Help me I really want to beat my wife again, but I really shouldn't!

I know it's wrong, don't blame me for being a bad sport. I beat her every time , she just doesn't stand a chance. We play checkers every night, and I just can't let her win!And here you were, thinking I beat her senseless , no , no, its just checkers. Maybe I don't even have a wife. Slap

  62544 Hits

Media Sharing Added!

Media Sharing Added!

We are very happy to announce that the initial testing stages of "media sharing" peer-to-peer has been finished. Although there are plenty of bugs that need addressing, we have released the functionality "prematurely".You will also notice a "media" section on every user's profile. This will fill with your own uploads.As of now, we have the functionality, but not the ability to allow upload of videos. You may emulate videos from youtube, and various other third parties, but we can only allow the upload of videos in the (.flv) format, otherwise they won't be able to process. Please note that a recent amendment makes video uploading impossible to all users until further notice.As we are generally trying to work around this, it appears the culprit is, as usual, the lack of funds.Now for what we plan on doing from here:• Fixing various known issue bugs. Remember, the integration of "gifs" in blogs...

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  62828 Hits

Female vigilante chases down kidnapper

A mother was out for a stroll at a local park in Albuquerque, NM early today. Unfortunately, she took her eyes off her child for less than one single minute, and her child was kidnapped.As oppose to what the average person would do, this clearly dedicated mother took things into her own hands. Thats right! She sped right after the alleged kidnapper!The chase ended when the mother allegedly crashed her car into the kidnapper's car. The kidnapper then took off on foot, official word does not disclose the condition of the child, or if the child was even located in the car. Perhaps the kidnapper took her with him?Anyways, the kidnapper ran as fast as he could into the surrounding woods. Police have set up a five hundred yard perimeter, and are using every man they can spare, and many dogs as well.The kidnapper is alleged to have conducted an earlier...

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  62120 Hits

Pirates thwarted off coast of Buenaventura anchorage, Colombia

On the shored of Buenaventura anchorage, Colombia, nine individuals wearing ski masks began approaching a cotton carrying vessel. The "shore security" recognized these individuals as "obvious thieves". The watchguard signaled a call of distress, at which point local enforcement quickly moved in. The nine men , potentially armed, were nearly apprehended. Unfortunately, as the coast guard stationed in that area approached, the nine Columbian pirates scrambled in their speedboat. A more thorough search of the area revealed nothing but a few crowbars. Local authorities assume it was just a few locals looking to make a few easy dollars. Columbian pirate boat  

  62089 Hits

Togo Pirate attack on chemical transport ship results in firefight

A merchant chemical carrier was attacked by a group of pirates only three miles off the coast of Togo. Upon identifying the approaching vessel as "potentially dangerous" , the crew of the chemical carrier raised the alarm, and began to move in "full motion".As the attempt to flee seemed futile , as the larger chemical carrier couldn't exactly outmaneuver a speedboat , the local Togo "navy" or maybe coast guard (information about exact entity withheld) intervened [responding to the distress call].A brazen firefight erupted , pinning the Togo sea protection vessel against the pirate vessel. The pirate vessel was nearly obliterated, taking crippling damage to the side lower hull and rear, although it was not scuttled.Traces of human blood in the aftermath indicate the possibility of excessive damage caused to the pirates. As of now, nobody other than the pirates were injured. Small bullet holes and  minor rpg damage was sustained...

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  62266 Hits

Tip for 05/16/2013

Remember that regardless of your age, you can always look forward to something! Even if you are in your 50s, you can look forward to retirement. For the rest of us, just remember that the daily struggles of life  will be a thing of the past come tomorrow. Live your life and enjoy it! when i grow up i will sit at the big table

  62250 Hits

Crazy Wiggly GIFS

Whats better than plain old boring GIFS ? Videos perhaps, but who has time for those? Here is a compilation of radical GIFS that will totally make you feel intoxicated! Part on brahs! cat gets stickThis cat is so happy! He finally can has that weird pink thingy. Just watch this when you're not all 100% ok, it looks way more amazing... if you know what we mean. dandelion babiesThese dandelion babies look very happy, stare into the mystifying mystique of this trippy GIF! doomsday wigglegramJust when you though the dandelions and cat were enough, this comes up to you and changes the meaning of "trippy reality bro". SauronThe eye of Sauron, or the heart of cthulhu ? This trippy gif is actually a few hands waving up towards the sky. Very Very trippy brah. tripiest image on planet earthThere are no words that can adequately describe this one... wiggly eyeballThis eyeball...

