Removing Many Portions Of This Website

Because it is fair to assume that having duplicates on this site , which require anything but a single "login" , we are going to demobilize phoenixanswers , because we have created "Cthulhu Answers" on the Cthulhu portal. We are going to demobilize the "iron phoenix forum" , because we already have a forum right here "Cthulhu Forum" , we are probably going to demobilize "any age products" , and bring all posts into here. Iron eagle will also be demobilized, the reason is obvious : it's a rather pointless addition to this website, adds no value , and we really just don't need it :) We already demobilized "BurnOn" Social media, and "PhoenixGames" , soon this website will be one huge entity, rather than the mess we have created through testings. After this "merger and purge", this website will be more unified, under the banner of "Cthulhu Portal" and this...

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  63293 Hits

Design Changed

Design Changed

*The Cthulhu Portal has changed again! We are very excited to bring forth a new, and more innovative design. The old one took us a long time to create, but it was ugly, we admit. The new design has been implemented to make the User Experience easier! Everything from navigation to outlines will now look bolder, and be more accessible!  Now for the technical stuff -_- , we added a few new emoticons to the forum (woohoo).   *We also fixed he bugs with the video sharing portion of the website, most major bugs have been addressed.    *Answers also received a "makeover" , which should be a fun twist on things, its definitely worth checking out. User profiles have been worked out, gaining points should now be automatic, but there is still the issue of "what to do" with them, post your suggestions on the forum  ヽ(*・ω・)ノ That is right...

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  61085 Hits

Is the mp3 player dead technology?

The mp3 player, something that has changed our generation could soon be phased out. Although the mp3 player , and especially the ipod, have become very common and still have large customer bases, ipod and mp3 player sales have crashed to an all-time low (since 2001 parse).At the rate that things are going, soon the mp3 player will no longer be available at stores or even online retailers. And what is the reason for this sharp decline in mp3 player sales? Well, after the phasing out of the cd player, mp3 players were just so much more convenient. The size factor was a huge benefit , but most of all the portability, no more disks to luggage around.And using that same reasoning, it is possible to assume that the cause for declines in mp3 standalone player sales is the huge focus (emphasis) on smartphones. Again, people prefer having less that can do...

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  63106 Hits

Boston Bomber older brother's youtube

The older Boston bombing terrorist ,Tamerlan Tsarnaev has a clear motive for what he has done. We have done some investigation work, and we have found his youtube channel. He has clearly taken an extreme liking to videos promoting anti-western Muslim action. The most shocking video he seems to have liked pictured a cameleon walking over a par of sunglasses , entailing that a true terrorist would be the most effective undetected , which we already posted as a possible reason why al-queda and the chechans would send these guys (with military training) over. Source : "Boston bomber motives" Tamerlan Tsarnaev youtubeHis video playlists included music by the extreme chechnan singer "Timur Mucuraev" , a compilation on the teachings of Islam and lastly, a play-list entitled "terrorism". Tamerlan Tsarnaev boxingAside from his islamic militarized views , this guy seemed pretty normal. He was a boxer , had friends (not American) , and...

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  62573 Hits

Cop pulls gun out at slow McDonalds line

Sargent Scott Biumi couldn't help himself, he really needed a big-mac! So, when he ran into the local McDonalds , there was a huge -ass line. And we mean about five or so people(sooo much).One guy got out of line, after ordering his food, and the cop snapped. He couldn't wait for four more people to get out of line!, so he pulled out his gun, aimed it at all the people in line, and told them to gtfo. All the people just got on the ground or ran for the exits.Well, he got rid of the line, and he got his Big-Mac, but then he lost his job and his freedom. Now he will be on 5000$ cash bail at a local jail, all because he couldn't wait for his big-mac and his drink with two ice cubes. Cop Arrested For Pulling Gun At McDonalds (so worth it)

  62271 Hits

Boston Bombers Identified

The perpetrator of the Boston marathon bombing has been identified! After only two days, two men identified as Chechen youthes attending Boston University have been positively identified as the killers. Chechnan Boys Bomb BostonEarly this morning , one of them killed himself with a suicide bomb strike when the two men got into a gunfight with two police. Both police officers were killed , but one of the Chechen terrorists managed to escape,  apparently seeking refuge in the city of Watertown, a few miles south of Boston.And what are their intentions? Well, for now you need to just understand, and hopefully educate those around you , that these men are not Russian. These men are a racial minority that exists on the Russian border with Georgia, the people that inhabit it are Muslim. They have for over 200 years waged war with their Russian occupants, and every time , they have...

