A natural way to remove body hair

Recently, we got news of a product that you apply like any ordinary body wash, and it removes up to 80% of hair from any area quite quickly. The results speak for themselves. This product is called StopGrow and what it does is, using an all natural concoction, it goes down to hair follicles and stuns them.Please note, that you should apply this after shaving, and as long as you apply it, no new hair will grow in the designated areas. If you later choose you want the hair to grow back again, all you have to do is stop using the product.This is the type of thing people should invest in to save on razers, shaving cream and all that other nonsense.  Not to mention , it is all natural , so it is not carcinogenic!Just imagine, if you want to be one of those sexy men , and show...

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  67258 Hits

PhoenixSearch update

As we have stated earlier, our beloved PhoenixSearch malfunctioned a few months ago, so we switched to a "custom Google" search type thing. Not only is this less power intensive on us, but the familiar layout might be more beneficial to you.Now, we recently modified it, you can now click to the top left corner of the PhoenixSearch module, on whether you want a "localized search" Or an "inter-web search"All you have to do is look to the top left, and click either "Search: The Order Of The Iron Phoenix" Or "Search: The Entire World"    

  67210 Hits

Free Amazon mp3 credits

First of all, please note that these are limited time offers. The following will apply only until the end of the year 2012.1) Go to and go through the promotional sign-up, use proper information and you will be rewarded 5$ to use on amazon mp3!2) Use the promo code "VDAYMP3S" to get an additional 2$ on mp3s off amazon!3) *This one never expires* Sign up for this website: Free Amazon Gift Cards, confirm your email address and do some marketing research surveys, then redeem gift cards! We will keep you posted as more opportunities arise :D And remember to check out our former freebies section here:   

  68316 Hits

Perhaps a larger mystery than the Egyptian Pyramids

As far as we are concerned, the Egyptian pyramids could have been built by Aliens. Yes, we cant really doubt that because they align so well with the sun and stars. AliensOr maybe, because ancient Egypt had millions of men, ready to die for the pharaoh , and a ton of slaves, they were created by humans? ( we cant discern this "theory" either). You know how things are, men like to build everything bigger and bolder than their ancestors. HumansBut there is one mystery which we cannot even dare to explain, this would be the little known superstructure known as " The Coral Castle". Located in the far southern tip of Florida in a medium sized town called Homestead. Yeah, it's pretty close to home dear reader. Homestead, FloridaThe coral castle is an enormous castle-like structure created by first time immigrant from Latvia Edward Leedskalnin.Leedskalnin was a strange man. Before...

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  67730 Hits

Why america never got the 99mpg car

Were you aware that as far back as 1993 , Volkswagen had been working on a top secret project. They planned to create the most fuel efficient car known to man, as did thier two top rivals: Fiat and Renault.Well, Fiat and Renault went to about 45-50 mpg and capped out. Volkswagen  , on the other hand, managed to create their amazing Lupo series of car. This car capped out at 99 mpg, using a 3 liter 4 cylinder engine. Thats the power of German engineering , we guess.At that time, and until it's last production in 2005, Americans claimed they did not need "small fuel efficient cars" , companies like general motors stated  "it would not sell" (funny how they failed because of lack of fuel efficiency in their vehicles?)Well anyways, the car handles well and its a two-door sedan, really. The car runs ok, and doesn't look too bad...

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  67272 Hits


If you ever feel like relaxing, please remember that we created a section for people like you here: . It is scientifically proven that white noise makes people relax, if you like rain , wind or the sound of whistling snow outside, you should definitely check this out!Remember, you click the arrows to move through the seasons, you don't have to listen to the youtube videos we selected for you. You can simply leave the "Relax"  windows in the background and listen to your favorite music!One listener emailed us telling us how much they loved the "rain" noise, and the music, they claimed that they played it on full blast, and fooled thier sleeping spouse into thinking that it was actually raining outside :)So, if you find yourself inspired, feel free to contact us ! Screenshot 

  66882 Hits

Flowershop burglar found 12 years later in girlfriend's attic.

A woman from south Carolina, calling herself "Tracy" went up to her attic for the first time in almost 20 years. To her surprise, her boyfriend, whom broke ties off with her twelve year prior to today , was up there.He had robbed a flowershop, holding a Russian made "RPK" to the clerk's face begging for money. Police later apprehended him, and he did one year in prison for conspiracy to commit burglary, and possession of a lethal weapon (although it had no live ammunition).Well, it turns out when Tracy went up to her attic, apparently to instigate a sulfurous smell, she found her ex boyfriend, now 100 pounds heavier, surrounded by flowerpots of manure.Accordingly he had camped up there for 12 years, feeding off bagels and pepsi. He was arrested, and taken back to the big house for violating his parole and restraining orders. Burglar 