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  64802 Hits

Oldest living animal discovered

When you think of old age, 70 sounds about the right time to die, right? Well not for the Galapagos giant tortoise! The average lifespan of a Galapagos Giant Tortoise is almost 180 years!Then it comes as no surprise that these animals could possibly have this longevity due to the fact that they are so freaking slow. The average weight of these reptiles is just barely below half a ton!They tend to eat their weight in shrubbery , being dedicated vegetarians, on a daily basis. Not only that, but the shell is literally such hardened calcium , which grows thicker each year, that even modern rifle rounds might have difficulty penetrating it!We lied, sort of, this animal was not discovered. Rather, back in the day, Charles Darwin himself found them. Quoting them as being rather "amusing" in his work "on the origin of species".If you ever see one, gtfo out of...

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  63447 Hits

Man threatened with dildo

Ralph Polnicky , just your average gentleman has been shipped a dildo with the inscription "Ralph is a D___" printed along the side. Now Ralph wants our cooperation to know exactly who sent this device. Man Sent Dangerous Penis This man became so fascinated with the object that , after using it, he reported it to the police. He stated that this is from some manager of a local rope store. Ralph stated that he was certain because he ordered some sort of rope , which never arrived. Things turned bitter between Ralph and the ropeshop owner and the two men sparred verbally. Shortly after, Ralph was excused , and told "never to come back again" Then , weeks later, Ralph received a packet without any information , and lo and behold, inside it housed a dildo. What a wonderful present, and what stunning news!    

  60414 Hits

Princess Monster Truck

Following in the footsteps of Grumpy Cat , Princess Monster Truck promises to bring yet another cat into general circulation. You see, much like bub and grumpy, Monster is slightly unique, mainly the sharp fangs and rough hair.To commemorate this "rising star" , here are a few images of the "to be" Internet pop sensation! Princess Monster TruckThis princess has an angry , yet adorable look to her. Monster Truck angryEven ugly kittehs need to stretch! Princess Monster Truck upsideownAnd... like all other cats, monster truck often ponders the meaning of life. pondering the meaning of life

  63524 Hits

The World's Largest Tree

The world's largest tree isn't a redwood in the forests of North America. No, No, it's actually a cashew tree is located in Natal, Brazil. It is , surprisingly a cashew tree.If you look at this thing from an areal view, it's pretty boring. In fact, it looks like a bunch of trees , bundled together into a small "forest" like structure.This however is just one tree. Largest Tree in the worldIf you don't believe us, why don't you check out some images of the tree from below. This will give you a "more clear" image of what your eyes are saying is "many trees closely bundled together". Largest Tree in the world below to above viewThe tree covers over 7,500 square meters --roughly the size of about four football fields. The tree is around 500 years old, and the locals call it "Maior Cajueiro do Mondo" which means "the largest...

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  63592 Hits

Stunning image of diver and whale

A stunning picture has surfaced! An extremely rare glimpse of a diver with a whale in front of him, caught on the purest of underwater imagery! This here is truly just a stunning image to behold!Also note, these occurrences are very rare , and even more rare are they documented in imagery! Diver With Whale

  62721 Hits

New Orleans mothersday shooting

Police gather evidence in new Orleans shootingWe have many "reliable" sources pointing to another unexpected surge of violence; this time in New Orleans. Sources state that during a peaceful "Mother's Day" parade, a string of three individuals rushed the crowd, and poured them with lead.At least  nineteen people were injured. Four suffered "life-threatening" injuries, but don't appear to be in "unstable" circumstances as of this hour. No deaths have occurred as of this moment.Police indicate that this is most likely common "street crime" , probably over money. Not that it really matters, this is appalling.Under these circumstances just remember , future tragedies will occur, and panic or action against anything other than the perpetrators is improper.Likewise , the situation of "gun control" should not come up , because remember , even police offers pull guns on innocent people.

  62552 Hits

Blogs added!

Blogs added!

