One Billion Cicadas To Attack The East Coast

For years and year, they have lain in the ground, dreaming. Since the dawn of time, they have slowly progressed ; from worms to worms with legs , to full grown and functioning animals. Today, it is my pleasure to announce that the eastern coast of the continental United States Of America will be attacked by a swarm of the most demonic bug known to man kind: the cicada! These are indeed the annoying bugs that wont stfu during the summer with their repetitive buzzing. And for years now, they have been gathering their forces deep underground, waiting for that "perfect moment" to pounce on humanity. And soon, these legions of sleeping cicadas will be storming into our backyards, in the BILLIONS! And truly, that's no joke or exaggeration. The fact that they have been training underground for 17 years to destroy our planet sounds sci-fi , but rest assured, this...

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  63166 Hits

How to break into your own car

If you're reading this, then you're probably at where I was today. You probably foolishly left your keys in your car, because you don't have wireless capabilities to unlock your vehicle (it becomes a habit to lock the doors before leaving the car, I know). My car was probably stolen to begin with, so I don't mind sharing with you how I broke back into it. Now , as a disclaimer this is for people that have locked themselves out of their cars , you cant do anything if you plan on stealing a car today, the "key chip sensor" wire makes it practically impossible to hotwire these days, I mean you're just better off throwing some sparkplugs through the windshield and defecating (or beating the bishop) on the seats until the cops arrive to send your ass to jail. Okay, so your keys are standing there, on the passenger seat,...

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  62503 Hits

Pirates Steal two boat engines

Stolen Boat Engines By PiratesOn the coast of Dumai Inner Anchorage, Indonesia , an oil tanker was stationed as the crew rested ashore. Upon return , the crew noticed that two diesel powered boat engines had been stolen. The culprits left behind muddy bare foot prints , likewise a few rounds of ammunition were located on-site indicating that these pirates were armed. Nobody has been hurt, and the incident has been reported to local authorities for further investigation. 

  62807 Hits

Texas noob tries to burn snake ; burns down house

"woman lights snake on fire and burns down house" A woman in Texas burned down her own house early this week. Authorities claim that the woman set a rattlesnake on fire, and the snake quickly slithered in an attempt to escape the pain. In the process, the snake took it's revenge, setting fire to the woman's entire house. Soon, this woman's house was burnt to a crisp, the snake was dead, and she realize she just lost her 500,000$ piece of real-estate because she wanted to kill a snake with fire before it laid eggs. Something sounds horribly wrong here....

  63616 Hits

The most annoying word in the english language

For the 10th year running, the word "whatever" was dubbed the most annoying word in the English language. A study of over 100,000 participants yielded that 88% stated "whatever" as being intolerable and agitating. This does not surprise us. whatever -ugly picture of monkey from john hart -we all want to punch it in the face

  63156 Hits

British Shorthair and Little girl

cat and girl play chessBecause this made yahoo headlines, I think it's worthy of being posted here, in an effort to show you all the skill of a really neat photographer. So let's just add a few really nice pictures and see what happens :) cat paints girl cat on tray cat reads book Cat sings cat sits next to girl cat steals nose cat takes photo cat wants to juggleYou can see more from this artist here : Andy Prokh (https://www.photodom.com/member/Andy%20Prokh) -this guy is a wonderful photographer!-

  63691 Hits

Browser popularity change from 2012 to 2013

Internet browsers have come a long , long way since the creation of the first netscape communicator in 1989. In today's world there is actually choice , generally ranging from simplicity, to performance, or to personal preference.In the years 2006 to 2008, firefox (a mozilla corporation project) was really uncontested in performance. Yes, those were the days that it peaked in the light, simply because it's only competition was internet explorer (ie).Internet explorer actually dominated user levels since 2000, mainly because nobody needed anything with more function, and it came pre-installed with every windows os from 2000-2013. Apple' safari on the other hand suffered severely , probably due to the lack of popularity of this browser and it's inability to run on windows until recently.Netscape communicator had it's day in the light before 2001 , being used by apple os and windows os systems alike. Today nobody knows anything about netscape,...

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  63119 Hits

A few more changes coming

A few more changes coming

We haven’t been very active, we know. But you might have also noticed a significant amount of changes that have happened without us acknowledging them. This included testing different themes for different portions, which the lack of feedback tells us nobody noticed. We are working now on reworking your profiles, while at the same time stabilizing the point system. We want to reward beta testers with some sort of compensation, while also moving towards a concept of "doing surveys for money" , which will add some more purpose to our dying project, in an attempt to salvage it. We are not getting rid of any more functionality, and we are certainly looking ahead to add more functionality. In the meantime, we would love some feedback on the forums. Note also, some bugs are well known: -Imbedding videos is not possible at this time -Downloading Videos is not possible at this time...

