PanzerkampfwagenVIII Maus

Upon initially discovering the project codenamed "Maus", we where naturally fascinated. We had heard of the Germans creating ufos, super submarines, jets, and even land battle ships, but never had we heard of the mobile bunker. And so we decided to share with you the intriguing research that we have spawned. Well, first of all the Maus, contrary to It's name, is not a small tank by any means, In fact, its far larger than any tank we would deploy today (for obvious reasons). So, as opposed to to the average tank of world war II, this thing could simply run over anything anyone had and just keep driving, and mounting a 128mm kwk 44 L/55 naval gun, it could blow anything to smithereens. A British reconstruction of a MAUS super-Heavy Tank Furthermore we want to stress the size of this thing because it was MASSIVE! Just imagine anything you may...

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  71467 Hits

The Order Of The Iron Phoenix Portal Re-Construction

Hello dear users, we are proud to announce that for the time being, we have gathered analysis of any sections of the website that are not being used at all, and have decided to demobilize BurnOn social networking as a result. If you object to this, please contact us. Furthermore, the entire portal will be redone (the main website). Forum will be integrated with everything and we will try to have a universal login. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, contact us. We appreciate your kindest support. The Order Of The Iron Phoenix 

  68642 Hits

The Opening Ceremony For The London 2012 Summer Olympics

The opening ceremony will be held on July 27, 2012. We are currently unaware of whom will be holstering the torch to it's final destination, but we have reason to belove it may be the chairman of UN from South Korea. We are very excited, and honored, to be covering the entire thing this year, you can stay tuned to our section of coverage as the games progress. As far as whom we want to see leave with the most golds this year? We hold a couple of countries dearly to our hearts ;). But we do wish luck to all athletes of all nations. Cheers, The Order Of The Iron Phoenix Team

  68919 Hits

The joker killer

James Holmes, an absolutely pitiful human being, came into a theater, wearing a gasmask , threw in some smoke bombs, and opened fire on innocent civilians.  He ended up killing 12 and injuring another 59. The sickening part is really that the schizophrenic sap thought he would be a joker copycat, he fantasized about being the villain and decide to prove himself. Pictures of his fantasies have been found in his apartment. 24 year old Holmes also had a journal which appears to depict him as an attention seeking , mentally ill child. Perhaps if someone found these earlier, 12 innocent people could have been saved. As for our opinion? We believe that a person of this mentality has proven himself to be unfit for a human rich environment, a death sentence appears to be the best solution for such a sickening, and cowardly child. Although we personally condone the death...

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  69388 Hits

The best charity in the history of the universe

Hello, dear reader. We are going to start a very different type of charity today, this will involve anyone reading our blog to donate any amount of spare change to an account we will be monitoring personally. The proceeds of this charity will toward our hopes of purchasing a rare Savannah kitten, so the goal is 25,000$. This means that out of the 30,000 page-views we hit on our website per day, if 100 people donate 1$, in 250 days , we will have the kitten. What we intend to do with this kitten is raise it, and video tape it's life for the next couple of years. As a huge bonus, we will do all of this for free on YouTube in our documentary on the rare, and perfect cat. So, if you may just please donate one dollar, or less, or maybe ore, we could possible get the ball...

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  68940 Hits

How the origin of the word "miracle" lies in pagan practice

Perhaps you are familiar with the word "miracle" in association with whatever religion you openly or secretly practice. But did you know that the word "miracle" which is nearly identical in all Romance and Teutonic tongues has it's roots in the ancient pagan worship of Zeus's loveliest son Hercules? Well, the origin of the word comes from a common Latin phrase "Me Hercule" which derives from an earlier Greek phrase, which at this moment is meaningless. It just translates to "my Hercules" so , you end up saying "my Hercules" every time god heals a man. And why? Because Hercules was indeed the miracle child in Greek mythology, forged by the gods, to save humanity from the paranormal. We would toast to that ;) POLLAIUOLO - Hercules Fights The Hydra In oils 

