World of warplanes closed beta review

After about three months of testing the closed beta, we decided to write a review. As such , we will disclose a bit of information, but not too much.First, we want to note that as of the beginning of this month, 60,000 additional beta codes were given out at random. This means most that will read this review will indeed already know what the beta is like. World Of Warplanes BetaA summary:World of warplanes is pretty much wargames' attempt to create a pre-world war II to Korean era flight simulator for combat aircraft. As such most of the early reconnaissance biplanes, and early jets are included. Most world war II fighters, bombers and heavy attack aircraft have already been implemented , and hundreds are being finished up before the "open beta" launches. AR 65 biplane We personally went down the "all German" line, as we did in world of tanks.Furthermore, the game...

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  69179 Hits

Colorado police find body of missing 10 year old in corn field

A ten year old girl, now missing for over 10 days, has probably been found about two miles from her home, dead.The girl left her home, walking to school a few days ago. She subsequently went missing that same day, and her parents, with the aid of police and cadaver dogs, have been frantically searching for her.Unfortunately, early today, the cadaver dogs picked up her scent. The men then found what appears to be a 10 year old girl's lifeless body in a cornfield , on the path the girl would have taken to get to school.The police have confirmed it to be her, and they do not suspect the parents to have any involvement in the matter.Police believe the girl was abducted, tortured and dumped. We will keep notifying you as the story progresses. Girl found dead 

  66400 Hits

Tip for october 2012

Did you know that if you click the mouse wheel on any mouse, you don't have to right click to open something in a new tab? Well, now you no longer have to make 3 clicks, all it will take to do this is one gentle tap of the mouse wheel. You can thank us by commenting below :) Mouse wheel trick -try it on this image- 

  66060 Hits

Pig lifting

In the Hanan province of China , there is always a community celebration called "the Hercules festival" where bodybuilding men show off to the rest of the town. Surprisingly, the most common of these "showoff" competitions is pig luggage lifting.The methodology behind this sport is simply attaching handles to the pigs, [the pigs] weighing various amounts up to 200 lbs.  The men then contest whom can lift two 200 lbs pigs in both hands.The winners get bragging rights, but it's  one heck of an innovative sport! One Chinese man trying to lift two large pigs 

  67155 Hits

Florida man dies after eating insects

Edward Archbold, a prominent insect eater in the area, entered two contests this weekend. The first was a cockroach and acorn weevil eating contest. The second was a maggot eating contest.Edward placed first in both, and ended up getting the prize: a ball python. Later that night, he fell to his knees and died. The case is under inspection, but maybe the cockroaches were poisonous, or maybe  the acorn weevil larvae were poisoned. We will keep you updated with more information on this matter as it progresses.  Here he is after he won the contest 

  66658 Hits

Man loses testicle after impact

Paul Wood, a star in the game of rugby, lost a testicle today, following a serious collision with a fellow player. The ballsack, accordingly ripped open, causing the testicles to spew out. One was left dangling on a fine ligament, while the other twisted. Wood lost consciousness.Following the incident Wood woke up in a hospital. Unfortunately, the doctors had to  amputate his testicle, due to various complications. But, he cheerfully rubbed it off like a man (ow) and is expected to play rugby again within the next couple of weeks. Poor man. Man lost his tennisball here  

  66377 Hits

Acorn Weevil

The acorn weevil is a strange bug/insect, indigenous to North America.  They mostly feed on sap of acorns, and as a result, they grow larger than most other, more common species of weevil (due to high fat concentrate). Acorn Weevil   After finding an acorn, the weevil burrows a hole, sucks out the fat sap that cradles the delicate baby oak tree, and lays eggs , the babies will then emerge in months, and murder the poor seed inside the acorn. If they are unlucky, they will be massacred by hungry squirrels. For the squirrel, much like a mouse, would eat the larva , which is exceptionally high in protein. If the larvae do survive, they burrow out of the hole their mother (if you want to call it that) made. They can do this because as larva , they are like dough, very gelatinous, and pliable. Unfortunately, then they have...

