Will The End Of The World Simply Be The End Of Mexico?

Will The End Of The World Simply Be The End Of Mexico?

So, as you may all know, near the end of the year two thousand and twelve of our lord, the world will be destroyed and recreated again (as theorized). We are not talking about Nostradamus (because his account places it years after 2012), we are talking about the Mayan prophesy. Yes, the thousand-year old doomsday calendar that somehow ends near the end of this year!   Let’s just say that the Maya people predicted everything correctly, as we can confirm that they have marked out constellations and geographical shifts/events to the preciseness of one day. Scientists are baffled at the accuracy of this calendar, and it really stuns us the more we personally read about it. So, let’s say that because it simply ends near the end of 2012, the world will be destroyed (and the guy writing the calendar didn't just get lazy and sleep on the job). But this...

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  69489 Hits

Various Bugs Have Been Addressed, The Cthulhu Store Is Looking For People To Sell Their Items, Leader Board Enabled On Cthulhu Games

Ok, so recently there was a registration bug that would send you multiple emails to confirm your registration (and none of them would work). This has been addressed. Also, profile pictures following registration were unable to load immediately, so that was resolved as well. Furthermore, the Cthulhu store is seeking able craftsmen to sell their items. If your interested, please contact us here. Lastly, leader-boards have been enabled for the following games *Las Adventuras De Cthulhu *Cupid's Revenge

  62663 Hits

Turkish Plane Shot Over Syrian Air Space Causes Growing Tension

Early this morning, a Turkish phantom jet was shot down over Turkish air space by a missile coming from Syria. This incident simply seems to create more tension between Syria and the rest of the world. Syria claims that all proper security precautions were taken (a signal given) prior to anti-aircraft artillery striking the plane down. Worryingly enough, Turkey condemns the act of violence as an act of belligerence towards the two "politically different" Middle Eastern countries. There will be a NATO meeting in Brussels within the next week to discuss the matter, in the meantime Turkey has withdrawn all of its diplomats from Syria claiming “their lives could be jeopardized". A Phantom Jet

  69176 Hits

The Disadvantages Of Using Nuclear Technology

The Disadvantages Of Using Nuclear Technology

On a fateful day near the end of the greatest war the world has ever seen, something new arose. This new system could create virtually unlimited amounts of energy from virtually nothing. This was the dawn of the nuclear era.Nobody in the early 1900's could have possibly imagined that people would be breaking apart sub-molecular particles and using them to destroy cities on a widespread campaign of death and destruction. But, by some miraculous chance (as fate would have it), the impossible and unimaginable became reality.In today's hyped up and modern world, you may believe that nuclear energy doesn't concern you, you may even believe that nuclear energy is not around you, but rather that it is hidden somewhere far away in the deserts of Arizona. You would, unfortunately, be DEAD wrong. 20% of this entire country's power is generated at one of our 103 running nuclear reactors. These stretch from...

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  69071 Hits



Aerogel is a very fine material created by Samuel Stephens Kistler in the early 1930's. Aerogel is a synthetic material that is about 99% air. It has a really weird feeling, so we decided to share our experiences with you.1. It feels spongy when you squish it, yet, a brick of this stuff weighs less than a feather.2. You can make a mattress out of this stuff and you can lift it up using your pinky finger (we tried).3. If you try to burn it, it won’t melt. Rather, it will hover and stay cold over the smoldering hot fire. Aerogel Below Supporting A Brick Above So this stuff will distort light. It literally has the same properties as smoke. Did we mention you can put a 2 ton stone on this stuff and a 2kg brick wont collapse? It can hold 4000x its own weight! If you don’t believe us...

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  60814 Hits

How The Peace Sign Is Embedded In War

How The Peace Sign Is Embedded In War

The peace sign is really represented in two distinct fashions. The first is the actual sign, rooted in pagan practice and roman polytheistic doctrine. The original peace sign lacked the circle around it. It was called a "Nero's cross" and would often be used by Roman Legionnaires as brooches or insignias on their shields to show their enemies that resistance was futile and anyone that resisted would be crucified. This was literally the case in many famous and documented excursions into Judea. There, Christ was crucified by soldiers of the Nero cross. So how did something rooted in such violence become a peace sign? Well… that we can’t tell you for sure. Nero's Cross Let’s move on to the second image that we can immediately recognize as a symbol of peace. After all, aren't symbols worth a million words?The second symbol that comes to mind is definitely the V shape with...

