Does the soul exist?

For too long, religion has tried to prove the existence of the human essence. Simultaneously, scientific zealots, for whatever reason, have tried to the full extent to dehumanize people and have stated that much like other animals, humans are not unique, and the soul does not exist. Soul The first question you have to ask yourself is "why is it that unlike other animals, humans create their own, usually unique behavioral patterns?". This is an argument which science cannot explain, much like they cant explain how chemicals came together to create the first microscopic lifeforms, or why  humans and trees share a common ancestor, yet we are nothing alike.The simple question we will address today is the existence of a soul, or something that separates humans from lions, or pigs or praying mantises.  For the sheer purpose of not confusing you, we will call the "life essence" the "soul".Lets go back to...

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  67990 Hits

Presidential elections 2012: does it matter who really wins?

We are deeply regretful to say, we don't really care who wins this this election , and neither should you! As citizens of the continental United States, this year may be our last, so instead of going to vote on election day, go to church, ask god to forgive you for your sins, December 22nd is fast approaching, repent now while you still can :)But seriously, there is no difference between Obama or Romney for us, they could be one guy for all we know, vote for whomever you think is sexier I guess ;) Please note, we are not covering this election at all because we have reason to believe that none of you give a f*** :) Obama V.S. Romney  

  66798 Hits

The Destiny Spinner beta release and video tutorial

As we have stated before, our new invention, the Destiny Spinner  has entered the "open beta" stage. Whether you are trying to make a tough decision, or you are unable to choose a name for your new child (ie you have like 10 choices and you can't make up your mind) , the destiny spinner  promises to make your decision a " do and forget" type of thing. Just check it out.As an added bonus , we promised a video tutorial, so here is your tutorial: Hit the "hd" button to the top right, then the fullscreen button to the bottom right.   And don't forget to have fun with this! Don't take it too seriously, or maybe you should, we leave that up to you :)   

  66488 Hits

The Pirate Bay is back online

Promising you to follow up on the recent pirate bay blackout, we are proud to announce that the Pirate Bay is back online ! Yes, to all of you that have been crying for the past couple of days, your beloved pirating website is back, hopefully they learned from their mistakes and have implemented backup generators.The company has been under scrutiny since the implementation of SOPA and PIPA, both having been rejected. The Swedish based company is expected to keep running it's operation as usual from today on.    

  66653 Hits

The Pirate Bay has been downed?

Do you remember when the pirate bay intended to move it's servers over the Atlantic in unmanned drones?  Well, unfortunately, that idea might have saved the billion dollar , illegal website.We certainly don't oppose the pirate bay in any way, but we do firmly believe that they should at least make small donations to the people that are loosing potential customers, having worked on  so hard to create all that they have.But, regardless of what we think, The Pirate Bay, has been downed for two days now, they claim it to be "a simple power outage". Which of course, is ridiculous for a multi billion dollar website not to have backup generators, or anything for that matter.This comes after a crackdown on the website by multiple secret services, we are unsure to what extent they are involved in this, but once again, we are neutral on the site.We will keep you...

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  66318 Hits

Wisconsin noob dies

Accordingly, a man that lived in Wisconsin just came back from active service duty in Afghanistan. He was shot by an enemy sniper, with some sort of unknown round, the round did not penetrate, and the man was saved by his Kevlar vest. As a type of trophy, the man took the bullet home with him, and early this morning, he was flaunting it to all his friends, accordingly, telling them he "dodged death" All of a sudden, eye witness reports claim the bullet exploded from the rear, and entered the man's lower abdomen. He was later pronounced dead. Police claim the bullet that was fired did not fully discharge  after it was fired on the man. The bullet discharged partially when it was fired (and again when he came home), and thus, this poor man died, having dodged death once. Bullet

  66794 Hits

German world war II land battleship Landkreuzer P-1000 Ratte

Designed as early as the year 1942, the p-1000 was intended to be a land battleship. The monster was intended to be an astounding 35 meters long, 14 meters wide, and 11 meters tall. These are the exact specifications in cooperation between Porsche, Henschel & Son, and MAN SE company. Ratte TankThis gigantic thing would have wielded dual 28 cm SK C/34 naval gun (283mm) , which would have been rather more than enough to level a large chunk of any town with one shot, let alone two.Then , there would be a 128mm Pak 44 anti tank gun, in case anything got too close, or in case of an overcast heavy bomber. The 128mm was semi designed to be automatic, and a five clip shell case would be man fed into the gun, unlike the manual one shot 128mm Pak 44 which was not rifled on the Maus super heavy tank...

