GenF20! Look younger, feel younger , be younger!

GenF20! Look younger, feel younger , be younger!

Scientific Evidence Reveals "Fountain of Youth" Formula Scientists have targeted a very powerful hormone responsible for human growth and cell regeneration that, once harnessed, has all the properties of a bona fide "fountain of youth." It's known as "HGH" and it's an extremely important part of our body's functioning at the cellular level. In fact, not only does HGH promote the growth and regeneration of cells; it also allows other vital functions in our bodies to occur, including... MetabolismBrain functionSexual responsesHealingMuscle growth ... and more. However, as we age we experience a drop in HGH levels. All the normal results of aging occur in direct correlation to this drop in HGH. For years, we've simply assumed that this is a natural part of the aging process. And we assumed there was nothing we could do about it. But after a great deal of scientific research and clinical trials, we now know:...

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  60811 Hits

Warning: Don't Buy Google Cash Sniper Before Reading This

Warning: Don't Buy Google Cash Sniper Before Reading This

Don't Buy Google Cash sniper before you read this You may be scammed! What is Google Cash Sniper? Well, you see this is a product that that's has been molded from the fine fabric of internet marketing for the past couple of decades. It is quite frankly one of the most thorough, and easy to follow methods of starting a home business. The product really goes into fine detail, covering everything from finding a niche to exploiting unknown products on clickbank.How does it work? This course is designed to jump start anyone on the internet marketing industry, which , in this modern age, is a brilliant way to make money. Your earnings from this product may change your life, I can personally tell you that Mr. Fox has really left no stone unturned. Its a small investment, and the proceeds are endless.To check it out for yourself, click here This sounds like...

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  60766 Hits

Is Instant Article Wizard A Scam?

Our viewers have vied to have us review this product. Accordingly, Instant article wizard is capable of taking a bunch of garbage from leading websites and organize it into a fine article that looks to have been written by a Harvard professor. Naturally we saw this as being a bunch of bullshit and propaganda to promote some piece of shit , robotic system that isolates unrelated topics and bundle them into a bunch of nonsense that results in a well, unprofessional looking article. Well, as with anything else we have reviewed by far, we would not waste our time "Blogging" about this item if it was a scam just to get 80$ out of you in one year. In fact, we where stunned. This product worked with absolute efficiency. We where stunned , quite frankly we see this product as being irreplaceable. Imagine this, the word plagiarism will no longer be...

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  60999 Hits

Was it the American dollar that changed gas prices

Was it the American dollar that changed gas prices

It's an interesting take on things, but, the value of the American dollar has gone down drastically over the past 10 years. In fact, the American dollar has dropped by more than 75% of it's original value on the world market in the past 30 years. You might or might not remember that once upon a time gas was .96$/gallon. But as the price of the American dollar dropped, all we noticed is that the price of everything else went up. If you think about it for a second, when the value of currency decreases, foreign produced goods will increase in value ,hence gas prices and commodities that are imported (pretty much everything now a days) will be worth more. The explanation behind this is that we are printing more money to pay off our foreign debts. When you see that gas prices decrease drastically (like the 40 cent drop per...

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  59674 Hits

The Cthulhu Portal Opens

The Cthulhu Portal Has Just Launched! This is a portal for Lovecraft fans and Cthulhu fanatics alike. Cheers! We will be looking forward to creating a fan base, adding video and media sharing, forums, discussion boards, articles and user generated articles. We want to build a clean and safe community for all the fans of this walking octopus. Don't fear to sign up

  62799 Hits

How to make money online

Making money online in your spare time. Now , as someone that is not new to the whole making money online thing, I have tried sites like points2shop, cashle and prizerebel and made a few hundred dollars off of them. What’s the problem here? 1) You need to be persuasive and be great at directing traffic to your referral link to make "passive income". 2) You will make up to $1.50(Us) for everyone you refer. Yes, this is not bad, but it is not redundant and its pennies compared to what the bigboys make. 3) To make additional revenue, you will need to do goddamn surveys (these are lame and time consuming). Usually I end up wanting to kill myself after 10 minutes of this bullshit. 4) You will make 10 times the profit working a part time job in a week than you would using these sites in a month.        Do they...