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  59667 Hits

The Cthulhu Gallery Is Up

The Cthulhu Gallery Is Up

Earlier today, we got the Cthulhu Gallery running. Simply click "Cthulhu gallery" from the menu to the top left" New images will be added weekly. Enjoy!

  69374 Hits

How can I make a cthulhu emoticon?

A Cthulhu emoticon is difficult to muster, but we made the easiest one imaginable. Here is the final result: (;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)(;,;)

  61570 Hits

The Cthulhu Store is under development

The Cthulhu Store is being developed. This will be an e-store where you will be able to purchase Cthulhu branded merchandise. Anything you buy will not only be enjoyed by you, but portions will be used to fund the Cthulhu Portal.

  61730 Hits

Game Of Thrones George W Bush's Head On A Spike

Game Of Thrones George W Bush's Head On A Spike

Did you know that the awesome and epically entertaining HBO production "Game Of Thrones" placed a replica of George W. Bush's head on a spike in the first season? Well, we for one did not catch this (even though we love this series). Indeed, it's rather hard to not miss, but we got this image from another website.HBO has pulled the first edition season to rectify this error, they do deeply apologist to Bush and his family.

  60691 Hits

UN,Russia and China begin mobilization into Syria

UN,Russia and China begin mobilization into Syria

It might sound utterly absurd, but early today, a Russian cargo ship arrived in Syria carrying troops and weapons. We can’t say for sure what they intend to do there other than safeguard their major seaport. Furthermore, China is refusing pleas by the UN to come in and sort out the chaos. As people that are only speculating, it looks like a repeat of Vietnam-Iraq and Afghanistan -Syria. Tensions are certainly on the rise, despite lack of coverage by our news broadcasters, there is an uneasy feeling throughout the world, an eerie gathering tempest is just mobilizing to erupt in a violent storm of fire.

  60207 Hits

Oregon man gets plague after taking mouse from a cat's mouth

Oregon man gets plague after taking mouse from a cat's mouth

You heard it right an Oregon man was trying to save some poor mouse from a cat's mouth and the mouse bit him. Hell, he was probably pretty smart because the cat also bit him (double penetration). And go figure, the man gets the 200 year old bubonic plague! All we can say about this is that clearly this man is a noob when it comes to handling a wild mouse (which is the deadliest animal on earth).Should you be scared? Well, considering the fact that 74% of Europe was destroyed by the plague, there is reason for you to believe that this could be an apocalyptic virus. So you should definitely be very afraid.

  60434 Hits

The banana contradicts popular belief

Banana Banana

Ok so do you remember when you were just a child and you had your first banana? It probably tasted pretty damn good right? Then you got to college and bananas remind you of something else? Something like this: So, you probably are thinking "gee this thing is perfect for reproducing". I mean honestly, how can something like that not be full of seeds right? Well you would be DEAD WRONG. So, the sad reality is that the banana is poor at reproducing. With nearly 75% of all bananas being consumed before they reach the ground, the chances for success already are about 25%. Let’s also bear in mind that the banana is high in natural sugar, which decompose very quickly. Usually any leftover banana seeds decompose with the fruit or are eaten by scavengers. And have you wondered what a banana seed looks like? Well, it's one of those pesky...

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  59466 Hits

From Dictatorship To Democracy: A Handbook To Crush Democracy

From Dictatorship To Democracy: A Handbook To Crush Democracy

We recently read Gene Sharp's book "From Dictatorship To Democracy" -- after reading about the massive revolutions occurring throughout North Africa and the Middle East. With the whole mumbo jumbo going on in Syria right now, we had to really re-read this book. Again, the thing that peaked our interest was an article written by a Stanford international relations major on how "peaceful protesting" was the wave of the future.We will sum up the entire book by telling you that peaceful protests cannot be crushed by military might without repercussions from the international community. After all, isn't this the reason why Yugoslavia fell? And the reason why the United Nations invaded Serbia? Is it not because of peaceful protest that Gaddafi was ousted? And the list simply goes on (although gene sharp really wrote this book with Vietnam in mind).So let’s look at this from the opposite side: what if a...