  66613 Hits

New section: Video Game Review

We are adding a new section called "game reviews" , here we will try to give you detailed analysis of video games that we will test for you. We hope you stay tuned and check it out.Regards, The Order Of The Iron Phoenix   

  66771 Hits

Muslims continue to riot, coming closer to home

Following our initial story, where muslims in Egypt and Libya burned American flags and stormed the U.S. embassies , and subsequently killed the US representative in Lybia along with three of his crew, the protests quickly spread to countries like Yemen , Oman and Qatar .Well, now we have word of attacks in India, Pakistan, Jordan, Israel, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia , and even, Australia. You hear right, our beloved twin of America has been infested with protesters, hungry for blood, waving the flags of al qaeda and abu sayaaf (the al qaeda of the southern hemisphere) .Millions flocked to Sidney, and have been camping there since. They are throwing rocks at the poor Australian riot police, and are burning American flags. As a Christian country, Australia should suppress these riots with sheer force. Why? To set an example for these terrorists, if they don't do it now, they will spring up...

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  66891 Hits

Muslims continue to wage violence against westerners

As we have spoken to you before on the issue, Muslims are continuing to attack, and burn western property, primarily American. As of today, we have reports of attacks on embassies in Yemen, Oman, and Qatar.We have stories of missionaries, and political leaders being murdered, attacked and threatened. Buildings are being vandalized, a call to jihad has been issued by millions of Muslims.The usa is calling it an "international crisis". Here is a video from our buddies at CNN depicting the situation:The world appears to be in a huge crisis , and again over a Youtube movie called "innocence of Muslims" , where their prophet is called a bloodthirsty savage, to say the least.We have little information on why YouTube doesn't simply remove this hideous film immediately, but we see much more violence and bloodshed in the distant future. The U.S. embassy in Yemen burns   

  67218 Hits

General Butt Naked

Christened "Joshua Milton Blahyi " after his conversion to Christianity, the feared General Butt Naked was once a powerful leader--leading his armies of child soldiers through intimidation. Joshua Milton BlahyiGeneral Butt-Naked started out as a boy born in a small  Krahn village in northern Liberia.A bit of background in Liberia: Liberia was probably the first country to be fully run by a black majority, it was established by the USA in the mid 1800s as a colony to return illegally smuggled slaves, and in general, move the blacks back to their motherland. It has been in a constant civil war since then, with people like president Samuel Doe being violently executed by opposing rebels.General Butt-Naked had a vision as a small child, in this vision he saw his pagan god (village totem)  Nyanbe-a-weh , he was then instructed to kill and eat human hearts, and drink human blood [by the gods],...

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  67943 Hits

Muslims in Lybya and Egypt burn American flags

Today, a crowd of "ultra-conservative" Muslims went to the U.S. embassy, regardless of the fact that it was 9/11. and tore down the American flag. They attempted to burn it, to no avail, so then they simply tore it to pieces.They then raised a flag eerily similar to that used by al-quieda, a black flag of the acclaimed prophet Muhammad. The same thing happened later in the day in Libya. Surprisingly, government police and troops allowed this to happen, no opposition was given to the rioters.Accordingly , this was in protest to some Christian-Egyptian film producer that lives in the USA. We hear he directed some movie where Muhammad preached violence and had sex with animals.Regardless of the cause, this is an insensitive act of violence, and a direct result of allowing The Muslim Brotherhood to take over these two countries. Again, look at these examples before you support Syrian Intervention....

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  66521 Hits

Fox news makes a big deal about nothing

So we just read this article on Fox News about how Wikipedia is full of porno pictures and they don't want to remove them. For the love of god people, this is the 21st century, when you see sculptures, you cannot possibly affiliate them with pornography, there is absolutely no purpose in censoring these things. Fox news tends to do this to people a ton, it makes it seem like such a growing issue, and it's really not. If anyone thinks that paintings of naked people should be censored to smaller children, then god have mercy on man-kind for fearing his own image, that same beautiful image god sculpted him in from his own being.When you read garbage like this from fox, remember, its a bunch of bs. You heard it right, ignore the issue, fox probably have people with psychology majors writing for them, in a futile attempt to get idiots...

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  67621 Hits

Why do people join the army out of free will?

It is baffling to most people why people would intentionally join the armed forces, and care little for the fact that they will be pigs for slaughter. But after years of compiling research, we have discovered why 80% of the army is made up of people with little choices left. Now lets imagine life as two rock paths. At some point, the rock splits into a crossroads,  this what psychologists refer to as the defining moment in your life. Now, the said person would have to take a chance by going to either extreme of the crossroads. Now imagine that this person randomly chose one extreme, and imagine that something went horribly wrong and that path crumbled, the person then falls into a pit.Somehow at this point, the other crossroads begins to pull towards that person, but he can never ascend it, and the crumbled rubble also begins to push towards the...

