Tony Scott Commits Suicide

Tony Scott, 86, director of "Days Of Thunder", Beverly Hills Cop II" , and his most famous piece "Top Gun" , is said to have jumped off a bridge, to his death. It is confirmed that he committed suicide, although nobody can believe this because of the busy life he leads, and his upcoming sequel "Top Gun II" gave people the impression he was planning for the future. It is a sad day in Hollywood today, thats for sure. Tony Scott RIP August 19, 2012 

  67475 Hits

Toshiba qosmio x870 review (update)

As we have stated before, we will continue to update the section on our review of this toshiba x870 laptop. After a month of testing, we have updated this review, read the update from 08/20/2012 by clicking the image below. Toshiba Qosmio X870 

  67875 Hits


This is Spoderman SpodermanThere is no definition for this word, we decided to write about it based on audience feedback. Apparently, its some sort of twisted version of spider-man, a fictional superhero that shoots webs and saves people. Enjoy this hideous image of Spoderman.

  67919 Hits

Warning by GM to withdraw certian 2006 and 2007 models because they catch fire

Do you by any chance drive a 2006-2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer, 2006/7 GMC Envoy, 2006/7 Buick Ranier, 2006/7 SAAB 9-7x, or a 2006/7 Isuzu Ascender?Well, GM recently recalled 250,000 of them, yes quite a hefty sum. You know why? They spontaneously combust! This means that you might be driving down the good old highway, and bam!, your car blows up.The reason behind this anomaly appears to be faulty wiring where excessive sparking by loose spark plugs mix with gas outside the cylinders, causing a massive explosion, and certain fatalities.So if you have any of the listed models, make sure to see a professional immediately to see if driving it can be a safety hazard. Please, don't die  

  67041 Hits

Panzerkampfwagen VII Lowe

The Panzerkampfwagen VII or lowe was a project drafted in early 1941. This was another "mobile super-fortress" tank to be deployed along the Porsche Maus and Entwicklung E-100 , also with the intention of replacing the now aged tiger II and panther tanks. Panzerkampfwagen VII Lowe (lion) Concept The original design was created to have 150mm frontal, sloped armor, 100mm of side armor and about 88 mm of sloped rear armor, weigh 92 tonnes, and go 45 km/h(using a 1000 hp U-boat engine). This rear mounted turret design was dropped in favor of two other lowe (lion) designs. These were as follows: Panzerkampfwagen VII Lowe Schwere: This was a redesigned version of the lowe. The turret would now be forward mounted, and the augmented armor would be reduced to 140mm, 10mm less than the original. This armor would be "super-sloped" providing about 300 mm of protection in certain "vital" areas. The speed was...

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  68999 Hits

Gruesome video of police massacring coal miners in South Africa

Just now, we have received word of a massacre caught on tape, very gruesome and violent indeed. We received footage of 34 coal miners being massacred in a South African platinum mine. The images you are about to see are VERY horrific, bear in mind, we condone this. It's sickening to see this, but it is the sad reality of life. South African coal minersAccording to military police, the miners were on strike, and had fired live ammunition at the police prior to being massacred. We did not see any armed people in that crowd. And we strictly believe violence is not a way to solve issues.You have seen human brutality first hand, we are sorry to inform the dear readers of this incident. 

  67907 Hits

Man dies at baseball game

Today, during a Chicago WhiteSox V.S. Toronto Bluejays game, a man sitting in the upper section of benches had a heart attack. In one of the few tragedies that have occurred in the MLB, the man was pronounced dead in the hospital. we have no word on what caused this sudden heart attack, but maybe his joy and excitement contributed to it? Stay tuned for more word on this developing story. Dead man 

  67946 Hits

Abyssinian Ground Hornbill

The Abyssinian ground hornbill is another odd animal we would like for you to hear about. It's one of those types of "larger birds" that inflate their frontal pouch to attract females. They live exclusively in Africa, so if you have never heard of or seen one, there is no need to fret. Abyssinian Ground Hornbill It's diet mainly consists of spiders, termites, snakes and other small animals. But, like most birds, it wont turn away a good fruit or grain. The strangest thing about this bird is it's disturbing breeding patter. Upon fertilization, a mother will always give birth to two eggs. She will leave the eggs for a week, when the babies will fight and eat each other(the stronger always survives), come back and feed the lone survivor for nine months, until it leaves the nest and searches for a mate (at which point it should be skilled at hunting). 

