Starting your own grape vine

When you initially decide that you either want fresh , sweet, plump grapes, or you want personally-produced wine, you are faced with a ridiculous situation: where do you start? Grape Vine  Well, we will take your hand step by step and then suggest some books if you would care to continue your research. Lets begin at the basics: You must first decide this: 1) Do I want one grape vine? 2) Do I want a grape vine farm? Like with anything else, grape growing has the potential to be very profitable. By very, we do mean that pretty much anyone can grow grapes and start selling them at a farmer's market, or maybe even negotiate a contract with a larger distributer, essentially making more profit. Some other things you can do with grapes:-non alcoholic grape cyder-grape jelly- raisins (although this is a tough niche to get into)-wine (we will go further...

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  66976 Hits

Can cats teleport?

Does it bother you when one second you come through the door and see your cat on the stove, then you look behind you and hes already there, instantly? How is this possible?Well, after years of research, lead scientists have discovered that cats can teleport, yes  it's very possible. They can do this because years of evolution had to give them some sort of distinct advantage over other things in their weight tier. Here is a great example.  Disclaimer: this is a joke post :)   

  67345 Hits

Legends Of The Fall Review

Recently, we found a good old copy of "Legends Of  The Fall" rotting away at some old book store. Naturally we decided to buy it, based on personal experience of watching it in the past. The movie basically starts out pretty merry , Captain Ludlow portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, a retired general from the Indian wars of old, runs his farm with his three sons. Already at the beginning, there is a creepy air about how the captain and his wife appear to love each other, yet they are so distant. This is a subliminal message that grows throughout this beautiful move. So basically, the Captain's youngest son Samuel, brings home a beautiful mistress (not so beautiful in our opinion) , that which he intends to marry. Basically , they seem rather happy, much like his father did with Samuel's wife (whom only returns to the farm once a year). Just...

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  69801 Hits

Who will be the american president in 2013?

Well, lets just tell you something. We are not racists here at the order of the iron phoenix, nor is what we are about to tell you very certain. But after years of close study, we have come to a conclusion that there is really no contest in the presidential election this year.No, unfortunately , the chances are literally 92% to 8% in the favor of one man. Who might that happen to be? Well, it's Barrack Obama, again.Yes, you all know and dislike him, but he will be president, for another couple of years. And do you know why? Because he's black. Yes, thats all, hes black. Barrack Obama...... again =(

  67156 Hits

Syrian commoners killed in line waiting to be rationed bread

We heard that recently, the Syrian government waited for a group of innocent commoners to create a bread line. As these commoners waited to get free bread, a Syrian jet gave them a shower of lead and napalm to cheer about, killing something like 20 or so. Here is a video from CNN to make it look like we actually care more: Furthermore, to keep ourselves in good hands with our readers, we condone this war crime, but we don't want to see the western world intervene, as we have stated before.Let them sort out their own problems, this is not a war of aggression, its a simple rebellion after all.

  67495 Hits

Hurricane Isaac to blow over peacefully

So good news, the so called "Second Katrina" is going to blow over by the end of tomorrow. Although it has caused a bit of flooding and power outages, it was nothing more than an inconvenience to this country(because the more we wast on internal improvement, the more we will charge for gas, and we can add the recent drought in the Midwest to this concoction of issues. Leading economists predict the damage will stay at 1 billion $(US),again , a simple inconvenience.Rest assured people of the states, our only issues left are from the flooding , which has left residences drenched in a few feet of water, as hurricanes tend to do. Hurricane Isaac 2012 Here today, gone tomorrow- Marcus Aurelius.   

  67435 Hits

Aokigahara Forest -the sea of trees and souls- a revisit

We recently wrote about the mystique surrounding Aokigahara Forest, following a beautiful documentary on the forest in regards to it's infamous side.We decided to share some more recent knowledge with you about the worlds second largest suicide destination in the world, the golden gate bridge being the first.We read about a book from 1993 by the now infamous writer Wataru Tsurumui , and his deemed "suicide manual" where he writes about the art of suicide, and the many tactics one should do and not do to die honorably. Ironically, he states the beautiful forest beneath the great Mount Fuji as "the perfect place to die". Some say you find one dead person hanging from a tree every 10 yards From 1993-2012 the number of confirmed suicides stands at 633, this is quite shocking, simply because 90% of the people that hang themselves or die of sleeping pill overdoses etc, are never recovered....