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  66692 Hits

Three popular myths that are actually true

Over the years, science has proven that certain things that man has taken to be fact (ie the world is flat) , are actually very far from the truth. But today we will dedicate this post to telling you that there are three myths that have proven very true, and they are time- tested, we assure you.#1) Pouring alcohol on a scorpion will cause it to commit suicide:It's true. For some odd reason, when a scorpion, of any species, is hit with alcohol, it begins to sting the afflicted area erratically. Some scientists say this is because the scorpion's exoskeleton is permeable, and the poisonous alcohol causes it to "twitch". Unfortunately. unlike snakes, scorpions have no immunity to their own poisons. This leads to a self-inflicted fatality. Scorpion#2) Oxalis flowers make you go blind:As common as they are in the continental North America, did you ever hear your mother telling you to...

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  67069 Hits

Amazon unleashes the hd Kindle Fire

Packing a stunning 1280x800 full hd screen, the brand new high definition Kindle Fire HD seems like a game winner for sure. And the price tag starting at only 200$ is affordable on any budget. Kindle Fire HD We just assume this is Amazon's answer to the now popular ipad 2 and 3.  Ironically, it beats the ipad in every possible way, unlike the whole kindle vs ipad 1 thing, this is proven by facts.Remember, the screen is fully HD! This means , unlike the ipad 3, you will be getting near 3-D images popping at you.The Kindle also comes with a 1.3 GHz processor, beating the ipad 3 once again.According to speed tests , it also has faster  wifi than any other tablet out there. Wifi tablet speed testAnd remember, the kindle gives you access to millions of tv shows, ebooks and movies, free to stream, or at least some are....

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  67181 Hits

Making your car's headlights shine like new

We are going to go off on a tangent here and attempt to simply describe some experience with a product that worked for us. We saw no other reviews on the product other than directly on the seller's website, so why not be the first to make a review right?Naturally, after 5 or so years, your prized car's front headlights begin to get all old and ugly. Worst of all, they don't function as safely or comfortably as they should.This is due to oxidation that occurs on the glass, nothing can really prevent this from happening to begin with. You may even be very disappointed to know that on average, a mechanic will charge you between 500 and 2000$ (US) to fix this issue.So, is there a cheaper alternative? Well, we at  The Order Of The Iron Phoenix  believed that if the mechanics can do it, so can anyone else.We began...

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  67211 Hits

Your guide to choosing the right type of grape

So in this portion of The Wine Portal (I think we meant to call it the grape portal) by The Order Of The Iron Phoenix, we will cover numerous types of grapes, what they require and how to start producing them. Remember, almost all grapes can do the same type of action, this does not mean that there are not certain types that do certain tasks better than others. Please note we will isolate this section to grapes common to North America and Western Europe.A general tip for planting any grape is to place a 2 meter pole above the vine the second you see it beginning to sprout. Tie strings to the plant and pole as it grows taller or support it's weight, cut the strings when the stem becomes strong enough to support it's own weight. Still keep tying the branches to posts, making the post taller and taller, until...

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  70133 Hits

People of America, don't allow yourselves to be brainwashed by the press!

Every news site we look at, including CNN , FOX and BBC (and we do love BBC) continues to propagate stories about how the people of Syria are getting tortured, and killed. We want to let you know that, although this may be true, this is nothing new.In times of war, people die. In times of modern war, children, and innocents die. This does not give us the right to go intervene, do not support militaristic journalists, ignore the issue. No country is being threatened by the event. We should not act the part of "god" and go force one side or the other to win.As we have said before, this is an isolated revolution. Even during the American civil war,  children died in indirect bombardment. It's nothing new, it happens!But for the love of god! Don't go out in the streets and demonstrate how demonic we are for not intervening, the people...

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  67444 Hits

Thai grandson of redbull owner hits and kills a thai police officer

Vorayuth Yoovidhya, grandson of Red Bull tycoon Chaleo Yoovidhaya (yes redbull is an Asian company), had accordingly hit a Thai police officer today with his black Ferrari, and fled the scene. Vorayuth Yoovidhya, grandson of RedBull tycoon Vorayud Yoovidhaya and heir to the company, charged with murder.  The officer was left dead on the scene, having responded to a call of burglary, he never made it to his destination.Other police officers in the area were told that a hit and run target driving a black "sports car" had hit the man and sped off. The officers followed a trail of leaking engine oil to Yoovidhya's home, and BAM! they found the Ferrari, airbags deployed.Yoovidhya was taken to prison on charges of gross negligence, second degree manslaughter and leaving the scene of a crime/accident. He simply claimed the officer had "cut him off".Yoovidhya would later be released on a 16,000$ equivalent bail. Nothing more is...

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  66827 Hits