  68114 Hits

Angler Fish

Today, we decided to tell you about a very odd animal: the anglerfish. This bony , and quite ugly, yet strangely attractive fish lives in the murkiest depths of the seven seas.  It's a stunningly different type of fish compared to what you may imagine, it usually has a small , glow-in-the-dark organ hanging above it's head. It uses this to lure other fish in, and then swallows them whole with it's shark-like mouth. AnglerfishAnglerfish are extensively carnivorous. They eat pretty much anything that lives underwater, and if your lucky, the next time you go scuba diving, one might bite you. Just remember, no matter how shiny the organ on it's head is, it's bite is like that of a shark or small crocodile, it can bite a finger clean off any man. So don't be too attracted to the light-bulb above it's head, simply leave it alone (give it some...

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  71453 Hits

E100 super heavy tank

Much like the Maus super-heavy tank, the Germans created another massive, mobile bunker. This one was deemed the Entwicklung -100 Or simply the panzerkampfwagen e-100.The tank would be given the Maus turret, but later designs would use the Henschel e-100 turret (adler), which was lighter. As oppose to the Maus, the e-100 was designed to be lighter, sacrificing higher profile, more room and side/rear armor for speed. The tank was intended to replace the E-75(prototype), Tiger II, and JagdTiger. It would have more armor, speed and firepower than any of the said tanks. The tank was drawn up in three separate configurations, the first would have a 173mm anti-everything naval cannon that would literally blow anything to shreds on impact. The second configuration would boast a super-heavy 155mm naval cannon, again simple overkill for that era. The final (first) configuration would use the Maus' 128mm naval gun. A fourth sketch was created...

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  70096 Hits

Last month's funniest story

So last month, on July 13th to be exact, a Canada man decided it would be a brilliant idea to kill a mouse with the butt-end of his hunting rifle. So, it turns out the gun was loaded, the man rammed the butt-end against the mouse, missed, and the gun misfired (appears it was loaded). Luckily, the man only grazed his forehead, this could have been fatal, and all because of one mouse. mouse 

  67631 Hits


An aardwolf is a small, fox-like animal, native to east and south Africa. It's diet consists of locusts and spiders, and mostly termites. It's name derives from the dutch word Aard (earth) and Vulf (wolf). Unlike it's cousin the fox, the aardwolf uses a long tongue to scoop up insects and swallow them whole.Luckily, this cute little creature doesn't live near humans, so interaction is rare, but continued deforestation and burning of fields to create farmland can be very negative for them. Especially since termite mounds are pests to humans, and destroying them would take away 90% of the aardwolf's food supply. Aardwolf    

  68357 Hits

The third mass shooting in the past half month

Early yesterday, a landlord in Texas asked a mentally unstable man to be evicted from his home. The man , enraged , ran off with a gun in his hand. Minutes later, the landlord was shot, police responded to the call and a battle ensued.One police officer was killed, the landlord lay dead in a pool of blood and the shooter was shot semi-fatally by another police officer  , later he would die in the hospital. Three other police officers and a female by standard were also wounded, we have no work on their condition.The maddening part is this took place within 15 days of the aurora theater massacre and the Sikh temple massacre. Gun laws need to be changed, quickly. The serial killer 

  67612 Hits

2012 summer Olympics London closing ceremony

The closing ceremony went over stunningly, everything was well executed, the performers did very well, and sadly, the torch was extinguished. This concluded the summer Olympic games , and will probably be the last in our lifetime to be held in England. Everything was stunning. At times like this, we can all see what the world would have been like if we had world peace, everyone coming together, no bias, racism, or violence. Just friendly competition. Everyone had a chance, some did better than others, but in the end, this was a pleasure for every country. Former enemies came aboard as friendly competitors. It's just such a stunning thing to see. We hope everyone enjoyed these Olympics, we know we did. And good luck to those whom will return in another couple of years ;) The final flame burns out -courtesy of foxsports 