  69305 Hits

Merchant vessel sunk off the coast of Saudi Arabia

Accordingly, yesterday a six-man boat was fired upon by the US navy sailing 12 miles south west off the coast of Saudi Arabia. The reason being that the boat (being a siple fishing boat with no technology) did not respond to warning signals, and thus was identified as hostile and sunk. All six persons on board succumb to their injuries and sink to the bottom of the sea.  As of today, we dont have live coverage or pictures, simply because it's an isolated incident involving military personnel.You can read more about Incidents related to this here: https://theorderoftheironphoenix.com/piracy  Sunken Iranian Vessel 

  68756 Hits

The World's Largest House Cat

Have you ever wondered what the world's largest house-cat looks like? Have you ever wondered if something the size of a lion could make a good pet? Well, there is a species of cat christened the Savannah Cat. Savannah CatThis cat comes in at an impressive 5 feet from tail tip to nose. Its known to weigh up to 100 lbs, plays fetch and is great with other pets, children and even dogs. In essence, the cat is really more of a cheetah than a house cat, the only thing house-cat about it is It's adorable head and playful behavior. Researchers say that breeding housecats with wildcats results in a huge drive to be "naturally aggressive", this of course is a load of bull. The Savannah, as oppose to even most dogs, can be taught to walk on a leash , use a litter box, play fetch, swim (which they love) and...

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  69077 Hits

Do you hate speaking with robots?

Ok, so this is going to all come from personal experiences. Yes, I'm going to write about my boring old life today, and although you may not care to read this, I want to make a VERY valid point. The scenario So, yesterday my cable box stopped working properly, I use Comcast due to my excessive like of movies. Anyways, I'm the type of person that NEVER has time to watch television. So, I really throw a solid 80$ out of my pocket every month (yeah it's pretty cheap for 999 channels I never watch).   And to my dismay, the cable box was not working. And so, this being the first time in months I had to watch television, I naturally decided "heck, why not call the support team , after all I pay them right?" . So I picked up the good old cell, found Comcast's number and gave them...

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  68688 Hits

The Cthulhu Portal Must Grow

Hello dear users. As stated before, the chat module was causing too many problems and the simplest solution was to suspend it until further notice. Aside from that, we are looking for people to spread this website to their friends. If you own a website related to Cthuhu matters, contact us and become an official partner. If we get 50 users by the end of July, we will put out a commercial for our brand new movie "Cthulhu The Movie" and give you an exclusive chance to get the entire movie free of charge the day it comes out (dvd and blueray). So please, send more people our way :D      

  62363 Hits

Another lord of the rings movie in 2012

On December 14th, 2012, Peter Jackson will launch the first part of his fourth movie(yes, it will be split into two parts). This, of-course, is the long awaited "hobbit". It will follow the story of Bilbo Baggins, and will go along with the first book in the series. It appears that Gandalf and Elrond are still going to be present in this new move. But, will it live up to everything that the series has been in the past decade? Although it doesn't seem so long ago, the first movie was launched almost ten years ago. But, this is certainly a movie we at theorderoftheironphoenix are looking forward to! Here is a TRAILER: Read the review here : The Hobbit Review

  68868 Hits

Attack near Bonne Island , Nigeria

06/30/2012, A large sea vessel, carrying raw foodstuff, was approached by a wooden pirate vessel. The pirate speed boat chased he vessel for a few miles, and then began firing AK-47s and RPGs At the ship. The ship suffered collapsed windows, minor damage to the hull and base deck and a damaged wave rotor. The crew where perfectly safe, thanks to the implementation of a "safety citadel", the pirates apparently lost interest and sped away after the ship refused to stop. Nigerian Pirates Courtesy of BBC

  68751 Hits

Another cannibal attack rocks the world

July 1, 2012, south east china: a crazed bus driver high of drugs and alcohol is said to have come across a youth driving a car , beat the car with a stick until the youth attempted to flee , and pounced on her, devouring her face, as she screamed for help. This is a very eerie scenario following the recent cannibal attacks in the western and mid-north united states. Perhaps it was not bath salts after all, perhaps something far more devious is solely responsible for recent cannibal attacks. The woman whom had been attacked and mauled should be ok , save the fact that reconstruction surgery will be necessary to make her look human again. The bus driver on the other hand will probably be put to death in accordance with Chinese law. The reason behind this attack seems to be alcohol (not that this has ever happened). To...

