Win a free car 2013! And Free microsoft points!

As you may or may not remember (we haven't been around long enough ) , we announced a contest where anyone that followed us on Twitter Or Facebook would be eligible to win a 2012 Honda Civic Hybrid. Well, we have tweaked things around a bit. Recently Honda announced the release of the new model: the 2013 Honda Civic Fusion Hybrid. Therefore, we have changed the prizes to comply with the newest models.As a show of faith, we also have added the chance to win 2100 Microsoft points every 500 likes or followers we get (just so there are smaller prizes). The standings are as follows for the first three months:15/500,000 Facebook6/100,000 TwitterWe hope you will all participate, after all, there is really nothing you can loose. The contest might expire tomorrow or in a few years, based on user -end activity.  Don't be shy to invite your friends ;) Regards, TheOrderOfTheIronPhoenix 

  68305 Hits

Olympic medal counts as of 08/08/2012

 Ok, so China is still leading the pack with 73 total medals, the USA is behind with 70, UK and Russia are still tied with 48 medals each. Then Germany lies in fifth with 31, Japan in 6th with 29, and France has 28. The Olympics are beginning to intensify, but we can already predict it will mainly be a clash between the USA and China.  Good luck to everyone!

  68156 Hits

Rare footage of North Korea

North Korea has experienced an extreme flooding recently , which has resulted in loss of crops, housing units and personal belongings of many of It's inhabitants. Luckily, only 400 have gone missing, which is fine compared to the half a million that now lay homeless. Our hearts and support go out to North Korea , we hope they can get by this quickly, with UN aid. As people, we must put our difference of creed aside during tragedies. Here is some rare footage courtesy of Reuters  :

  67786 Hits

Olympic Medals As Of August 07, 2012

As the first week came to an end, we had a huge boost in medals. They are as follows: (top 20) So, as you can see, china is now solidly in first place with 67 medals, the Us is in second with 64 and Great Britain is in third with 43 followed by Russia with one less. We love how these numbers fluctuate and hope that you are enjoying the Olympic games so far, there is still over a week left, so we are excited to see what will happen next! 

  68228 Hits

Man kills 6 people in Sikh temple then dies

It just so happens that all too recently, the aurora massacre was still a fresh story, and all of a sudden, another massacre happens. This time a "self proclaimed" neo-nazi" decided to walk into a Muslim temple and open fire.The gunman was  confronted by a police officer in the midst of the shooting, he opened fire on the police officer, but the officer sent him a fatal shot through the forehead, resulting in the end of the massacre.The brave officer is now in intensive care, word has it he wont make it.  Two other people also lie dying in a hospital with near fatal wounds. We, again, condone this action as another act of terrorism, like the aurora theater massacre.We are sad to see that the most powerful country in the world cannot regulate access to weapons of war (mgs, smgs , rifles etc etc) within it's own borders.We also believe...

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  68114 Hits

Possible Resurgence of Ebola in Uganda

After a week of secrecy , one of the largest hospitals in Uganda (Kagadi Hospital) has confirmed that the 16 people that died in the past week at this hospital have indeed died of the dangerous, and viral infection called Ebola.Ebola is a type of virus/germ hybrid that lives naturally in the African soil (for whatever reason thats the only place it lives). When strange conditions occur, the virus resurges and attacks apes and humanoids alike, nobody can quite predict these surges because they occur spontaneously. The victims will grow puss-balls, throw up, have high fever and diarrhea, then succumb to the infection and die.The largest problem is that Ebola is like a plague , when the germ enters one human, and it is deadly 90% of the time, It spreads through populations VERY quickly, resulting in exterminations of villages cities and possibly, entire countries.Should you be worried? The Hospital states...

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  67899 Hits

Top 20 medal counts (by country) as of 08/02/2012

 So as you can see, the USA has steadily increased in the quantity of medals, now beating china by 3 total,Japan clings for third for the second day as Germany now goes ahead of France for fourth place, tied with the new competitor in town: Russia. France is then solidly in 6th with 16, the UK is catching up with 15, followed by South Korea,Italy, Australia, Canada, The Netherlands, Ukraine, Romania, North Korea, Hungary, Brazil , Mexico, Kazakhstan, and South Africa in that order, a ton of other countries have some medals, but we want you to see the statistics in a "number perspective" so we omitted 21-x. We are excited to see how this will all play out, but China and the USA seem to be dominating the first two places, as they did four years earlier in Beijing.

  68219 Hits

Phelps wins first gold medal in the 2012 London Olympic Games

Phelps won the 200 m individual M (men's ) today and won his first gold medal of the year, he is now officially the first person in the world to have  22 medals, 16 of which are gold. We wish him a happy celebration for his amazing feat. Good job to all of team USA so far.  

  68312 Hits

Man gets arm eaten by gator and 6 months in jail

  MeowAn airboat tour captain recently went to a hospital after an alligator bit his entire hand off. One week later he was indited on feeding the gator, and was sentenced to 6 months in jail or a 40,000$ bond. Watch the official video here:So, the poor man looses his hand and his freedom. 