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  60137 Hits

Attention Cthulhu Fans: Beta Tester Needed

Attention Cthulhu Fans: Beta Tester Needed

The Cthulhu Portal opened last week. It is still in its beta stages, but, we need people who can act as beta testers and bug-reporters. Beta testers may be given special privileges or commission for input and for growing the community. You can read more about the Cthulhu portal in our opening statement here

  60829 Hits

Hosting24 Coupon Codes

Hosting24 Coupon Codes

Hosting 24 is a wonderful hosting service that has been around since early 2008 (operated by hostinger). They offer amazing customer services, cpanel options and some extras. You can get huge discounts for life using coupons for hosting 24. So we are going to post a list of coupon codes that work here:1) aardvark2) reddit3) pinterust4) stumbleupon5) KNIGHT986) fireironphoenix7) coupons4all8) newbsdestroyed9) knight10) krona11) conan12) phoenix10013) couponz14) nubs15) theorderoftheironphoenix16) QQnoobIf you have any other working codes, please, post a comment below.If you are interested in hosting your own website, feel free to visit hosting 24 by clicking here: Note: all of these codes will save you money for the entire life of your account.

  60273 Hits

Mysterious yellow fog covers Wuhan , China

Mysterious yellow fog covers Wuhan , China

Early this morning, the three million residents of Wahun, China arose to a grizzly site: the entire city had been engulfed in a yellow fog cloud. As people flee the city, young and old are asked to wear gas-masks and stay inside ventilated units. Chinese officials claim that the cloud was caused by farmers burning wheat (ha, because we have totally seen that happen). External references are pointing to a potential chemical plant melt-down. Anyways here is a video of the horrendous site: We have reason to believe that this might be a chemical explosion near the city.China has politely asked us to stop talking about this matter. Dearest apologies, we respect china and hope they can deal with this in a professional matter.

  60031 Hits

How to get free zp in crossfire

How to get free zp in crossfire

Crossfire is a cross-platform pc game created in the early 2000's by a group of people that decided it would be their "college project". Well, as of today, it has some 20 million registered users. You can check it out right here: https://crossfire.z8games.com.Anyways, the issue with this game (according to the community) is that more often than not, people are asked to present zp or z8 points to buy in-game merchandise. In fact, you players end up wasting real money on a lottery when spinning crates to receive permanent zp merchandise (which is rarely won). So, as a follow up to the unfairity of this, we discovered a way for you to not only get free zp, but also in-game ribbons without using money out of your own pocket. Ok, so first, click here. After you have clicked on the "click here" link, and have went to the website, type in...

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  61530 Hits

Help! My Cat Just Died! What Can I Do?

Help! My Cat Just Died! What Can I Do?

Well, you probably just experienced the most painful thing imaginable: your dear old kitty died. But you can’t blame anything because your cat has faced dangers such as cars, coyotes, humans, diseases, viruses, trees, bears maybe even a falling tree or two. But now your cat is dead there is no way to bring it back. So what can you do? Is getting a new cat going to solve the problem? Can your best friend really be replaced? Well, luckily these a days you can simply re-motorize your cat into a cyborg! Yes, all you have to do is taxidermy (that’s actually the verb form) it and replace its guts and innards with wires and motors! Yes, you can create a genuine cyborg from your cat, heck you should probably keep the brain and freeze it for future use (when we can revive it). After all, science is progressing and eventually...

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  59964 Hits

Electric Violin V.S. A Traditional Violin

Electric Violin V.S. A Traditional Violin

There are millions of people in the world that have probably played the violin at some point in their lives. The violin is indeed perhaps one of the most beautiful instruments in the world. It has not changed much in the past 300 years. But recently a modified version of the instrument has been released (by recently we do mean 10 years). A new era in violin playing has arisen with the advent of the electric violin. So today, we have decided to share our insight with you about two different models that we simply adore. The first model is a traditional violin in the sense that it is a wooden bodied, wooden bridged violin. We have tuned this one ourselves hundreds of times and it still works like a charm, the pegs are a bit worn, but the quality of the instrument is still unique. The second is a more...

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  59831 Hits