We make very good on our early, early promises. We told you, you will have your own blogs. Well guess what? Today this has come true! Just log-in , and under the "me" menu, click "blog". You will have your own personalized blog , of course you can't edit the appearance of it yet, but we might change that in the future. In your blogs, you are free to talk about anything, it's a free world :)   We also want to show you a few more additions we made to create a finer experience. These seem tiny, we know, but they impact your experience in a major way! First, we fixed up the classified ads, based on location, prices will now be in Euros or USD. Soon, we will support Canada Dollars. Remember, if you want to advertise, this is your place!   Now, we also implemented a "terms of...

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  62162 Hits

Blogs Goes Live

Blogs Goes Live

You may now freely microblog, or blog. Cheers!

  73877 Hits

Three things you should try putting on your cat

Dressing up your cat and taking pictures can be a very.... different experience. Some cats love to be dressed up, others become depressed. Some might even lunge at you. Anyways , here are three essential things to try.First, you must try a bow-tie.A bow-tie is simple, yet it communicates the message of "hey, I am human too" , not to mention any cat with a bow-tie looks so adorable. Cat With BowtieThe second item every cat should always try on is a sweater.What says "tender, soft , warm and fuzzy" more than a kitten or a cat in a sweater? Maybe just those words! Check this out, it's absolutely stunning! Kitten in sweaterLastly you should implement a top-hat.Nothing says "cover of cat fancy" quite like a gentleman cat with a monocle and a top hat. Not only is it cute, but it makes your cat look classy , sharp and flattering!...

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  63310 Hits

How to remove tree sap from your hands and clothing easy!

It's that manly time of year again everyone. It's time to cut dried out branches off trees to prevent termites. It's time to trim those coniferous "out of shape" hedges that push in every direction. And , its also time to pick up all the pincecones that have collected all over the ground--also those pine branches.Now as you may know from experience, all these plants leave their blood all over your clothing, hair and mostly, hands (and man it's sticky!).You probably tried the old "raw gasoline" trick , and therefore you know that it sort of fails. You could use all the hand-soap you want, and nothing will happen.Surprisingly, there is an easy solution to getting rid of this messy sap! Just use Hand Sanitizer!We don't exactly know what is in hand sanitizer (maybe it's better we don't) , but it works like a charm! Just remember that when using it...

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  62923 Hits

Why have college prices skyrocketed?

Money sucked into wormholeIn 1901 , colleges that now cost upwards to 48,000$ /year only cost 100$ per year. We know that much like the famous 5 cent coke bottles of the time , and 5 penny per gallon gas, the prices were due to lack of inflation of the American bank note. We actually wrote about why American money has fallen in value here "American Money Value Drop".Even though on the global field , the US dollar has dropped in value over 95% (and falling) in the past century , this would logically mean that  University prices should not exceed 1000$/year , right?Well, to our dismay , it appears that the lack of value in association with the U.S dollar has nothing to do with the made-up prices of colleges these days. You see, back in the day all of our colleges were well-funded by large corporations , this included...

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  62657 Hits

Piracy Today

Piracy Today

Piracy Today is an information center to put piracy (a form of terrorism) into the eye of the twentieth century man. We assure you pirates are alive and well in today’s world. Pirate raids happen every 4 hours. These go unreported in public newscasts simply because the owners don't know how to counter the multi-billion dollar threat. They have come to the conclusion that escorts are too expensive and firearms fired by crew members could result in internal explosions on most oil carrying vessels. Another problem is that the coast where these attacks occur (off South America, Africa and Asia) don’t have navies to keep pirates in check (technically owners can’t deploy their country's navies in international waters). The goal of this website is to show you what nobody else will. Hopefully some of you have ideas on how to stop this madness. This has been moved to here to conserve...

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  59683 Hits

The Human Aura

Human AuraWhen you think of the term "aura" ,what comes to mind? Perhaps you watch anime, or even play video games , so the term "aura" already has a "de-facto" meaning to you?Instead of questioning what the term means , ask yourself this : have you ever felt some sort of pressure illuminating from a certain person?   Often , and for centuries, Buddhist monks have said "all people are united by invisible strings" , hence when something happens to someone , someone else can feel it.In Buddhism , these spiritual binds often link family members together. As an example ,  if your grandmother was dying of a heart attack , you might feel preemptive heart pains. It is the reason why sometimes , prior to being told the tragedy , you would "know something wrong happened".Ok, we are straying too far from the point here. As a direct response to our...

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  64591 Hits