The move towards holy war

The move towards holy war

We are pleased to announce that within just a few weeks we were able to rework an old game called holy war in such a way as to make integration with this portal possible. The first of these additions of the game actually called for us to rework the forum. As such you will notice that the forum will now permanently have a /forum/ link in every url , this might cause a few "page not found" errors from old links.   Likewise, the games section will now be games/games to view all and games / game name to view a specific game. Simultaneously, we added a small feature to games which will allow embedding from our site to third parties. Moving on , we are going to be adding holy war unexpectedly sometime by the end of the summer season. We are giving ourselves three more months minimum to rework...

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  60521 Hits

Using plasma instead of a scalpel

an argon beam scalpelUsing the conventional scalpel might be a thing of the past. A team of scientists in Washington DC has begun tests of using plasma beams to cut apart humans on the operating tables.In essence, this would create an environment that is virtually blood-free, and surgeons would be able to be more precise when cutting a patient. This group of scientist claim that the plasma is not only more sanitary and antibacterial, but it is way more precise due to it's thin length (eliminating unnecessary collateral damage to surrounding tissues).Quite literally, men have used heat to mend wounds for a very long time in hopes of preventing infection. Heat also relaxes tissue (that is not incinerated) around the area of affliction , causing little to no complications.Ironically, this would literally be (and we quote the doctors) "a lightsaber" in that it cuts with a controlled jet of argon or...

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  62403 Hits

A fail idea "google glasses"

Google glass is an idea drafted by google for mass production circa 2014 A.D. These are glasses that you strap around your eyeballs and do tasks similar as you would on your lovely little iphone. The difference is mainly that it is all voice operated and the glasses start at 1500$ a pair. We can already imagine how cool you would be if you had a pair, people would totally think you were "uncool" unless you have your google glasses lol. you aint cool unless you have theseAnyways the google glasses will be running a fully voice operated version of android designed specifically for them. You will have a screen you could possibly look at above and below your field of vision. Unlike the more futuristic idea of internet glasses controlled by your brain, google glasses wont help you cheat on your exams , sorry , unless you put all the...

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  61609 Hits

Virtual Reality Conspiracy Theory

We know this sounds a bit strange but we recently uncovered what appears to be damning evidence of people wanting to stop the existence of virtual reality. Virtual reality is still in it's infancy and usually relies heavily on the use of three separate projectors to create three dimensional images, kind of like our own experience with creating three dimensional movies from flat shapes using a z axis. Virtual RealityGoing forward, this is going to sound a bit out of whack, but rest assured it seems to be a pattern. Gunpei Yokoi , creator of the gameboy color , gameboy pocket, and crosspad was on the verge of finishing up his virtual reality studies. He created something called the virtual boy , which in essence was the first attempt at three dimensional emulation. Although a bitter failure on the market, the concept was to be worked upon by Yokoi and his team.A...

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  61238 Hits

The Cthulhu Portal Turns Blue

The Cthulhu Portal Turns Blue

The Cthulhu Portal has turned blue! We went from black to red and always felt those colors really irritated the eyes of the readers. We can't exactly go white because this is a dark themed website, so we went as light as possible and it looks pretty cool no? Anyways a few things were also changed in accordance with our own experience on this website. This mainly came from our use of light backdrops on text boxes with dark text being implemented in areas such as "User Media" and "Games". The issue was our sickly gray color (which looks white to you ;) ) is very difficult to see on a white backdrop. These have now been fixed and no further issues with these "hard to see text" filters should be present. More sections have been added to the forums, but please don't overuse them at this time (we have had...

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  61885 Hits

Fox baby in Russia asks humans for help

Fox Baby Helped Fox Baby Helped

A fox baby found in a Russian forest has asked local authorities to kindly remove a glass jar from it's head. Apparently this little guy wanted a free snack and got his head stuck in the jar.Luckily, the kind Russian authorities decided to help him out and get the jar out. Watch the video, it's pretty cutes. Anyways, let this be a lesson to all of you litter bugs out there -_- Further reports indicated that the fox happily went back into the forest with no further issues.

