Tip for October 25, 2012

Instead of right clicking to copy and paste text or pictures, simply use ctrl+c to copy, ctrl+v to paste and ctrl+x to cut. Also, you can use ctrl+z in any program to undo any changes you have recently made in a web browser , or any other program, really. Meow  

  66019 Hits


Have you ever wondered what on earth is making that annoying buzzing sound in the trees? Or perhaps on an evening stroll you hear reverberating sounds coming from the trees, you think it's a bird , or maybe a plane, but no no, it's a Cicada! Cicada Molting The cicada is not related to locusts or grasshoppers, it is entirely different, although they do eat pretty much the same thing. Cicadas are dedicated vegetarian insects, they will under no circumstance eat insect larvae or anything of the nature. Cicadas are actually one of the most common insects on earth, often appearing in the late spring to early fall, chirping in your ears until you snap. The ones in the good old states usually sound like rattle snakes, progressively getting more annoying as you move further north. The ones in Japan and China are easier to listen to, some Japanese ones are actually...

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  66109 Hits

Windows 8 : failure before release?

Windows 8, the newest operating system created by the monopolizer of the computer world, promises to bring innovation, ease of use and much more to their newest operating system.As with everything before, windows 8 will come equipped with new (mostly useless) features, and the typical flashy , attractive designs most of us have long adored.But the major issue with Windows 8 is quite rather that it is a recycled concept from the windows mobile os, where the only innovation is being able to scroll through a sort of "iphone copy" type interface through a touchscreen.Now, if you have a touchscreen , good for you, but to 99% of us, 1400$ for a touch monitor is a bit out of reach.  This is the first strike against windows.The second strike is the removal of the beloved desktop, start button and the masking of the command prompt. Yes, windows 8 is visually appealing,...

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  66534 Hits

Murderer found in Colorado

Austin Reed Sigg, a 17 year old student living in Colorado has confessed to killing the missing 10 year old girl, ripping her apart to pieces, and burying her in some building foundation near a corn field. The man has been marked as "fascinated with the idea of death"  , furthermore his mugshot and DNA evidence leave no questions unanswered, the killer has been found, and the girl found dismembered a month ago is confirmed dead. Austin Reed Sigg

  65796 Hits

Scaphism -The Ultimate Torture-

Scaphism -The Ultimate Torture-

Note: this post was moved here unintentionally, and should completely be ignored by the general populous.Disclaimer: this post is created solely to define the word, there is no intent for any of the readers to utilize this method, or to do anything more than simply define the word. If you are below the age of 18, or if you have a light stomach please click the back button NOW. Scaphism is an act of execution in which a human subject is stripped naked, tied between two boats in a bog or swamp, and covered in honey , naked. This is a form of torture used first by Persians in 401BC, scaphism literally means "the boats in Greek". Scaphism is intended to kill, as over a period of about 30 days, the subject is slowly eaten alive by various insects and swamp microbes. The victim has little to no chance of dying of shock (unless septic...

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  64683 Hits

Scaphism -the ultimate torture-

Post has been moved here: Scaphism because it violated a hidden rule about gore, sorry about that :/

  68787 Hits

Scientists in Italy sentenced to prison terms for failure to predict earthquake

A few scientists in the field of plate tectonics, and utterly the prediction of tectonic movement (earthquake scientists) are facing six year jail sentences starting today. The reason for these prison sentences is gross negligence, the failure to predict the L'Aquila earthquake in 2009 that killed over 300 innocent people.The seven men will receive six years each, no pardons will be made since the court found them guilty today. In a way, they deserve it for not doing their jobs properly, but perhaps  we must look to how flawed science is, we cannot say for sure they even knew it was coming.In the face of mother nature killing those people, it is immoral to place seven men in prison for manslaughter. All these men deserve is honorable discharges, for incompetency. L'Aquila Earthquake Zone -marked in yellow and red-   

  66053 Hits


The Addax is an odd antelope like animal with twisted horns. It is often referred to as the "screwhorn" due to it's large wine cork remover-like horns.The Addax is native to only small portions of Africa, it is currently in grave danger of extinction , and human settlement of it's feeding grounds are not helping to resolve the  problem at hand.Addax, much like elephants differ from most mammals because they live in herds  led by dominant females, rather than males. Usually the balance of males and females in a herd is even. Unlike antelope in general, all females and males breed, not just submissive males with the dominant female.If you ever confronted an Addax, and you kicked it in the face, it would impale you right through the chest with it's 3 1/2 British foot horns, so it is highly advisable never to kick, bite or punch an Addax when you...

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  69021 Hits

Lance Armstrong loses everything

Much like Nick Delpopolo back during the Summer Olympics, Lance Armstrong, a cancer surviving cycling legend, was caught smoking pot. The consequences?  Much like Delpopolo, he was banned for the year. Many claim marijuana makes you stronger, or increases your ability to perform (which is false). Lance armstrong smoking a bong Lance Armstrong was stripped of all his titles, and banned from the Tour De France for the res of his , now miserable life. We can't blame the officials, as this is fair in accordance with policy. Marijuana might be harmless, but it is still a drug, therefore it should never be used prior to a sporting event (or work) , for it may hinder or increase a person's ability and compitancy to perform tasks.Unfortunately, this is the last time we will speak of Armstrong, for we now fear he will e ostracized from society as a "bad egg" . Bong  

  66740 Hits

George McGovern Dies

A runner up for president in 1972, and a senator in South Dakota for over two decades , George McGovern has died today at the age of 90. He was best known for openly opposing the Vietnam war, a practical death sentence for a senator at the time.George McGovern was once a bomber pilot, during world war II. He served multiple campaigns in Europe(winning a flying cross) and the pacific before coming home in 1945, from then on , he skyrocketed into the political theater, captivating the hearts of thousands.Unfortunately for George McGovern, when he ran for president in 1972, he only won the state of Massachusetts.  But this did not persuade him to leave politics, he stood in office for another decade until he finally decided to settle down.He died of natural causes today, 90 is not too bad of an age. He will be missed by many, but he...