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  69486 Hits
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Custom web toolbar for The Order Of The Iron Phoenix

We launched our new toolbar today. It will have shortcuts to major website and a shortcut to searching our website's "Phoenix-Search". Please download it, and enjoy :D Our toolbar currently only supports Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. We will try to get it to work on Opera as soon as possible. And yes, its free.

  60162 Hits

Vote Yes For Building A Monument To Voytek The Bear!

Vote Yes For Building A Monument To Voytek The Bear!

Wojtek (the smiling warrior) was a brown bear imported from Russia to Iran in 1940 by an Iranian child who decided to trade the bear to a bunch of chaps from the 22nd artillery battalion of the free Polish armed forces in exchange for a slice of bread. The bear was still an infant at the time, and the boy had no idea what to do with him, so he simply traded him for something worth more (and tastier). The 22nd artillery was primarily made up of polish men whom fled their ruined country and joined the allies in their struggle against Germany and her allies (which somehow got them to Iran). Since the primary language of this battalion was polish, the soldiers named the bear Wojtek which means smiling warrior. After just one year, Wojtek was given a military outfit, and enlisted in the Polish liberation army. The very first...

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  61044 Hits

The Order Of The Iron Phoenix 100th Day Anniversary

The Order Of The Iron Phoenix 100th Day Anniversary

Today we celebrate the 100th day since our creation! To celebrate our first anniversary, you can use the coupon code "phoenix100" on our advertising section found at "greatermakings" to get 10,000 free pixels! The code will expire at the end of today so use it while it's hot! And pop a bottle of campaign while you’re at it :D

  68862 Hits

Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II

Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II

June 2, 2012 will mark 60th year of the crowned sovereign of the English empire (pseudo). We commend the queen on a brazen 60 years of awesomeness! May god be with her for another 60! :D We implore you all to take the day to celebrate her highness! And we wish all of our audience a happy Diamond Jubilee! :D

  68753 Hits

Nigerian Piracy Problem Escalates

Nigerian Piracy Problem Escalates

Attacks by pirates in the east African portion of the Atlantic Ocean have escalated. The aim of the Nigerian pirates as opposed to Somali and south Asian pirates is the seizure of the vessel. The pirates seem to be interested in nothing but the capturing of the ship and kidnapping of the crew with the intent to either kill them or trade them for cash. The European consul of naval safety predicts that unless escorts are sent, the problem will only increase. Please note: these attacks go unreported by the press.

  59683 Hits

How Can You Get Thousands Of Likes On Facebook, Thousands Of Followers On Twitter And Hundreds Of Thousands Of Followers On Digg And Stumbleupon?

How Can You Get Thousands Of Likes On Facebook, Thousands Of Followers On Twitter And Hundreds Of Thousands Of Followers On Digg And Stumbleupon?

If you are reading this, you probably have a genuine interest in increasing your social media posy.  Well quite frankly, there is a way to do it! And guess what? You will be buying every like and follower! Doesn't that sound promising? Well there is a website called ex4.me . The way it operates is quite simple: there is a point system. Everyone that likes your page or follows you earns one point. You lose one point for every person that follows or like you. You can regain them by either buying them (the easy way) or by liking and following them (the more people you follow on twitter, the better). So in the end, it becomes a huge chain of like and follow exchanges and you end up looking like you have a solid fanbase :D Not to mention the price of your blog or website increases with every hundred...

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  60631 Hits

Somalian Pirates Are The Least Of Your Worries

Somalian Pirates Are The Least Of Your Worries

It is unfortunate ,but, 99% of all pirate attacks go unreported. On a daily basis, 6 attacks will occur somewhere in the world. You of course will never know about it because it does not affect you personally (unless you're an unfortunate sailor). From today on understand this: Somalia is not the only country that throws pirate raids at unprotected commerce! Nonononononononono! NO! Somalia is responsible for maybe one raid a month. The statistics show that internationally ever four hours, a pirate attack occurs (we say 6 a day to be lenient). And no, these attacks don't involve large war vessels with rear mounted cannons. No, that is simply a glorified Hollywood image. Much rather, the pirate of today is usually reminiscent of an al-Qaeda member. They dress in rags because they simply can't afford decent clothing(uniforms etc). And quite unlike the pirates of before, they do not go out and...