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  71870 Hits

550 pound bomb found in German construction site

Do you remember how back in early 2011 two bombs were removed from the river Rhine? Or perhaps you remember when we first started our website, we told you about how we would cover the whole Olympic Summer Games 2012 and how there was a German bomb from world war II in the stadium construction site?Well, another bomb was found, yesterday the 550 lb mark VIII bomb was  found under the soil of some building foundation in the shopping capitol of the world : Munich, Germany.  An old relic sent over by the RAF or USAF some 60 years ago.The bomb posed such a threat that thousands were evacuated from the city, like a herd of sheep.Luckily the bomb was successfully defused, and nobody was hurt. But, it is unfortunate to see the longer lasting impacts of war on the environment. We hope this will be the last bomb ever found...

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  66946 Hits

We strongly believe that Iran should stay in Iran, and the USA should not take any military actions against a nuclear power.

We received some enlightenment recently on the delicate struggle of power and the very real prognosis of a nuclear war in the middle east. In the final half of the year two thousand and twelve of our lord Jesus Christ, we believe that this "gathering tempest" can indeed lead to the final battles of human existence on the tops of mount mount megiddo ( Armageddon).Although it seems like destiny cannot be changed, and that nuclear war is unavoidable, we strongly believe that if these two countries can simply ignore each other, we can change destiny. All that is needed is one spark, that spark would lead to a great fire that could end humanity.Man's worst fear is on the verge of occurrence. There are two nuclear powers, armed with multiple nuclear weapons, pointed at each other. The difference between what might have been during the cold war, and what is now,...

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  66973 Hits

NYC shooting leaves nine injured , two dead

So, a 58 year old women's clothing designer (last name Johnson) came into his former area of employment, and emptied 9 rounds into one of his former coworkers. Johnson killed the man.Upon exiting the building , three police officers began volleying shots at Johnson, whom did not fire back.Well, they killed him ,but, they took seven commoners with him. All of these people are expected to survive, but the thought of them accidentally injuring 7 is a scary one. Empire State Building Shooter  

  67315 Hits

Neil Armstrong, 82 dead

Niel Armstrong died early today from cardiovascular complications. He quickly became famous some fifty years ago when he landed on the moon -a feat thought impossibly by men of his time-. We are sad to see yet another great person die, but that is the sad way of life. RIP Neil Armstrong August 5th ,1930- August  25th, 2012. Neil Armstrong 

  67402 Hits

Mark David Chapman dened parole for the 12th year in a row

Mark David Chapman, 57, the psychopathic murderer of former Beatle John Lennon,  was eligible for parole in 2000. Only ten years after gunning down the famous singer and song writer John Lennon. Nevertheless, he was sentenced to 20 years -life by the justice department of New York. After 10 years, he was eligible for parole due to "good behavior".He was denied in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007,2008,2009,2011, and now 2012 because it is a wise sentiment that releasing him in the public would not only endanger others, but more likely Chapman, since he did kill a worldwide sensation. Chapman will stay behind bars forever, it appears 

  67308 Hits

Texas judge warns of possible American civil war

A Texas judge earlier today stated (for about the fifth time) that "if Obama is reelected, the people would have to revolt, and fight Obama's UN backed troop". He strongly believes Obama wants to cede america to the UN. Although it sounds paranoid, people agree with him in the masses. Now is that just a myth? We let you be the judge of that. You can read more about the initial "observation" here: Click here then you can try to piece that video together with the statement.

  67593 Hits

Facebook Buys Instagram

You heard it right! We just got news that facebook was approved to buy instagram with 750 million dollars. It appears facebook is doing this due to the lack of shareholders in their stocks(about 20$ per stock now), and the popularity of instagram as a newer, more trendy social network. God knows what will happen to instagram now. Facebook bought Instagram 

  67888 Hits

Spam will never be allowed to roam freely on The Order Of The Iron Phoenix for as long as we live!

Dear spammers, promoting your garbage on our website has caused us to be labeled as a "blacklisted" website by google. This means any internal or outbound links will be considered links to spam sites, we congratulate you, way to get your pagerang back to 0! But in the process, you ignorant seo noobs took us with you.  Thanks to you, google has dropped all of our seo work to a state of purgatory (PR-0). We hope you are happy, starting with BurnOn, all of your sad accounts will be banished, your ips's blocked. There is nothing you can do to stop us, your backlinks will be gone forever. We are a clean site, we do not tolerate links to pornographic content and will not allow promotion of your garbage unless you pay us, have you idiots heard of adwords?  We will also dedicate ourselves to eliminating your spam backlinks off the...