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  66354 Hits

Flavor Flav gets out of prison

Flavor Flav, a famous entertainer in the rap industry was released today after beating his wife with a dough roller. His charges of domestic battery were temporary, and his hearing will be held tomorrow to determine how long he will be on parole. Flavor Flav - I'm back b#$%^&s-  Flavor Flav accordingly also chased and punched some random child that same day.  

  66530 Hits

Florida man shoots four at a hair salon and commits suicide

A famous hair salon in central Florida mourns today, as police are still puzzled why an enraged man ran in with an automatic weapon and killed three people. A fourth, critically injured , is still alive.Reports indicate the man did indeed also commit suicide directly outside of the building. Rumors state that at least one of the victims was a relative of his. We will keep you updated as the story becomes less vague. Hair Salon Shooting Florida 

  65638 Hits

Making a perfect country

Long ago(well, not that long), I personally wrote a book on the benefits of monarchy, I scrapped this book after I realized that 348 pages of boring text would never sell, even as an ebook. But, I will share three fundamental points I have established as being very beneficial to creating a successful country, with a global reach. Now let us start off with the first point. Economy:As you may know,  in paternally autocratic country, there is a middle class , mostly comprised of land owning farmers and craftsmen. The men above them would be lords, or the upper non-noble class, usually deploying middle class workers as craftsmen or farmers.Putting a now archaic concept into retrospect, imagine you (the reader) regardless of your economic status as a middle class craftsman. In todays world this could be a computer programmer,  a construction worker, a farmer, a cable repairman, or even a car mechanic.What...

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  68794 Hits

Actor and showhost Gary Collins has died

At the ripe age of 74, Gary Collins has died , alone in Mississippi. He will be missed amongst his fans, he could be remembered as "a cheery guy that would always make us smile", but not anymore, for now we must mourn his loss.Gary Collins did a ton of show-hosting in Hollywood as a younger man, this eventually led to his rise in popularity as a star in the move "Airport" -perhaps his best role-.Gary Collins will be missed by all , rest in eternal peace April 30, 1938-October 13, 2012. Gary Collins 

  68256 Hits

Snail slime could cure acne

Scientists in Paris have recently come to a controversial breakthrough in skincare : the use of snail slime. We say controversial because most of you jump at the feel of the adorable little creatures crawling on you.Enzymes in the snail's mucus secreted under it's slimy body contains enzymes, very special enzymes. The type that has been proven time and time again to not only cure skin infections like acne and eczema, but also restores elasticity to skin over time, thus acting as an anti aging agent. The future of skincare?  But would you be willing to put a container of this stuff on your face? Comment below, we want your opinions :)  

  66327 Hits

Cleveland bus driver punches woman in the face

We are sort of delayed in informing you on this now "aged" story , but nevertheless, if you visit us often you should know that a male bus driver from Cleveland punched a woman in the face.What appears to have sparked the striking conflicts were various  cruel, indecent and shocking remarks made by the woman, directed at the bus driver. She then preceded to spit on him, at which point he could take no more, he stood up, and gave her one heck of an uppercut.The threats started with verbal cussing, and evolved into threats of violence, at which point the driver told the 25 year old youth he would bring his daughter to fight the passenger (we don't understand why). The passenger responded by telling him to bring his mammy.The bus driver got enraged, stopped the bus, and knocked the woman out. Well done indeed. Thats what happens when you...

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  66668 Hits

Destiny Spinner Bug Fixed

The bug in The Destiny Spinner has been fixed! This was that annoying bug that would give you an error if you did not enter anything! Now, it's gone , so go on and enjoy! Check it out here -----> https://theorderoftheironphoenix.com/destinyspinner/. Also note, the text boxes have been made larger for mobile users. 

  66262 Hits

Wearing panda costumes may allow you to get closer to pandas, scientists say

We are getting word from our correspondents in Wuhan, china, the same place that hosts the pig lifting sport. They are telling us that members of the elite journalist block Reuters have uncovered a secret operation by Chinese scientists in the province of Wuhan  , these scientists discovered that upon masking their human identities in panda suits, the pandas no longer felt fear.In fact, they were capable of touching the cub right at it's mother's side, and were not mauled. This is great news in in the field of trying to preserve the rare creatures, here is a photo courtesy of Reuters. Men in masks can get up close to pandas 

  66522 Hits

An Odd Way To Die For An Athenian Lawman

Draco, a prominent lawman in ancient Athens, was accordingly smothered to death by 1000 of the finest cloaks, created as gifts by prominent Athenians as a show of respect to his charitable donations to the community. He could hardly breath, say the scriptures, he gasped, fell and succumb to the fancy, hand made cloaks, never to breath again. Draco RIP 621 BC. Yes, the same Draco that stated thievery of fruit is punishable by death! Draco

  66441 Hits

Pirate attack off Mogadishu on october 10 , 2012

Men were spotted approaching a merchant vessel. About 8 African men, armed with ak47s and long knives sped towards the commercial boat. They opened fire at around 2 am, luckily, the boat's escort fired back. The enemy was capsized, and three appear to have succumb to their injuries. None of the crew or escorts were hurt. Attack off the coast of Mogadishu

  66745 Hits