont Believe Are Legal

Gun KnifeSo, you really think that Obama being crushed in his efforts to control guns was a good thing huh? Well, wait until you see what kind of weapons are actually legal to purchase by anyone in the United States!Coming in at number 5 is the legendary flamethrower! A weapon used for many years now to mass-kill entrenched soldiers by quite literally "cooking" them out. This weapon of mass murder is readily available to anyone that wants one, and hell, if you don't have a license to have one, its only a 20$ fine! :) Oh , and you totally can use this to hunt elk and protect your home, like that lady that set fire to a snake and burned down her entire house. FlamethrowerComing in at number 4 is the legendary "minigun" or "chaingun" , yes we mean those neo-gattling type mechanisms that you can fire like 500 rounds...

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  63554 Hits

How do you know if he is cheating on you?

uh ohThis is a step by step tutorial on how to know if your husband, boyfriend or friend with benefits is cheating on you. This is a very complicated thing to understand, but all people subconsciously make mistakes which are facades due to conscience or over-thinking.It's king of like when you really don't want to lie, and you tell yourself you are going to leave something out. Or maybe, you have just done something you are proud of, and you can just try not to tell anyone, it's practically impossible right?Well. now I'm going to show you 3 ways you can tell if your husband is absolutely being unfaithful to you and your children #sad. The first way you definitely know that your husband is cheating on you is the fact that he uses the word "yours" rather than "our" , especially when referring to pets, automobiles, children , or relatives. You...

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  63309 Hits

Woman files law suit against police for 105,000$ in tickets

A Chicago, IL woman is filing a massive law suit against law enforcement , who "gave her a pile of tickets worth 105,000$(U.S.)" because her boyfriend left her crappy 600$ car at O'Hare international airport for 3 bloody years!So the police just naturally piled up tickets. One dollar one day, ten the other, one hundred the other. I know that feel bro, I have had tickets to pay, and arguing with enforcement is impossible.As with most of us, the court ruled her case out, implying that the dispute was personal and that the said woman and local law enforcement should settle this one on one. The woman does not want to give up, but she probably will, and her life is pretty much over. GG. Tickets

  63301 Hits

The most annoying word in the english language

For the 10th year running, the word "whatever" was dubbed the most annoying word in the English language. A study of over 100,000 participants yielded that 88% stated "whatever" as being intolerable and agitating. This does not surprise us. whatever -ugly picture of monkey from john hart -we all want to punch it in the face

  63126 Hits

British Shorthair and Little girl

cat and girl play chessBecause this made yahoo headlines, I think it's worthy of being posted here, in an effort to show you all the skill of a really neat photographer. So let's just add a few really nice pictures and see what happens :) cat paints girl cat on tray cat reads book Cat sings cat sits next to girl cat steals nose cat takes photo cat wants to juggleYou can see more from this artist here : Andy Prokh ( -this guy is a wonderful photographer!-

  63652 Hits

Browser popularity change from 2012 to 2013

Internet browsers have come a long , long way since the creation of the first netscape communicator in 1989. In today's world there is actually choice , generally ranging from simplicity, to performance, or to personal preference.In the years 2006 to 2008, firefox (a mozilla corporation project) was really uncontested in performance. Yes, those were the days that it peaked in the light, simply because it's only competition was internet explorer (ie).Internet explorer actually dominated user levels since 2000, mainly because nobody needed anything with more function, and it came pre-installed with every windows os from 2000-2013. Apple' safari on the other hand suffered severely , probably due to the lack of popularity of this browser and it's inability to run on windows until recently.Netscape communicator had it's day in the light before 2001 , being used by apple os and windows os systems alike. Today nobody knows anything about netscape,...

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  63087 Hits

Dragutin Novak

Drukatin NovakWe have all heard of the wright brothers, they invented the first airplanes and started a new era of exploration and expansion. But do you know who the first person to ever start building iron and metal airplanes was?Of-course you don't! Dragutin Novak , aeronautics pioneer of the early 1900s began a private flight program for the Austrio-Hungarian crown in 1901. He theorized that the heavier a material was, the stronger the force propelling it would be necessary to keep it in flight. He created multiple prototypes of this "leading innovation" in aeronautics while all other nations were still building wood framed biplanes.Novak used titanium plates welded with an aluminum frame to produce something truly remarkable , and although the Austrian crown took note of his fine work, and his contribution to the municipality of Croatia, world war I came before any "mass production" of these prototypes could be built.Nova would...

