Panzerkampfwagen V "Panther" The king of all mediums

What was the one tank that inspired people to shit their pants for almost five years? Of course, it must be the Panther. Often confused by people that don't understand the difference between the German word for Armour and the wild black cat , the Panther is (due to human stupidity) , the only tank that comes to people's minds when they think "German Tank World War II". Panther TankUnlike the more famous M4 Sherman and t34-76 tanks, the panther just doesn't get enough credit. The reason why the panther isn't called the "best tank of world war II" is because too few were produced, and the panzer mark IV was a far easier to produce and more widely used German tank.But at that time, every tanker of French, American, Soviet or English origin can tell you: if you saw a panther, you shat your pants. Not only did the panther...

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  63790 Hits

Plant-clad skyscrapers

Plant covered skyscrapers might be the next big thing. Not only has the idea of combining a natural look to the modern architecture flattered the eyes of artists, but it might yield economic benefits to cities suffering from CO2 overdoses.Coming from Milan, we see that this type of "organic" architecture is very appealing to the eye. Even though it is a relatively new concept to do this on a massive scale, because trees can easily destroy buildings over time, it might be perfected over time.These first prototypes are very attractive, and they are quickly becoming "international trends". What does this mean for a greener world? Well trees tend to absorb Carbon Dioxide and convert it to oxygen. Cities like Mexico City and Beijing might be able to recover from the severe smog which cripples the air quality.It has always been difficult establishing "habitable zones"  without having to level massive amounts of...

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  62292 Hits

Why you should get in the van

Lets think of all the best reasons why you should get in this van. We know, it looks crazy, and you just can't wait to get inside! We all want to be in a van with a guy dressed in a crash bandicoot costume , just because. yeah its really me kid get in the vanWell, if you get inside you might get the following:1) Freedom from your parents because you probably won't be coming back anytime soon!2) Free candy , yeah all vans have free candy inside, honestly!3) You get to see the inside of this pimped out van (we all want to)Now seriously, kids, stay away from drugs..... and this guy in the crash bandicoot costume. Free ice cream is just not worth it. But hey , you might never know what's really inside.

  62431 Hits

Half life three confirmed

Ok, let's see here.... This cat wanted to eat this sushi, but it has a deeper meaning. You see sometimes you have to look at things in a different perspective. You know, you need to see the symbolism behind everything. Nothing is exactly what it appears to be. Three sushi unlicked half life three confirmedYou see now? Exactly three sushis were not licked. Three is half of six. And six plus three is nine. Nine is the number of the devil. You have to kill the devil. Half - Devil just doesn't sound right. Whats the opposite of being with the devil (dead) ? Being alive of course! So this picture is symbolically saying "half life three has been confirmed". Got it?

  63143 Hits

Cat Theft Auto

Lolcats might be taking over the Internet with more momentum than google , but we never though this would happen... cat theft autoThis game will be very epic, just be careful when you're walking down the street, that little kitteh make you a cookie but eated it , now he haz a sniper rifle. This game will be epic! We don't have any word on any hax yet, sorry.Also featuring Grumpy Cat and Helicopter Cat !

  62807 Hits

Chinese car left on destroyed road

Construction workers in central china released some huge conferences about , what appears to be, a pricey car that was left in a "to be demolished" road. The owner naturally said "f the police" , and told authorities to "make him" move his house and car.As a result, the Chinese construction company actually went around the car and house of this single individual. And this is the result. This car looks so sad, almost like it's about to QQ , perhaps it's a chery QQ. Car left on broken roadThe guy that actually left it there can have a ton of fun trying to actually recover his QQ now ahahahaha!