  62445 Hits

Bangladeshi pirates with machetes and axes storm nylon ship

A group of Bangladeshi pirates stormed into a nylon chemical carrier early today. The men were wearing what appeared to be loosely cut ski masks and were wielding axes and machetes. Reports indicate a large sum of these pirates (roughly twenty five) stormed the chemical carrier using a wooden dinghy as an assault platform. Numerous men on board the ship raised the alarms at which point near-by security personnel advanced on the ship.Several rounds of assault rifle fire were set off by security personnel which caused the twenty five Bangladeshi pirates to scatter. The pirates abandoned the small boat and ran to shore where four were intercepted by authorities. The captives will now be interrogated in hopes of stopping further attacks in the area. Bangladeshi pirates

  61844 Hits

Tog II

We already told you about the maus, the e-100, the lowe and the t28/95 , but today we will talk about a super-heavy tank that would have put devastating amounts of fears into the hearts of people prior to world war II-- too bad it was built during world war II -_-. Today we are talking about a British super-heavy tank project , which obviously reflected their archaic concept of "trench warfare" in an era of fast movement and air superiority. Starting back in early 1941, the Tog II super heavy tank was ordered by numerous branches of allied armed forces (following the success *cough* of the tog I). The tog II was designed to literally topple all enemy tanks in length , although the width was rather average. In fact, the tog was the 4th largest tank prototype ever built in history. The only other competitors were the Russian twin turreted...

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  63534 Hits

The most terrifying prehistoric animal of all time

When you think of the most terrible thing that has ever roamed planet earth, T-rex probably comes to mind. Today we are going to explain about something that ate t-rex for breakfast, something so massive that it could possibly be comparable in size to the largest things man has ever built (aircraft carriers). We are talking about Liopleurodon. Liopleurodon -SWAG-Liopleurodon was literally something of your nightmares. It was a crocodile type dinosaur hybrid with gills and lungs which could pretty much live in fresh or salt water. The jaws of this massive beasts alone are the size of a T-Rex. Then it comes as no surprise that as smaller dinosaurs, or any dinosaur would be taking a drink, Liopleurodon would be waiting, and unfortunately, there was nowhere to run from these 8 yard long jaws. The teeth alone could probably skewer an elephant on each individual tooth. For f***s sake! that...

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  62208 Hits

Darth Vader rides a flying cat

We are writing this from a distant location , yes it's another mobile post :) Here is an image of a Darth Vader riding a flying cat. We thought it was amazing. Darth Vader rides cat

  63893 Hits

A new civil war on the verge in Turkey

turkish protester with Molotov cocktailThe nation of turkey is a frail imp compared to it's once vast empire. But, unlike most of it's neighbors to the east, Turkey (after it's defeat in world war one)  has practically separated religion and state. This in the general consensus is a very good thing , mainly because it has allowed Turkey to move ahead while it's Persian neighbors have been left in the stone age (no offense).Unfortunately, the new Turkish leadership has begun a regression to archaic things, such as separation by sex and emphasis of religious holidays over National holidays. The second thing is perfectly fine, it truly is because this is their country and they can make whatever they want more or less important. However segregating sexes in schooling is an archaic practice, sure there are all boy and all girl schools throughout the world, but public school segregation stopped in Europe...

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  61774 Hits

Large bulk carrier stationed in Taboneo, Indonesia robbed by pirates

An exceptionally large wool bulk carrier was robbed today. Pirates, bearing only large knives, lunged onto the "in-port" ship using grapple hooks and ropes. The pirates placed multiple hooks under piles of processed wool and began to carry them out. After the wool was taken out of the ship , one Mercedes-Benz Axor truck and one Suzuki (model unknown by camera footage) light truck were used to quickly load the wool. The pirates then sped off into the general populous. One man on-board the ship noticed the pirates, but out of fear for his life, did not act against them. Authorities were alerted and the situation is under investigation. No further information in relation to the case is being released by Indonesian police and military personnel. Wool stolen in Mercedes Axor by pirates

  62206 Hits

Royally free cheezy pron music

Here, I created this piece of "pron style" music a few months ago. After a few complaints from people that hated my use of third party download centers, I have decided to post and host the file myself on this website. The rules are as follows: Don't market/ distribute this piece as your own   You have no right to sell the piece yourself, but feel free to use it in commercial projects   Please try to tribute me some credit, just give "Ferdinand Ivanov" a small credit outline in your project way at the end in 1 px font :( -- this is not necessary but it would make me happy. And soon, I will add more royally free music (which sounds nicer) -- if I have any spare time to screw around :P :( :D Download this piece here: "Cheezy Music" - the file is roughly 4mb