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  70791 Hits

A new doomsday virus discovered

A new virus may have leaked over from Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, a man from Qatar was visiting mecca, and received the virus from a local man that later died.  The man currently infected is probably going to die.The virus mimics SARS , which has a 10% fatality rate , and no known treatment to this date. The good thing is, this virus takes time to spread, therefore we probably have more time to study it before more people get infected and die.Much like SARS, it causes your lungs to shrivel, and kidney failure. So, the patient coughs up blood and dies of kidney failure over time.If the man does die, this virus would have a 100% fatality level, workers in the UK say they will work hard to try to understand the virus, but at this time there is no treatment or antidote available, so be very careful not to catch...

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  66664 Hits

Confusing friendly fire fight causes death toll in afghanistan to reach 2000

So there was an accidental conflict in Afghanistan this weekend, the results are unfortunate. 2 marines and 2 men of the afghan allied coalition are left dead. This statistically raises the death toll in Afghanistan alone to over 2000 since 2001. Thats almost 200 men lost there alone per year.Accordingly, it was accidental, and NATO reaffirms strong connections with the country, regardless of one mistake. In such a light, we must link it to how during the Vietnam war, planes would accidentally bomb their own troops, why? Lack of communication.We for one are sorry to hear about this, but some things are irreversible. 

  66344 Hits

Kenyan navy shells Somali port, seeking to exterminate terrorists

Unless you have no idea what happened to Somalia in the past 50 years, you should know that it is controlled by an Islamic extremist group called "Al Shabaab" . These people support al queda, and are linked to numerous terrorist attacks in north and east Africa.Regardless, Kenyan troops , along with the aid of a few brave Somali homeland army soldiers  planned to kick the terrorist group out of the city port of Kismayu. Intelligence gathered indicated that the  Al Shabaab members planned to ambush and kill the men as they entered the city.Radio signals and captured POWS confirmed that the city would be used to stall the men and inflict maximum casualties.To avoid such things, the Kenyan air force and navy leveled the city.  Accordingly, killing 2 children. No Al Shabaab members are confirmed to have died, nor is the city capable of harboring anything in it's flattened state. Kenyan...

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  66552 Hits

Man shoots his own son, thinking he is a robber

We just got word that a connect school teacher mistakenly shot his own son, thinking he was robbing his sister's house.The incident happened as follows:* At around 12:45 the youth (15) mounted a ski mask, and dressed in all black* 12:55 , he began trying to pry a window in his own aunt's house open*12:58 Aunt notices, and contacts her brother (the robber's own father, ironically)*1:00 The brother of the the woman being invaded shoots and kills the armed robber*1:08 After taking the mask off, the father notices it's his own son.Now why such a thing happened is hard to say, your guess is as good as ours.Here is a video, strait from CNN 

  67198 Hits

Tough choice? Let the Destiny Spinner make the decision for you!

The Order Of The Iron Phoenix has recently run a bit dry, we know, (the world is getting boring). But we are glad to announce that we have created another innovate little feature you may want to try. This feature is a party! Imagine that one night you cant decide which movie to watch with your friends, or even what movie to order off netflix (we all know how tough this can be) . Luckily, The Destiny Spinner  will make the decision for you! All you have to do is input your two choices, hit spin , and BAM! Your choice was made by a program that literally flips 200 coins in one millisecond, and gives you an answer based on what came out most often (your destiny).Now imagine that you got accepted into multiple colleges, or have a limited budget, and you don't want  to waste your money, pointlessly applying for...

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  66439 Hits

Medical studies prove that anti psyhcotics do not work

Hello dear reader, I will switch from my usual writings of interesting, and informative things to simply reflect on a medical study I read recently.This study blatantly stated that patients suffering from psychosis, depression or abnormal  (minor) mental illness should never begin such drugs.The study was conducted by 13 separate research facilities in Canada and Northern United States.  As stated, the people used as test subjects "consented to being experimented upon" for a price of "free" "as is usually the case in Canada".Among the subject, you must note that 85% were women suffering from minor depression. This was agreed upon by the researchers following a study on lab mice, proving the drugs had no visible affect on the male mouse.As such the person (s) chosen to be the "lab mice" were put on these brand new anti psychotics and did as follows:2% experienced positive affects44% experienced nothing49% experienced negative affects (nausea...

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  66827 Hits

How to get a full background check on anyone!