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  67746 Hits

South Korea extends ICBM range, with US approval

South Korea has amped up it's missile systems in the past month. The reason? They simply want to threaten North Korea, thinking this will deter them from attacking ever again.Following the missile tragedies of last year, where both Koreas almost went to war again, both sides have amped up defenses across the border. And North Korea is turning to china for weapons, while south Korea is turning to the USA. Sounds like another cold war brewing :? South Korean Missiles Pretty -Courtesy of CNN-    

  66203 Hits

Naked wrestler shot dead by police officer

This morning , at about 1:23a.m. central time, a once great wrestler was shot and killed by a police officer.According to facts, the wrestler was unarmed, but bulky, and continuously kept charging at the officer, who is confirmed to have had a bottle of pepper spray and a stun gun.Instead of using a stun gun(tazer) or his pepperspray, the officer took out his colt 1911 and shot the wrestler in the chest.Perhaps the wrestler was doing bathsalts and wanted a taste of  the police officer's face? We may never know.The officer is on administrative (paid) leave , and a full investigation will be conducted on the incident. We will keep you updated on this juicy story. The Murder Weapon

  65971 Hits

Israel downs unmanned drone

Military personnel yesterday, near the Nagev dessert in northern Israel downed an unmanned drone. The source of the unmanned drone lays unknown, the wreck has been scavenged, nothing has been found yet.The incident occurred under direct orders of the minister of defense, claiming it was an "Iranian spy plane UFO" . Might as well call it aliens, we guess.Please note, Israel bluffed when they gave America until sept 21, 2012 to threaten Iran, hopefully war will never happen. By bluffed we mean they did not launch a preemptive strike, thank goodness. We don't want a nuclear war!   Unknown Unmanned Drone Downed 

  66520 Hits

Hulk Hogan Sex Tape Video

Accordingly, a full on (home made) porno featuring icon wrestler Hulk Hogan appeared on the internet recently. Accordingly, it was uploaded to a website called "Gawker". Hulk Hogan Porn Furthermore, the tape is confirmed to feature the icon, and it is still live. If you want to view it, if you are that sick, do so before the end of today, at which point it will be gone forever, or so we believe.Hulk remains silent on the matter, but his lawyers are working fast and hard to get rid of the video. So again , this is your chance to view it!We condone acting as a tabloid, but you must be informed! 

  66776 Hits

46 Vehicle Car Crash In Florida

  46 Vehicle car crashAt 3:00 today, a ton of cars, going down the popular Interstate 75 ended up colliding with each other. Accordingly, this was brought on by a thunderstorm, a very evil thunderstorm, we would say. 3 people were evacuated in critical condition, some say they are expected to die. All the others really lost their cars. It's sad how much carnage can come from one little thunderstorm. 26 others were taken to the hospital with non life threatening injuries. Many cars died today. Horrible accident many left injured  

  66649 Hits

Making the Cthulhu Portal into an online community

We are sad to announce that the Cthulhu Portal is not doing too well. We have no active members, and we are very sad to see this happen. As a result, we have amped up production of our featured move "Cthulhu the Movie", and plan to release it in the second quarter of 2013 (if we live that long). Furthermore, remember that the forum is open for any sort of discussion, this website is not all about Cthulhu, you can talk about anything you want!  If you find this website, tell a friend or two, it could help keep us alive!

  61521 Hits

Why the jobless percent means nothing

You might be thinking that the jobless percent tells us how well the country is doing, unfortunately you would be dead wrong.  The jobless percent is a statistic of the amount of people that have been out of a job for about one year's time, and are still actively looking for a job.People that no longer receive income from the jobless bureau are tallied off, this means if you can't find a job one year after being canner, or released, you don't count towards the jobless statistic anymore.In effect, the percent might be an all time low 7.8%, in reality it's more like 15% , solid and unfortunate. Let's not forget that in the eyes of the people, the homeless are no longer tallied either. So, don't even for a second think the economy is getting better. Money 

  66582 Hits

Syria sinking into anarchy

Following the incident this past weekend, where Syrian artillery was aimed at a Turkish border town, known to be harboring fugitive rebels, Turkey responded with artillery strikes of their own. Now it seems imminent, the two countries will likely go to war, but we don't care, as long as the BS NATO thing where one country being attacked makes all of NATO responsible to come and defend doesn't come into effect. A showdown of two backwards countries, going head to head, this should be interesting. Turks amass on Syrian Border But furthermore, we have  reports of Syrian rebels taking hostages from across the world, and threatening to execute them unless they give back rebel prisoners (sounds like the hijacking of the Lufthansa back n the 1960's by Syrian al queda members). The irony of the situation is, if the rebels do take the country, they will run it. Yes, these radical extremists...

