Drukatin NovakWe have all heard of the wright brothers, they invented the first airplanes and started a new era of exploration and expansion. But do you know who the first person to ever start building iron and metal airplanes was?Of-course you don't! Dragutin Novak , aeronautics pioneer of the early 1900s began a private flight program for the Austrio-Hungarian crown in 1901. He theorized that the heavier a material was, the stronger the force propelling it would be necessary to keep it in flight. He created multiple prototypes of this "leading innovation" in aeronautics while all other nations were still building wood framed biplanes.Novak used titanium plates welded with an aluminum frame to produce something truly remarkable , and although the Austrian crown took note of his fine work, and his contribution to the municipality of Croatia, world war I came before any "mass production" of these prototypes could be built.Nova would...
Cyathocalyx is a relatively new aged-plant that has been discovered in the jungles of Borneo, south Asia. The plant is characteristically easy to identify because each leaf has exactly 6 wedges being pointed externally from the stem. This plant is thought to be rather harmless to people, and some even say it might have properties found in blood pressure control medications.Two new species of this genus were discovered in 2010, most of it's existence, life cycle and etymology is still relatively unknown. Cyathocalyx
What happens when you mix all of your nightmares together? Darkness , depth , spiders, lobster, claws , teeth and eating decomposing bodies? You get a giant marine isopod, perhaps the cutest (eghem) animal in the universe.This Marine Giant Isopod is enormous, about the size of a housecat to be exact. It dines solely on decaying flesh, although with those nasty looking claws, perhaps being a more active predator is not above it's morales. Giant Marine IsopodThe giant marine isopod is closely related to shrimps , lobsters and prawns. Believe it or not, its pillbug appearance is exactly like such because the common pillbug is a land isopod (the same thing but miniature).The giant marine isopod is only slightly related to the crab, which also means that they are slightly related to some extent to spiders , which are closely related to horseshoe crabs and regular crabs (do you follow?). Giant...
The word on twitter is that former star and now celebrity actress Lindsey Lohan is expecting a child. The general public is betting a few pennies, or more that this is just a blatant lie.This comes after Lohan tweeted something among the lines of "Im expecting" while on tour in the UK. We can't exactly confirm this , but hey, this is good news, right?
Buckwild, a popular show on mtv , had it's hit star , Shain Gandee (age 21) missing for almost a week.Unfortunately, this morning police have found his body, along with three other unidentified men.What appears to be the case with "the cause of death" are execution style strangle marks and gunshot wounds. The car was found bogged up in a river , probably in an attempt to hide the evidence. No further information is available at this time.Shain will be missed by his adoring fans, and everyone close to him, such a tragedy is truly unfortunate.
plastic eating mushroomPlastic, junk that is cheap to produce, and easier to mold than metals has accumulated in our waste facilities and underground for some time now. The problem with all of this common synthetic material is that it rarely ever decays , although there are some bacteria and elements than do destroy it over a prolonged period of time.What you probably don't know is that in 1950s , a Yale student on a journey to get his PHD , discovered a fungus that naturally ate polyurethane [plastic] , and did not require air to survive. What you probably don't also know is that this fungus is harmless to humans (or so research shows) , and will survive in any region of the world easily.Somehow, it extracts energy from plastic, and is capable of synthesizing the synthetic material to survive. This fungus does not require water either, so it may be...
Korean war restarts 2013What are principles without a force to back them? That is what we must ask ourselves today, because we warned you that unless someone speaks to the north in a neutral but anti-war matter, the peace treaty of 1953 would be nulled.As of yesterday, the treaty has officially been crushed and obliterated by both the North and the South. That's right, the Korean war is back, for all of you Korean war veterans, you probably feel pretty dumb right now , right? Maybe Douglas Macarthur was right, the whole country should have been taken and made into one , its just too dangerous to allow two countries that claim each other as part of themselves to coexist, conflict is imminent.North Korea has noted such things as "any attempt by the South to threaten our existence will be dealt with in a war-time fashion" "If the United States intervenes,...
Have any of you ever tried to go one day without lying or stretching the truth just to see what a perfect world would be like? Well yesterday I was late for work, I told my boss "well, Steve I just simply didn't feel like leaving early because I don't care too much about this job, I would rather be playing xbox than being here to be honest". Steve is no longer my boss. That's right, I got fired. Life is a bitch and Steve is a mofo. Together Alone
We know we said no more on this matter, but breaking news! (lol) people that are against gay marriage just created their own profile picture symbol in response to the equal rights for gay couples symbol. This one is that = sign with a / through it, kind of like that aged "be different" sign used by hippies during the Vietnam war. This internet battle is going to be , dull and boring -_- anti gay marriage symbol facebook (click and download if you want it, we don't care)Seriously, how is the weather?
This red sign everyone is using as their profile picture is something fabricated by the typical fatboy in his basement to work as a symbol that symbolizes (thats a long sentence) equal rights for gay couples -primarily marriage. We really don't care, we just wanted to share with you our findings :) Its just lame and boring to us, so we wont talk about this uninteresting topic. weird red facebook sign -click it and download it if you want it, we don't care-So, how is the weather in your area?