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  61110 Hits

Zé Arigó

Zé Arigó was a magic man that claimed he could perform surgery by simply closing his eyes, and the spirit of Dr Adolph Fritz would take his hands and do his godly work. Zé Arigó successfully managed to do this over 30 times. Zé Arigó distrusted traditional medicine, so he opted to instead use a rusty butcherknife , which gave him his famous name: "the surgeon of the rusty knife". Zé Arigó This psychic state was apparently incurred when Zé Arigó was working in a mine, after he had escaped schooling due to lack of funds. He witnessed an entity in a white apron, with an "unrecognizable" face, only identifying itself as "the spirit of Dr Adolph Fritz". Zé Arigó soon began his practice of medicine, usually on people close to death with terminal cancers. Strangely enough, nobody he ever treated died, he removed a few brain tumors , something that in...

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  63262 Hits

Alien found in area 51

In what appears to be the worst display of secrecy, some guy found an alien in the area 51 are using google maps satellite imagery. Just wow.Just yesterday we were all thinking that aliens were a huge conspiracy theory crafted by crazy people, and today we get this!

  62923 Hits

10 and 11 year old boys to be charged as criminal adults

In a shocking outcome, and something this is extremely rare, two fifth-grade students will be tried for conspiracy to commit murder as adults. The alleged defendants plotted to murder a girl in their 5th grade classroom that was "annoying".The boys went all out, plotting the area of overpowering, what would be used to tie her while stabbing her. And finally, a plot to use a handgun to deliver the fatal blow, carefully planned for the forehead.The extremely well thought out circumstances of this case are a cause for concern, stated the judge trying the case. The boys were noted to be exceptionally "remorseless"  during the hearing.As odd as it sounds, these boys don't sound too sane, so perhaps they need to be evaluated , just to see what is really the core-cause of this misunderstanding. It is rare to find anyone that is willing to kill at such an early age,...

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  63273 Hits

Bird Blast

Ok, imagine this, some birds came to ruin your day of drinking , and ruined all f your crops. It's time for revenge. Check this game out and enjoy!Just kill everything in your way, there is no point to this game but to shoot and kill.

  63046 Hits

Match Monsters

Its a horrible day today, we know, so why don't you match monsters instead of jerking off?Don't want to sign up? Use username:username and password: password

  63260 Hits

Ragdoll Rumble

In an effort to kill off portions of this website, we are moving this kickass fighting game over here. Ugh, its intense , you kill other ragdolls, sounds really fun, right? -_-   Ragdoll rumble is a physics based action fighting game. Just move with the arrow keys , w,a,s,d, or the mouse and try to kill your opponent. Far away in the mountains of Tanzania lasts a fight between the two warriors. Choose one of them and go for the champion title. There are also two other game modes in which you can fight with chosen enemy.

  63326 Hits


Do you enjoy killing swarms of innocent birds? How about swarms of vicious , ugly , no good killer birds? Then you might just want to check this game out!Just use your mouse to shoot down paratroopers before they overwhelm you! Make sure to kill the birds to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed.

  62726 Hits

Soul of the Katana

Do you feel like becoming a samurai and saving the entire world in feudalistic japan? Well, then this might just be the game for you, mr hero. This is soul of katana, it's actually really not that bad :)Description:The object of the game is to survive and take out enemy units and bosses. Collect gold coins to gain additional lives. Unleash the Soul of the Katana and Destroy your opponents. Use deadly martial art and sword moves.Its kind of pointless. Move with the arrow keys jump with the spacebar, attack with z,x,c.

  63074 Hits

Age Of War 2

Age of war was an innovative game when it first came out. It gave birth to the concept of "evolution" games that would later follow. It's really actually fun , enjoy it while it lasts :)Age of War 2 is a mix between a defense game and a strategy game. The goal is to destroy the enemy base while defending yours. You can build turrets to defend your base and units to attack the enemy's. All the controls are the mouse.You can also play the first age of war (and the best :) Right here : Age Of War 1

  63336 Hits


Wpnfire is an old shooting game that was actually pretty intense in 2001. So , here it is, and its kind of funny, you will notice it will tell you "it is extremely gpu intensive" ahahaha, the good old days :) Note: if you are using an iphone, or something that does not support flash, you won't see anything.   Cheat codes: ownitup=invincible firepower=all weapons runforrestrun=fast rockedinface=infinite ammo savemejebus=you slide everywhere pwnagesince1337:double damage This is a game where you pwn everything you see. Don't do anything but kill and pwn anything in sight. Use cheat codes if you want to :D They are above you ;)

  63392 Hits

The last stand 1

With the epic resurgence of the zombie theme such as the hit tv series "walking dead" , we are glad to move this game to this section of the website! You just get to shoot and kill zombie hordes that want nothing more than to eat your spleens.Just pwn those zombies :D -You wont see anything if you're using an iphone, sorry-

  63234 Hits

Monster's Den Book Of Dread

Monster's Den is an rpg flash game that is actually quite addicting. Enjoy, and also note that we are moving PhoenixGames to here to conserve space, sorry if youre one of the 1 billion spammers on there ahaha. An expanded and updated version of the popular dungeon crawl RPG. New classes, items, monsters, quests.. as well as an improved interface. Also, a shop! Found on kongergate.com!

  63029 Hits