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  66518 Hits

Starting your own website for free

We will go over a nice option for you if you are new to the whole "website making" arena. In fact, we will guide you through the process in three different steps. Servers Step 1)  Get yourself a domain!  Getting yourself a domain is pretty easy, try any website , usually most domains will cost 14$(US) per year to uphold, although there are free alternatives, the free alternatives are usually overrun by spammers, resulting in exclusion from search engine results (especially google). Our personal favorite is hosting24 , but again there are many free alternatives, just don't expect them to get much traffic from google.Step 2) Setting up your hosting !This can be the tricky part, ask yourself "Do I want to start out small?" Your answer will usually be "yes". Even YouTube started out as a small website hosted on a remote server. Our personal suggestion would be 000webhost.com , they...

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  66201 Hits

Chinese ferries crash on national Chinese day, killing 39

Another day, another accident. We are finally getting word that on October 2, 2012, two ferries, carrying ecstatic passengers, on the national day of Chinese unification crashed into each other. Apparently, something went awry with the amount of fireworks , temporarily blinding people steering the ferries, causing them to collide. The people on board described the crash as " a sudden rocking motion, almost as if we hit land". Unfortunately, they were far from land.Both ferries began sinking, about 130 people were extracted (thankfully) , but 39 have been confirmed dead, and a ton more are feared missing. Amidst the chaos, we wish them luck. Chinese Ferry Collision 

  66976 Hits


The ammonite is an odd creature, it looks quite archaic to be honest and that's because it is extinct. The ammonite was quite literally a squid with a shell. It was indeed carnivorous, it's closest living ancestor is the squid. Ammonite Ammonites died out hundreds of years ago, under unknown circumstances, but they are perhaps the most common fossils people tend to find. So, if you ever find an ammonite fossil, don't be too proud, they are pretty much worthless :)Back in the day, when more primitive people found the ammonite , they assumed it was a coiled up snake, turned to stone. People usually thought such things were cursed, and associated possessors with witchcraft.Nevertheless, some of these things were the size of great white sharks, and they were strictly carnivorous, so we should be glad they are not around anymore :) Imagine being grappled by one's tentacles, and eaten, not even...

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  67654 Hits

Jason Russell speaks for the first time since jacking off

Following his jacking off incident, and vandalizing of cars, Jason Russell had a "sit down talk" with Oprah today.  He claimed he was out of his mind, and that what we saw and heard was not him, and that he drank too much (clearly), and that fapping in public was wrong etc etc. Trying to clean up his image, and getting momentum that will never be his again flowing again. We still see he has some of that demonic charisma in his speeches, but we have no credibility , or anything for his organization anymore. Opera And Jason RussellFurthermore, we are proud to announce that Kony, much like Jason Russell has  been caught, not in Africa, but San Diego, CA, also jacking off. High off bathsalts. Check it out:   

  66800 Hits

Landkreuzer P 1500 Monster

Perhaps the final draft for a German super-heavy , all purpose tank, was the p-1500 Monster. Starting at 1500 tonnes, this thing would have been even larger than the p-1000 Ratte. RatteIn fact , it was planned to be almost 30% larger than the p. 1000 Ratte. As such, the radical resigned of the Monster called for four sets of tracks, about 1/2 the size of the Ratte. These would be put into all four corners of the massive tank, and the thing would move around, slowly , but steadily. Accordingly, this would have created a gyroscopic effect, allowing the massive Schwerer Gustav 800mm Siege Cannon, initially too large to fire even from a rail, to fire without toppling the Monster. P1500 Monster ConceptThe armour would have maxed out at 260mm all around, but the Monster was really created for indirect bombardment, not direct conflict. Much like the Ratte  , the...

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  84420 Hits