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  69273 Hits

We are now rigorously working on a Cthulhu movie

The Cthulhu Portal is proud to announce that we have begun creating a 3d movie based on the famous Mythos. We are working hard to get a preview out by August 2012. Also, note that if you want to sell something on the CthulhuPortal, you can always click here and we will get your product up as soon as we can. For any suggestions for The Cthulhu Portal , click here and start a new topic.     

  61829 Hits

Toshiba Qosmio X870 Review

The Toshiba Qosmio X870 is a rather amazing edition to toshiba's now famous gaming laptop brand. Many would claim that the Qosmio series rivals dell's Alienware (and they would be right). So anyways, we got ourselves one the day it came out and will now begin to share our experience with you. Lets begin with a photo of the opened Qosmio x870 so you can get a visual. Qosmio x870 Now, the key elements of this laptop would be : * The 17.3 inch 1600x900 full led screen display (full hd) * Large keyboard with island configuration for a numb pad (in beautiful crimson red backlight) * HD surround sound speakers *The ability to turn off your touchpad by clicking th top left corner *4 usb 3 ports *blue ray reader (dvd r/w) * Gigabit wifi card * Ethernet port (if your old school) *Beautiful design, upgrade from the x775 because...

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  70238 Hits

Why do you really feel like your in love with your cat?

A very cute catDo you ever get that warm feeling around your cat? Its the same feeling you would get being around people you find physically attractive. Well, you are not alone. Millions of people worldwide are falling in love with their cats sexually. And it's not their faults. Norwegian scientists have recently updated their research on a cat born parasite called  Toxoplasma Gondii. This parasite lives exclusively on cats (and who can blame it, nobody can resist their charismatic charm).  So, this parasite causes men and women of the human race alike to pick up a cat and start snuggling with it. This is because the parasite really has this whole "brain control" thing down, causing people infected to pick up their cats and snuggle with them, causing the parasite to travel onto the humans and ,subsequently, into the human ear canal and human brain. There, the new parasites make...

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  68840 Hits

United States withdraws troops from Europe

Recently, the United States government and the combined board of military leaders (allied) has announced that U.S troops, who have been in Europe for 80 something years now, will be withdrawn back to the United States. There are currently about 80,000 United States troops in Europe. The government has predicted that having this many men in stable countries would simply be "too costly" to uphold. In addition to costs, most of the troops stationed in Europe end up being moved to the Middle East or Asia anyways, so keeping them there at the moment seems to be completely useless (other than as a midpoint). As of July 1st, an estimated 7,000 troops will be withdrawn. The US will then reposition these troops in parts of Asia, South America and Africa where they "are needed". The other 70k will eventually also be moved. Although no known deadline for this move exists, we...

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  69430 Hits

June 26th, 2012 Update

The Cthulhu Store has been launched (although this is not what the future one will look like). You can check it out in the menu bar to your left. We also have a poll running concerning the live chats we recently added. Vote on that here. Future plans:*Make website Faster *Add a wall*Add more emoticons*Get more people

  61518 Hits

The Cthulhu Store

This is the Cthulhu Store. Anything you purchase will help keep the portal alive.

  70106 Hits

Facebook like chat integrated for registered users

The Cthulhu Portal now has the ability for any registered users to use a chat function to the bottom right to talk with your befriended souls. You need to be registered to see it, and a third party wrote the function for us, so their brand name will remain on the chat until we can pay them off. Until then, enjoy our free to use social media platform. *Still looking for people that want to negotiate a deal with us to sell their dark merchandise in our "Cthulhu store" prior to launch.

  61554 Hits