  62082 Hits

Xbox one slabbed 500 dollar pricetag

xbox oneSuch a bullshit! - These are the words of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of very disappointed xbox fan-boys amidst the cruel announcement by Microsoft at E3 today. Microsoft's new invention "the xbox one"  was announced two months after sony announced their plans for a "playstation 4".Millions of fanboys are more eager about this "xbox one" thing over the ps4. Through this craze, people don't exactly know what either the ps4 or xbox one will look like, but they want their hands on these "futuristic" gaming consoles.However, and to our own dismay, the 499$ pricetag seems like total bullshit. Naturally the system is probably not that great, only an upgraded graphic processor and some ram , nothing special. The idea of the 499$ pricetag is probably the same reason some people launch games with higher tags then reduce : to make more money from idiot fanboys.Unfortunately , Halo has also...

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  61539 Hits

Prisoner gets more time in jail for sticking his manliness in a salad

Anthony GentileThis coming right from various accountable sources in Florida: a man that was thrown into prison recently on "sex with a minor" charges is facing an additional three years in prison. And the reason behind this additional sentence? Well that is just the most bizarre of stories.The prisoner, 41 year old Anthony Gentile (ironic), had just taken up kitchen duties , possibly because the prison crew believed he was fit to make parole. Well, the first day on the job, Gentile just couldn't hold himself together. He took the salad he was making and slabbed his genitals inside, covering them with salad.He did this for well over six minutes , mixing them with sauces and oils. After Gentile was done scrubbing his meatstick with the fresh veggies, he spat into the salad. Gentile then took off his underwears and was readying to defecate into the salad. Luckily, he heard knocking...

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  61725 Hits

Cute Sad Kitten

For today's complete off-topic nonsense post, here is an adorable kitten that seems much older. This kitten is listening to Colors by Morandi. Obviously the persian kitteh needs a good petting to move it out of it's depressed state :/

  62185 Hits

Actress sends ricin to Obama and Bloomberg

An actress has allegedly sent poisonous letter to New York mayor Micheal Bloomburgers and president Barrack Obama. After sending the letters, the actress dialed the nearest number for the CIA , and informed them of the  plot --claiming it was orchestrated by her husband.Soon, the woman was beaten to the ground by men in SWAT uniforms --apparently her scheme failed. The 26 year old actress could not be found a lawyer willing to work for her, and sequentially has been canned into a near-by prison until further notice.This only comes two months after the souther senator being sent ricin -- see that here: senator sent ricin letter. The actress will be held until further notice, and any new updates on the case will be noted here, on this post. actress sends president and mayor ricin

  61737 Hits

Order your groceries off Amazon?

Amazon , the one company that has a reputation for "quality"-- and of course the smiley faces on the packaging boxes , has decided to move to a new niche : on line food distribution.Because amazon already is the largest e-commerce website on the net, it can afford to take risks with it's almost half a trillion per year profit margin. Recently, amazon has announced plans to add "shopping for groceries online" to their list of services.Although companies like stop and shop already have services like peapod, where you can get groceries delivered to your doorstep , amazon is better known and has a larger "global reach".Soon people might no longer need to get out of their house to do their shopping. In the future, your food could be at your doorstep as easily as ordering batteries off Amazon. Amazon package of smiles

  62636 Hits

T28 Superheavy Tank

If you thought the Germans were the only ones that could field mammoth tanks, you clearly have never heard of the infamous project "T-28", which in all honesty was on-par with the mammoths of the German land forces. T-28-95 super-heavy American tank As world war two was appearing to be a similar standstill on all fronts to World War One, American tank designers began thinking like the English during that first bitter war , they needed something thick ! With tanks like the panther and tiger prowling around , the idea of sending swarms of ill-equipped M4 Shermans seemed doomed to fail. With the coming of the tiger II , the Sherman could no longer even penetrate many of the German armored units, let alone storm to Berlin. Similarly in Japan , the Sherman appeared to be getting bogged down and destroyed by anti-tank weapons with relative ease (by an army that barely...

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  63035 Hits


DOSAAF is a Belorussian military regiment devision of the Belorussian  armed forces. This organization's sole purpose is to assure readiness in case of need to call locals to arms. The organization has it's roots in the Cold War, when an attack from the west would have certainly pushed to Belarus with extreme haste.Today, the organization works on training military-age men and promoting "join the armed forces" campaigns throughout Belarus. When not on the job, the men promote patriotism , and civic conduct. DOSAAF

  62437 Hits