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  63079 Hits


Cyathocalyx is a relatively new aged-plant that has been discovered in the jungles of Borneo, south Asia. The plant is characteristically easy to identify because each leaf has exactly 6 wedges being pointed externally from the stem. This plant is thought to be rather harmless to people, and some even say it might have properties found in blood pressure control medications.Two new species of this genus were discovered in 2010, most of it's existence, life cycle and etymology is still relatively unknown. Cyathocalyx

  63402 Hits

Giant Marine Isopod

What happens when you mix all of your nightmares together? Darkness , depth , spiders, lobster, claws , teeth and eating decomposing bodies? You get a giant marine isopod, perhaps the cutest (eghem) animal in the universe.This Marine Giant Isopod is enormous, about the size of a housecat to be exact. It dines solely on decaying flesh, although with those nasty looking claws, perhaps being  a more active predator is not above it's morales. Giant Marine IsopodThe giant marine isopod is closely related to shrimps , lobsters and prawns. Believe it or not, its pillbug appearance is exactly like such because the common pillbug is a land isopod (the same thing but miniature).The giant marine isopod is only slightly related to the crab, which also means that they are slightly related to some extent to spiders , which are closely related to horseshoe crabs and regular crabs (do you follow?). Giant...

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  64236 Hits

Lindsay Lohan pregnant

The word on twitter is that former star and now celebrity actress Lindsey Lohan is expecting a child. The general public is betting a few pennies, or more that this is just a blatant lie.This comes after Lohan tweeted something among the lines of "Im expecting" while on tour in the UK. We can't exactly confirm this , but hey, this is good news, right?

  64802 Hits

How to get rid of all the waste plastic in the world

plastic eating mushroomPlastic, junk that is cheap to produce, and easier to mold than metals has accumulated in our waste facilities and underground for some time now. The problem with all of this common synthetic material is that it rarely ever decays , although there are some bacteria and elements than do destroy it over a prolonged period of time.What you probably don't know is that in 1950s , a Yale student on a journey to get his PHD , discovered a fungus that naturally ate polyurethane [plastic] , and did not require air to survive. What you probably don't also know is that this fungus is harmless to humans (or so research shows) , and will survive in any region of the world easily.Somehow, it extracts energy from plastic, and is capable of synthesizing the synthetic material to survive. This fungus does not require water either, so it may be...

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  63156 Hits

Anti gay marriage people respond to facebook image

We know we said no more on this matter, but breaking news! (lol) people that are against gay marriage just created their own profile picture symbol in response to the equal rights for gay couples symbol. This one is that = sign with a / through it, kind of like that aged "be different" sign used by hippies during the Vietnam war. This internet battle is going to be , dull and boring -_- anti gay marriage symbol facebook (click and download if you want it, we don't care)Seriously, how is the weather?

  63972 Hits

What does the red sign everyone is using on facebook mean?

This red sign everyone is using as their profile picture is something fabricated by the typical fatboy in his basement to work as a symbol that symbolizes (thats a long sentence) equal rights for gay couples -primarily marriage. We really don't care, we just wanted to share with you our findings :) Its just lame and boring to us, so we wont talk about this uninteresting topic. weird red facebook sign -click it and download it if you want it, we don't care-So, how is the weather in your area?

  63277 Hits

Squirrels start house fire, man vows extermination

Man vows to shoot them allIn the medium sized town of Rumford, England , something rather odd occurred. A squirrel fell into a opened gas casket on the side of a petrol operated cremation chamber , causing a fire.This couldn't have come at a better time, there was a precession occurring inside the building. The fire interrupted the funeral, and forced a quick end for fear of damage by fire that could have possibly killed everyone in the building.But one man couldn't take it anymore , 73 year old Alby Tebbutt vowed vengeance. Now, this man stated "I will shoot them all " , got his gun and went out on a shooting spree. He bagged a few, but luckily we hear he is a poor shot.Those poor squirrels, they will all be pwned , just because one old man couldn't stand to allow such an over powered animal to exist.

  62946 Hits

Sick woman hides crack cookie in her lady parts

the womanUgh, ok , so we can't say the actual word for it because our sponsors will strangle us, but a Florida woman [Porcha Gross] was caught by police after she stuck a crack cocaine cookie in her, oh wait we don't have any sponsors, vagina. This woman tried to escape without jailtime, and being the stupid person that she clearly is, she thought they wouldn't search there. As police ransacked her car, she started wiggling, all of a sudden the cookie fell out of her vagina.The cookie tested positive for crack, the appraised value of the cookie is around 1000$ (us). This lady will now be facing a life sentence in prison, all because of one cocaine cookie.There is no excuse in life for such stupidity. 

  62731 Hits