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  59480 Hits

29-04-2012 Mandeb Straits, Red Sea

29-04-2012 Mandeb Straits, Red Sea

A group of armed men in a compact boat armed with ak47s and RPGs began chasing a Ukrainian oil tanker. The men are reported to have been wearing Islamic headgear. Clearly they intended to attack the ship, but upon seeing men armed with rifles, they fled.

  68219 Hits

Top 5 error messages that made history

Top 5 error messages that made history

In our time, we have seen many crazy things. Some of these crazy things are created to scare people (especially when it comes to error messages). Most often, these are viruses that force people to buy a product or give away some sort of information. Here are the top 5 that made history. This message first came out in 2004 and would cause you to buy history clearing software to fix it. But honestly, who doesn’t love the penguin? This error message came out in 2008 as a joke. It was actually deemed a harmless worm, but it came at a sensitive time. It would have been worse if it said “you’ve got mail”. This error was actually a clever ruse by a flash game company to get traffic to their website. Clicking "ok" got you to the website, but it certainly seemed more intimidating. This was one of those blatant...

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  60812 Hits

Is the chicken egg vegetarian?

This thing is one of the main ingredient in veggie burgers and tofu It has puzzled vegetarians for ages. Are chicken eggs safe to eat? Is it OK to eat them even though they came from an animal that has been caged and tortured with the intent to produce the valuable egg just to feed humans? Does that make us parasites? Is it logical to assume that without human intervention there would be more chickens in the world? Is eating chicken eggs destroying the chicken population? Well, the answer is quite simply mixed. It is very true that a hen will lay 2-6 unfertilized eggs a month. Unlike humans that have their ovulation period once a month, chickens have it many more times. The difference between a chicken and a human is that a human egg is microscopic. So technically the average chicken egg is a byproduct of a chicken's natural...

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  59220 Hits

How one toothpick could have changed the course of history

How one toothpick could have changed the course of history

Just a Damn toothpick. One damn toothpick! Although this may come as a surprise, there is one damming piece of history that could have changed the world. Would this have been a better world? Probably not. But we will make this very easy to follow and understand.   -Let’s rewind to 1258 A.D.- In 1012 A.D. there was a noble Swedish family from the province of Östergötland. This notable family suffered from a history of dental issues. These oral diseases led to a weakening of the gum line. When accumulated, this resulted in tooth loss. And on a fateful day in 1022 AD, the lord of Östergötland was chewing on a piece of bad fish. Suddenly, the great lord’s teeth all just fell out. At the time, Sweden had no breakthrough studies in recreating lost teeth or dentures.  Simultaneously, a woodworker in Sandwich, England was finished creating the first wooden denture. By...

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  69800 Hits

Deadly crash in Dorchester, Ma results in 2 dead and 1 confirmed dead shortly after.

Early Tuesday, at 4:30 am, a car in the vicinity of Morrissey Boulevard skid off a bridge and hit the abutment. The two young men thought to have been under the influence of alcohol are confirmed to have been killed on impact. The young woman was confirmed dead shortly after being transported to the Boston medical center. No names have been released yet by authorities. The accident took place in a segment of the bridge with a fall more than 30 feet high. The burning wrecks of the vehicle were recovered by emergency personnel. For some reason, the vehicle never caught fire. This is a photo courtesy of the Boston Globe

  60392 Hits

Credit card processors hacked cardholders are affected

As of today, you may have noticed that your American express, vista , discover and master-cards did not work. We actually don't have much incite on the issue's roots. The CIA is investigating the problem as you read this. Well as you may know, the root of the issue does not entirely rely on one company. There is actually an intermediary processor in Georgia. This is where your money is processed and sorted accordingly. Without this system, nothing would function properly(transfers of funds would simply freeze). This company is run by processing pipeline and is the backbone of the card economy. As of today, It was shut down because its security functions had been compromised. This led to numerous attacks on people's personal accounts and a blackout was the only thing possible to prevent a total disaster(so it was a security measure in retrospect). But rest assured, the issue will be...

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  60281 Hits

Enio Morricone: We At The Order Of The Iron Phoenix Adore Your Work!

We love Enio Morricone! As music appreciators, we know that this piece is hard to come by in most countries. Morricone wrote Chi Mai in 1971. We respect him for his great accomplishment and tried to re-create this wonderful piece! We got the sheet music from an antique store in Massachusetts, Usa. Here is our final result! Enjoy! :D

  59652 Hits