Man vows to shoot them allIn the medium sized town of Rumford, England , something rather odd occurred. A squirrel fell into a opened gas casket on the side of a petrol operated cremation chamber , causing a fire.This couldn't have come at a better time, there was a precession occurring inside the building. The fire interrupted the funeral, and forced a quick end for fear of damage by fire that could have possibly killed everyone in the building.But one man couldn't take it anymore , 73 year old Alby Tebbutt vowed vengeance. Now, this man stated "I will shoot them all " , got his gun and went out on a shooting spree. He bagged a few, but luckily we hear he is a poor shot.Those poor squirrels, they will all be pwned , just because one old man couldn't stand to allow such an over powered animal to exist.
the womanUgh, ok , so we can't say the actual word for it because our sponsors will strangle us, but a Florida woman [Porcha Gross] was caught by police after she stuck a crack cocaine cookie in her, oh wait we don't have any sponsors, vagina. This woman tried to escape without jailtime, and being the stupid person that she clearly is, she thought they wouldn't search there. As police ransacked her car, she started wiggling, all of a sudden the cookie fell out of her vagina.The cookie tested positive for crack, the appraised value of the cookie is around 1000$ (us). This lady will now be facing a life sentence in prison, all because of one cocaine cookie.There is no excuse in life for such stupidity.
A bunch of stupid, no good waste of life hooligans accordingly attempted to mug a woman early this week. The woman, unidentified at this time, was walking her 13 month old son in a stroller.These sick , disgusting and worthless scumbags stopped the woman, and forced her to pay up at gunpoint. The woman was poor, and told them she didn't have anything on her. At that time one of these sick, disgusting and worthless wastes of life pulled out a gun and told the lady they would shoot her child.She adamantly pleaded for her child's life , and told them she really had nothing [she really did not have any money on her]. So these sick boys age 14 and 17 began to fire upon this woman , grazing her head and kneecapping her.As she was lying in a pool of her own blood, the 17 year old scumbag went...
A poor male lion was videotaped trying to eat a little girl. But just imagine for a second, every day thousands of snacks just walk by the glass, and the lion gets more and more tempted to eat each and every one of them. girl eaten by lionOn top of all that, they all has cheezburgerz and stuffs. So, the king of the African Savannah decided to nom the girl, unfortunately, he failed :/ The ballistic glass made it impossible for us to see a male lion eat a baby chimpanzee, I mean a human. Watch the video below plox.Lions truly are the kings of the wild, that is why we must all not tempt fate.
VirusSo, we all know that the virus is the ultimate enemy, something that cant be killed by antibiotics because it is non-living. Something that can decimate entire populations, something that will kill you because your only defense against it is your immune system.But do you understand the true capability of these abnormal creations? Did you know that when you are afflicted with a virus, it attaches to your cells , combines with your current DNA and begins to create hybrid cells , which are usually dangerous. Then your immune white blood cells go out and kill these infected cells , although regurgitation and high temperature [fever] also aids in the extraction of this terrifying stuff.What you probably don't know is that when a virus infects you, sometimes there is a neutral affect. Sometimes we simply get a mutation. All that happens in this scenario is the infected cells are not attacked...
cat double pawDoes your cat have what appears to be "more than one paw" on each hand? Well, it sparked my interest when I met a cat that had this apparent mutation, so I did some research and was baffled at my findings.Scientists in the Netherlands wrote a study on this phenomenon about 30 years ago. What they found was that as kittens grew in the womb of the mother cat, at times two kittens would fuse together. It is hard to understand, we know, but in cats , it is possible for two fetuses to begin to bind together, kind of like how humans are just many different cells bound together to make one organism.The double paw means that your cat is actually two cats merged together, and as seen in the cat above, it appears this one was a black cat and a white cat made into a tuxedo...
We have all been in that situation : we try on a ring , and it doesn't quite fit. Ok, so it marvelously fit on, GREAT! But now we can't remove it. Well, luckily you came to us!All you have to do is go find your windex or any window cleaner and spray. Now just spray the windex on the ring , try to get all around the ring. And bam! The ring will come off like your finger is inches thinner! Thank us later :) tight ring stuckNote : you can also use soap, but it doesn't work as well.
Do you ever wonder what Groudon in pokemon was based off of? A godzilla maybe, or maybe something larger, and more realistic. Sakurajima volcano in Japan probably houses the answer , very close to the legendary suicide forest, it quite possibly harbors a groudon.Now how can we get it to come out? Look: groudon foundThat lightning is the life force given by arceus to make groudon come out of the ground. When it comes out, people will have to go find a kyogre in the pacific ocean, although it too might end up attacking these poor people.
Ok, lets see here, a group of Chinese pig farmers decided it would be a peachy idea to use a local fresh water river to dispose of over 6000 dead pigs. Now, even in china microbial infection is looked down upon , although groundwater poisoning due to mines is not so commonly addressed.So, the people that threw these bodies into the river, which locals use to drink and irrigate crops, all got away. But there is a sick twist to this gruesome story , some people fished the dead pigs out, and sold the meat on the market. People actually bought and ate it , if properly cooked this shouldn't be an issue, but it makes you a bit sick huh?Although the dumpees were not charged, those that sold the flesh received from a week to 6 years in Chinese government-run prisons , was it worth it?I don't think so!Hopefully the...
Im reporting a few hours late on this matter because I actually watched it happen. So after a few days of black smoke coming from the papal chimney, finally some white stuff came out today (god that sounds wrong). And much to my pleasure, he was not the archbishop of Nigeria , but rather a high priest from Argentina.Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio will now begin his term on the throne of the papacy as "Pope Francis". And yes, waiting for this guy to come out was like waiting for the fireworks to go off on new years eve. Pope Francis is 76 years old.And what of the resigned pope Bnedict ? Well, he will be mentoring Francis for a bit, and then probably retire to a local monastery where he will live out his life in silence , which really is not as bad as I make it sound. He will also...