  68431 Hits

Olympic gold medals top 5 countries as of 08/01/2012

 As of now USA is ahead of China by one medal, china is in second with 25, Japan stole third place from France with 14, France is in tied for fourth place with Germany , both having 11 medals altogether.

  68061 Hits

Getting your online business started the right way

Getting your first on line website or or e selling business or even retail business can be a huge hassle. Perhaps the most painful part about the entire thing is if your working alone, or just starting out , you can have the best website or products in the world , but nobody will ever know about you. Furthermore, ad campaigns take forever and usually are a "lose now gain later" type of thing. But there are cheaper alternatives, not everyone can afford a 30 second commercial running at 40,000$(us)+  , imagine running 10 haha. Anyways, we do have a simpler solution that will still spread and propagate your "word of mouth"  advertising campaign, and yes it's so simple anyone can do it. Its literally just giving out business cards, pens brochures and maybe getting a lawn sign or two to get people to check your stuff out. I have personally...

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  68424 Hits

Indian power outage leaves 600 million powerless.

The power grid in the entire country recently collapsed rendering millions powerless, crippling train transportation, grocery store power, refrigerators, cold water, hot water and possibly everything else. Many people could possibly die as India is very poor and requires importing of most of It's food and water supplies. Thousands stay in line as the public transportation just stays on the rails, powerless. As of now, we have little word of the entire scenario other than that this is one of the worst disasters of 2012. More on this as the issue persists.We also wished we had coverage in someone that spoke better English ;)   

  68795 Hits

Syrian Crisis Worsens

News strait from Syria stated that the rebels had captured Syrian tanks, artillery and other heavy weapons after a successful raid on an army camp. These weapons where then used against other army outposts and the rebels have pushed into the outskirts of Aleppo, killing innocent civilians. A typical Syrian t-72, a devastating device in the wrong hands. 

  68825 Hits

Olympic medal count as of the morning of 07/31/2012 Eastern Time

As of early this morning, the usa is in first with 18 medals followed by china with 17 and France with 7 (astonishingly France is doing great this year) here are the rest courtesy of 

  68452 Hits

United Kingdom Wins First Medal

Lizzie Armitstead, a long time rider for the English cycling team, has won the first medal for the uk in the women's 140km bicycle race. The uk currently has 0ne gold, one silver and zero bronze medals. Hopefully, this will be the first of many medals for the nation hosting this year's Olympics.  Silver Medal

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Netherlands takes home the gold in the women's 140 km.

Marianne Voss takes the first gold medal for the Netherlands  in the women's 140 km road race. This now officially means the Netherlands has one gold and one silver medal. Voss did an excellent job and we are proud to see the Netherlands is doing better than they did in Beijing! Netherlands 

  68765 Hits

Olympic medals as of 07/28/2012

The top for medal winning teams as of yesterday are as follows: Courtesy of the official Olympics website      

  68718 Hits

Saturday, July 28th Olympic Schedule

So , the schedule is as follows today:   Soccer/Football 4:00-9:00 (am) eastern time   USA VS Colombia  (womens) Brazil V.S. New Zealand(womens)  France V.S. North Korea (womens) Evening Matches (post 5:00 pm) et  Japan V.S. Sweden (womens)  Canada V.S. South Africa  Great Britain V.S. Cameroon Women's Volleyball: China V.S. Serbia (between 4 and 9) Usa vs South Korea Men's: Great Britain vs. Canada USA vs. South Africa Basketball China vs. Czech Republic  Canada vs. Russia Turkey vs. Angola USA vs. Croatia Brazil vs. France Australia vs. Great Britain Handball: Denmark V.S. Sweden (women's) Others will include archery, fencing, tennis, about four cycling races starting from 5 am and going until the end of the day, And much much more, stay tuned.     

  68234 Hits

The struggle against Varicose veins

The world seems so perfect when your young. Nothing to worry about, nothing to fear, keep to a diet and exercise right? Well, unfortunately, after you turn 20, the very real fear of veins surfacing due to 20 years of abnormal muscle activity will start to haunt you. Also contributing to this is usually the constriction of vessels and veins as you sit down. Over the years, the normally functioning veins get quite literally... crushed. These crushed vessels twist, turn and become generally, skewed. The result is hideous veins in the rear leg (usually behind the patella) , front leg, lower calf and sometimes the buttocks area. varicose veins courtesy of pubmed™These are not hard to hide during the winter, but when the spring and summer come, you wont have that same joy and pride to simply" walk in shorts", skirts or dresses. So in essence, this hinders your ability to...

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  68003 Hits

Olympics 2012 opening ceremony goes over stunningly

The opening ceremony, currently occurring in London, has gone along VERY smoothly. The firework extravaganzas, the trapeze acts, surprise appearances by stunning people of power, including the beloved queen, the crowned prince and his wife, and much more. We personally loved the jet pack extravaganza and the aerobic stunts with the purple fireworks. We are very happy to witness this first hand, live. Feel free to tune in at 8:00 eastern time, 6:00 western to view the spectacle. And happy opening ceremony to all! The beautiful lights of the opening ceremony  

  68573 Hits