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  63157 Hits

Rapper 50 cent loses weight to play a cancer patient

Rapper, actor and (national) icon 50 cent (pimp money) has lost an amazing amount of weight with the intent to play a cancer patient in the movie "All Things Fall Apart" -to premier soon in theaters.Just one month after the final shot, he was back to normal. Check out this picture! 50 cent loses weight

  65223 Hits

Five Weapons You Wont Believe Are Legal

Gun KnifeSo, you really think that Obama being crushed in his efforts to control guns was a good thing huh? Well, wait until you see what kind of weapons are actually legal to purchase by anyone in the United States!Coming in at number 5 is the legendary flamethrower! A weapon used for many years now to mass-kill entrenched soldiers by quite literally "cooking" them out. This weapon of mass murder is readily available to anyone that wants one, and hell, if you don't have a license to have one, its only a 20$ fine! :) Oh , and you totally can use this to hunt elk and protect your home, like that lady that set fire to a snake and burned down her entire house. FlamethrowerComing in at number 4 is the legendary "minigun" or "chaingun" , yes we mean those neo-gattling type mechanisms that you can fire like 500 rounds...

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  63597 Hits

Bug fixes as of 04/18/2013

Bug fixes as of 04/18/2013

Here we are again , more bugs have been addressed and more functionality has been added. As of today, Videos should function much better, comments should work relatively well (if they wont post, jut press ctrl+enter in the box). -Leaderboards for some games have been modified to gift you points, which you will soon be able to use in our store.  -Questions has been updated, now you should experience less errors, less loading time, a smoother experience, and less bugs. The style has slightly changed, but the functionality has increased :) -Groups have been added to your profiles, these are still experimental, but you will be able to get together with people and share images, thoughts etc -these do need a ton of work-. We still have thousands of bugs to fix, there are things that need constant fixing due to updates in the ways we run other portions. For example,...

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  60385 Hits

Make your teeth whiter for cheap

Baking sodaAre you poor? Do you want whiter teeth? Well, luckily there is a "do it yourself" solution to get whiter teeth in minutes!The trick is to just go to the supermarket and buy yourself a nice load of baking soda. Now just take the baking soda , and apply a fair amount to your toothbrush. Now all you have to do is use it like toothpaste and you're all set! You will have whiter teeth.... eventually.Do also note that if you overdo it, you can damage your teeth , so it is advisable to only do it about once a week.

  62455 Hits

The PC will not die

Ok, I recently went through a "fair" amount of articles written by noobs that like to look at numbers. These n00bs all predict that the end of the pc is inevitable and on-approach.I want to assure the world to ignore what these ignorant n00bs say, Microsoft will not fail and the PC is still going to be the most common thing bought and used to access the internet. I have statistics right here : "browser usage on this website 2012-2013" that show me ios has less than 5% userability for two consecutive years. Windows will not dieAnd the reason? Because the PC is still the best place to have your own little cloud! I mean you have your photos, your music, your email, your work papers, internet , pron, what more could you ask for? Ipads and Galaxy tablets may be appealing to people with nothing better to spend their "hard-earned...

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  62532 Hits

Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi sent poision

senator roger wickerSenator Roger Wicker of Mississippi got a ton of (what he perceived) to be "fan-mail". At the end of the note, there was a small notice stating "the letters have been poisoned".Naturally, the senator handed the letters over to the authorities, which after careful testing, had revealed the presence of  ricin , a nuerotoxin. The senator is now on "high alert protection" from outside sources and everything is being investigated at a normal pace.If you want to know about ricin, it is a highly potent toxin that affect the human system diversely. First, much like other nueropoisons, it can halt or alltogether stop functionality of reception between nerves and the brain, causing numbness and paralysis.But ricin does something far worse, it blocks the human body's ability to form protein. As such, upon initial ingestion , there are no affects. But over time, the compromised areas afflicted will bubble up,...

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  62366 Hits

Two Explosions in Boston leave many injured

explosions bostonIn what appears to be an absolute horrific end to the Boston marathon, two medium-sized explosions have caused massive amounts of carnage. Multiple people have been confirmed to be in "critical" near-fatal condition.People in the surrounding buildings [above and below] appear to have also suffered damage. The surrounding buildings' structures may have been compromised due to the explosions, and access to the general public has been restricted at this time.The main cause of the explosion may be a gas line, but that was quickly ruled out because the warning sign prior to the explosion was white smoke, and natural gas is colorless.People have, as they usually do , just rampaged the hell away from the explosion.  We will continue to give coverage as the event continues to be reported publically. explosion in Boston leaves many injured aftermath The explosion -perhaps a gas leak-The Marathon website has stated "it is presumed...