  67525 Hits


An aardvark is an odd creature that few know about, but it is the first word in any English dictionary. So, allow us to tell you about this creature.Well, for one, its not an anteater, contrary to popular belief. It's closely related to pigs and wild boars genealogically.The aardvark's diet consists of mainly termites, roots and wildflowers. They are one of the most common animals in southern Africa, so no need to think they will ever go extinct.  Researchers say this animal has lived for some 20 thousand years, and is much older than mankind. aardvark Did we mention aardvarks are very cute ?    

  68270 Hits

The final medal total results of the summer olympics held in London in the year 2012

  So, the Olympic totals are finally in. The USA finishes first with an astounding 104 medals total, followed by china with 87, Russia with 82, Great Britain with 65 and Germany with 44. All the other countries listed also did stunning, some tiny ones managed to pull off a few medals. We are happy to see another safe, and enjoyable Olympic games has happened. We are sad to see it end, but everything is "here today, gone tomorrow" - Marcus Aurelius. We will cover the closing ceremony, as we did the opening ceremony. Enjoy and cheers to all!

  68914 Hits

The cutest YouTube Video of all time

Ok, so we tried to find something entertaining for you to see . And believe us, we know, news can be boring to some, and interesting to others, so we are also telling you we are only writing about "interesting" or "breaking" news, none of the bs that goes on like lame old politics or something mouth opening like that. So , today we will show you what we think is the cutest Video on youtube, and not just because we know the uploader ;)We know, you cant help but wonder why they would do that, we feel that envy, and the will to be there, in person.  

  68117 Hits

Naked man covered in cooking oil arrested

Early yesterday, neighbors sent in a 911 distress call to report a naked man running through a forest in central Maine.The man allegedly was running around, touching his genitals, and screaming. He was indeed covered in anti stick, buttery cooking spray.  He was also carrying around a pair of shorts in his left hand.Police apprehended the man, beat him until he surrendered, shot him with a tranquilizer and took him to jail. there they stated "meth" was found in his shorts.Neighbors say they woke up to the ruckus at around 7:00 am, as the man, in a narcotic coma, was screaming blasphemous things and touching himself.He is now facing charges of indecent exposure, resisting arrest and possession of illegal paraphernalia. The thought "said" brand of cooking oil the naked man was lathering himself with prior to being arrested.  

  68299 Hits

Nick Delpopolo expelled for eating pot brownies and smoking a bong

Nick Delpopolo was expelled from the Olympic summer games after traces of  marijuana where found in his stool and urine.Delpopo claimed that he was given "bong brownies" prior to the game and therefore it was not his fault.He was expelled from the games and sent home to smoke more bongs and whatnot.Unfortunately, Delpopolo was the USA's best Judo fighter, and he could have brought us home some golds.Nevertheless, we should look at this incident as a joke by his fellow wrestlers, like in the locker rooms, but with higher consequences. Rules are rules, no matter how harmless marijuana is , Delpopolo broke intentional rules, and we are pretty sure he was smoking bongs in his locker room, but hey, now he wont have to get his hands dirty , wrestling foreign men. This picture really shows how out of his mind he is. 

  67522 Hits

Man Hacks Walmart

So some guy named Darnell (or that was his alter ego was) simply strolled into a WalMart in Canada, pretended to be a businessman, made friends with the manager, and had him give away all of his secret information. National Hackathon Members Courtesy of CNN Luckily, this so called "Darnell" was just another member of the hacking Olympics or the international "hackathon" where hackers break through various "secure" computer hub networks and show off in front of their fellow hackers at whom has the best hax.Anyways, this exploit was actually praised because he simply did it to show "he could". He never damaged anything, and people like him are praised for pointing out flaws in even the most powerful corporate computers in the world.Hacking has become a real threat in the past years, so something like this is not unheard of.

  67854 Hits