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  67197 Hits

Cleansing BurnOn Social Media

After careful consideration , we have decided that BurnOn could use a second chance. We would be ashamed to see its capabilities wasted. So lets just share a few of them while we delete thousands of spam blog posts and accounts.   1) You can create your own personalized profile, with your own pictures, background, wall, and much much more. 2) You can use BurnOn's dating capabilities to find someone special. We know this is a longshot with all the dating sites now available, but anything could happen! 3) You can utilize our video sharing portion to share videos with your friends, and the entire community!, Try it, you might learn to love it! 4) Share photos with anyone, yes no need for something like deviantart or flickr, you can now share pictures you create with your friends and the community! 5) GOUPS! You can create and manage groups, much like...

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  67997 Hits

Suicide Forest Of Japan

We accidentally stumbled upon something rather gruesome today. Naturally, we will share it with you. Lets begin by saying that in human nature, we try to ignore the bad, we try to ignore it even when it becomes a blatant, and straightforward concern. Suicide as a whole is one of the most major issues within today's modernized society. In countries like the USA, South Korea and as you will see, in Japan, competition is rough, tough capitalism means that if you don't do too well in school, you are worthless. This is the number one reason why teens make up 90% of suicide victims worldwide. Here is a documentary that focuses on Japan's beautiful forest , lying fertile below a dormant volcano. Some 100 people are found here, having committed suicide for one reason or another. We hope this puts reality into your head, don't ignore problems.

  68290 Hits

How to make a great first impression at a job fair

Follow these five easy steps when attending any job fair, and you should shine like a star, remember first impressions are everything. 1) Bring a Binder  When attending your first job fair , or your tenth, you should know and understand that the main thing you will be getting is souvenirs.  Mainly these will comprise of flyers, job description packets, pens , mouse pads , magnets , and maybe something "pricier" , you want to be well prepared to stow these away in your handy binder. Don't forget to also pack your resumes, and if your actively hiring, to bring  souvenirs of your own. This is a great way to get people to not only be more comfortable, but they might use your pen or magnet and refer one of their friends accidentally to your place of business. If you go to a job fair without a binder, that is like...

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  67673 Hits

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Codes As of 2011

So, this was a strange request we received via an email. We dug some dirt up and got a complete list of these codes as of the last day of the year 2011. We hope you enjoy these because they where very hard to find. yu-gi-oh card *Hint: Press ctrl+f and type in the name of anything your looking for in particular. *  -Misc-"A" Cell Breeding Device = 34541863"A" Cell Incubator = 64163367"A" Cell Scatter Burst = 732626764-Starred Ladybug of Doom = 839946467 = 670487117 Colored Fish = 237717167 Completed = 86198326-A-A Cat of Ill Omen = 24140059A Deal with Dark Ruler = 06850209A Feather of the Phoenix = 49140998A Feint Plan = 68170903A Hero Emerges = 21597117A Legendary Ocean = 00295517A Major Upset = 32207100A Man with Wdjat = 51351302A Rival Appears! = 05728014A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon = 28596933Absolute End = 27744077Absorbing Kid from the Sky = 49771608Abyss Soldier...

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  67884 Hits

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Codes As of 2011

So, this was a strange request we received via an email. We dug some dirt up and got a complete list of these codes as of the last day of the year 2011. We hope you enjoy these because they where very hard to find. yu-gi-oh card *Hint: Press ctrl+f and type in the name of anything your looking for in particular. *  -Misc-"A" Cell Breeding Device = 34541863"A" Cell Incubator = 64163367"A" Cell Scatter Burst = 732626764-Starred Ladybug of Doom = 839946467 = 670487117 Colored Fish = 237717167 Completed = 86198326-A-A Cat of Ill Omen = 24140059A Deal with Dark Ruler = 06850209A Feather of the Phoenix = 49140998A Feint Plan = 68170903A Hero Emerges = 21597117A Legendary Ocean = 00295517A Major Upset = 32207100A Man with Wdjat = 51351302A Rival Appears! = 05728014A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon = 28596933Absolute End = 27744077Absorbing Kid from the Sky = 49771608Abyss Soldier...

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  72104 Hits