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  62998 Hits

How do you know if he is cheating on you?

uh ohThis is a step by step tutorial on how to know if your husband, boyfriend or friend with benefits is cheating on you. This is a very complicated thing to understand, but all people subconsciously make mistakes which are facades due to conscience or over-thinking.It's king of like when you really don't want to lie, and you tell yourself you are going to leave something out. Or maybe, you have just done something you are proud of, and you can just try not to tell anyone, it's practically impossible right?Well. now I'm going to show you 3 ways you can tell if your husband is absolutely being unfaithful to you and your children #sad. The first way you definitely know that your husband is cheating on you is the fact that he uses the word "yours" rather than "our" , especially when referring to pets, automobiles, children , or relatives. You...

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  63341 Hits

China And USA will deal with North Korea peacefully

China, the country that prompted the creation of North Korea ,after it's own post ww2 communist revolution , has stepped up today and dedicated itself to disarming North Korea of it's nuclear weapons peacefully.The United States' own senator Kerry met with consul Yang Jiechi , who acts as the secretary of state of china (international relations).  The two men discussed the most current issue in the easter Asian region : the two Koreas.Appropriately , China has promised to help keep it's ally , North Korea from utter destruction by taking and deporting all North Korean nuclear weapons. This would reach a diplomatic solution and end this "gathering tempest" in one swift and righteous move.If we think about it like a game of chess, north Korea would now have a king in between two kings, no matter where they move, they will be in check.Since china is still North Koreas ultimate supplier...

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  62519 Hits

Woman files law suit against police for 105,000$ in tickets

A Chicago, IL woman is filing a massive law suit against law enforcement , who "gave her a pile of tickets worth 105,000$(U.S.)" because her boyfriend left her crappy 600$ car at O'Hare international airport for 3 bloody years!So the police just naturally piled up tickets. One dollar one day, ten the other, one hundred the other. I know that feel bro, I have had tickets to pay, and arguing with enforcement is impossible.As with most of us, the court ruled her case out, implying that the dispute was personal and that the said woman and local law enforcement should settle this one on one. The woman does not want to give up, but she probably will, and her life is pretty much over. GG. Tickets

  63373 Hits

Two people shot in mall near college campus , gunman in custody

Another shooting just happened, this time a deranged man shot two people, and then tried to undress himself. He did this in a mall that was part of a local community college campus.He submit himself without resisting to authorities, he will now be held there until whatever court will carry out his sentence will see him.Apparently , these two women were targeted at random, and local students now fear coming to school. Either the radiation in the drinking supply has gone up, or we are getting more shootings reported by the media -both appear to be true-. two women shot by naked gunmanHere is my hint to news agencies : stop freaking broadcasting this crap, it inspires other mentally ill individuals to do the same thing! N00b reporters! 

  63183 Hits

Jonathan Winters Dies

At age 87, the all-American stand up comedian has died of natural causes. A man that could make even the rich elite of his day burst into laughter, Winter's is noted as one of the "funniest men" in American history.His mimicry and ability to improvise on the spot gave him a near uncontested status as the funny guy of his time. He would prove to be the inspiration behind hundreds of famous comedians today, most notably Jim Carry (who I personally don't think is funny).Jonathan Winters will be missed severely by all those that idolized him, and all those that loved him. May he rest in piece knowing that he has ceded his name into the history books :) Jonathan winters dies at age 87

  62763 Hits

Five Ninja Cats

 All cats are secret ninjas, or so we are told. Here are some blatant examples of ninja cats: ninjacat 1This ninja Cat has mastered the technique of climbing up walls, probably to attack anyone that exits this house, like a house maus. ninjacat 2This next cat takes all of our breaths aways, as it swings to throw in a roundhouse kick against the enemy cat -probably a shinobi cat-. ninjacat 3And you thought that the littergenie cat could only rap and dress in racy jewelry? Think again! The littergenie cat is also a ninja! NinjaCat 4Do you god honestly think you have what it takes to fight a ninja cat? Well think again, this cat does a little bit more than just "dance". ninjacat 5Not ninja enough you say? Can you god honestly say that now? I didn't think so! This cat is the ultimate ninja cat , hands down he's...

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  64190 Hits

The essentials of contracts (basic United States Law)

In the world of law, things constantly change , new things are added and the outdated are tossed out. But today, I will explain the basics that have been used for almost 300 years in regards to "contracts". contractsDefinitionA contract is a legal(in the eyes of the law) agreement in which two parties consent to exchanging services, materials or intellectual property.Likewise, there is a set of laws , commonly referred to as " contractural laws" that aim to support contracts word for word. The main aim of these, as with many other laws, is to make outcomes of contracts more predictable.How to form a contractForming a contract can be as easy as asking someone to hand you over their godamn bicycle for a penny or two. If the person agrees, then you are forming a contract where you are receiving goods for money. The contract is then complete and both parties...

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  68534 Hits