Getting a background check is no longer something that major corporations and firms can do, yes it's become accessible to the general public! You too can be Sherlock Holmes Have you ever wondered if your neighbors were serial killers like in the horror movies? Or perhaps if someone you are about to fornicate with has the AIDS virus (and this can be helpful). There are millions of reasons you may want to perform one.Many Americans hire people to take care of their most precious assets: their children.  But how do you know the guy/woman your leaving your kids wont start fapping on the couch when you leave and ruin your good towels, the remote and your leather sofa!?How can you possibly know if a guy your interested in doing your shingles  is not going to put a nail in your skull, then rob your house and run off to Mexico!?There is one...

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  67268 Hits

Conflict between Japan and China on the rise

Early yesterday, Japan bough the Senkaku islands from a private owner. This, ironically was on the same day Japan originally took the island from china in 1933. Japan China DiplomacyIn response to this act of "absorption" , China decided that the Senkaku islands were their international lands, and thus a conflict started.Riots all across Japan , in defense of the fatherland have sprung up.Likewise, riots against "Japanese aggression" have arisen up in China.Luckily, in such a situation, Washington stands firmly behind Japan. As far as a military engagement, there is little to no possibility of such a thing. Japan and China are civilized nations, they know better than to wage nuclear war:P

  66666 Hits

Some famous cats

This is a list of some of the most famous cats on the internet!Number 5: Maus The Cat! Coming in at number 5 is Maus, the German male cat! His name means "mouse" in English, ironically. Maus is an iconic cat that  recently became the subject of internet memes following a sitting posture he did, resembling that of humans. Maus Number 4: Fatso The KeyBoard Cat:Fatso is one of those cats that upon seeing , you will remember fond memories. A man named Charles Schmidt created the original "keyboard cat" in 1984. His work has since spawned clones and has made Fatso an internet sensation. As once was said "old is still gold".And in case you think keyboard cat died, he retired and his son came out with a new song in 2010 under the nickname "Bento" :)Number 3: Banker CatSometime in the year 2009 of our lord, a beautiful thing came to...

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  66608 Hits

Why iphone 4s users should stick to ios5

Google released ios 6 early today, free from the app store. But, unfortunately, they took out one of the greatest things know to all the prior ios' : Google maps.They replaced it with some sort of (visually beautiful) crap that serves no useful purpose. Not only is it inferior to Google maps in functionality, but it's worse than just using your gps, like seriously it sucks!The new maps app is not complete garbage, but it cant find simple locations, fails at finding out where you are, doesn't have the compass type walking thing Google maps does, and worst of all, does not have transit options.Did I mention it barely understand the concept of anchor and direction. So be warned: Don't get ios 6 until this is addressed! Apple Maps Sucks 

  66658 Hits

Man gets raped in Georgian jail with broomstick, public is outraged

So, accordingly the prison systems in the little country to the south of Russia called Georgia make ours look like kindergarten. In the Georgian prisons, men get beaten like animals, and one man in the video below is being sexually penetrated with a broomstick. Men protest after a prisoner is raped with a broomstick Accordingly, the people responsible have been brought to justice , but this does not fair well for their current president, as re-elections are coming up very soon in Georgia.

  67558 Hits

Legalizing marijuana polls starting soon

So finally, people have realized that marijuana is neither toxic, nor does it really affect your ability to perform. As a result, Colorado, Oregon and Washington (state) are starting ballots on legalizing this substance.It is predicted that if it does become legalized, law enforcement costs on hunting it would decrease (naturally) , farming jobs would increase (another obvious answer) , and the economy would boom (much like Virginia did when tobacco was first discovered).As far as our opinion? Go for it chaps! As long as a law is passed (much like with alcohol)  where you cant operate under the influence, it should all be cool. There will be a happier population, less people in jail and lots of time to kick back and smoke a bong :) Marijuana - Legalize it! 

  66658 Hits

Alligator Gar

The alligator gar is one of the largest fresh water fish found in the lakes of the continental North America. The alligator gar receives the name "alligator" because it's frontal 'beak" is shaped like an alligator's mouth. Alligator GarThe alligator gar can grow to be an astonishing 365 pounds(165.56 kg) . The Alligator's main food supply comes from algae and other passive plant-life. But the Alligator Gar is indeed carnivorous, so it will stalk and kill almost anything that lives in the rivers of North America. From stingrays to small alligators, nothing is safe.Men have claimed to be bitten by alligator gars , this has never been proven, but it's an interesting thing to keep in mind the next time you go skinny dipping in the Mississippi, it might just bight off your crowned jewels :) 10 foot long alligator gar 

  66813 Hits