  62797 Hits

Man threatened with dildo

This post has been moved here

  68150 Hits

NASA captures a beautiful solar storm in pictures

NASA , through constant observation of our beloved sun , has captured some breathtaking photos of a solar storm , or flare. A solar flare is a burst of energy , in extreme measures of joules , which is exploded away from the source, in this case the sun. These are often caused by natural gravitational disruptions , which cause an unbalance in the seemingly perfect flow of hydrogen , which in turn excites the smoldering gas, causing it to break apart and spew wildly in any direction. solar flare capturedBecause solar flares are pretty much separations of hydrogen atoms, they release immense amounts of radiation in whichever direction the flare hits. Luckily, our atmosphere acts as a "barrier" , causing all radiation to spherically glide over our planet, keeping us from being incinerated every time our sun has one of these "flare-ups". solar flareImage credits: NASA

  62829 Hits

Israel preemptively attacks Syria

Israel, the product of wester pity, has decided to (without reason) attack and bombard Syrian targets. It is not understood why they have suddenly become so "trigger happy" , as we have stated before , the civil war in Syria should be decided by Syria alone, no external forces. Israel bombards SyriaIt's kind of strange how a country has the nerve to enter another's airspace without a formal declaration of war , killing people and then the rest of the world does not turn on them. Sure , Syria is a mess. Of course, there are rumors that they are using chemical weapons against whatever in hell the "rebels" are.Remember, we thought Iraq also had these types of weapons, and they never did. Even though Israel is not directly being threatened by Syria, it is only possible to assume that they want to test their armed forces on a more modern...

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  62507 Hits

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (psp) Cheats

When we use the term "old but gold" , this game definitely comes to mind. Even in today's tablet infested world, this 7 year old game is the best grand theft auto portable game. So why not post all the hax ?  vice city stories psp Armor Cheat code: Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Square, L1, R1 Cars Avoid You Cheat code: Up, Up, Right, Left, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square Chrome Cars Cheat code: Right, Up, Left, Down, Triangle, Triangle, L1, R1 Clear Weather Cheat code: Left, Down, R1, L1, Right, Up, Left, X Commit Suicide (lol why use a hack for this?) Cheat code: Right, Right, Circle, Circle, L1, R1, Down, X Destroy All Cars Cheat code: L1, R1, R1, Left, Right, Square, Down, R1 Faster Clock (trippy shit man) Cheat code: R1, L1, L1, Down, Up, X, Down, L1 Faster Gameplay Cheat code: Left, Left, R1, R1, Up, Triangle,...

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  63965 Hits

Why you should merge your account with facebook and twitter

Why you should merge your account with facebook and twitter

Merging your account with social media , such as facebook and twitter, has really never been easier. All you have to do is log into your account , then click the "connect with twitter" or "connect with facebook" links in the "login form".   Sometimes, and usually, on your laptop or desktop , you will already be logged into facebook and twitter, if you have them. Just accept the "connect" form and give our apps permission to link with your account, and you should be all set!   This will make logging into the Cthulhu Portal a breeze! It will now take just one click to sign in ! No more password and username garbage!   Also, your twitter ID will appear on your profile, meaning your friends can follow you , increasing your twitter followers. If you wish to "de-merge" your accounts, simply go to your profile , and under "edit...

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  61220 Hits

This lettuce died because of you

The image you are about to see is extremely shocking, it might bring you to an impasse about what you should eat for the remainder of your life.... This lettuce died because of you

  63247 Hits

Man bites dog's nose off to save wife

Now hang on a moment. These headlines sound pretty freaking intense. They might even sound like animal abuse, but rest assured , it's not. A man was walking with his wife, and their little beagle. man bites dogs nose offAll of a sudden, this massive dog comes out of nowhere, attacks and kills the beagle, then (bloodlust boiling) turns on the beagle's walker. The woman , identified as Caren Henry of Madrid, Texas , - brutally attacked-. Her arms were practically torn off, her neck was ripped open , her legs shredded. Worst of all, her nose was completely taken and eaten by the wild dog.Coming to the aid of his wife, the husband attacked the dog. Although he suffered severe bite wounds to the chest , legs , neck and face during their epic bare body wrestle, he ended the fight by "biting the dog's nose off and swallowing it"....

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  62497 Hits

First solar powered airplane makes record 18 hour flight

It sounds like "the advent of the turboengine" in 1950 during the cold war. A newspaper, slapping you in the face, and the headlines are "all-solar powered plane makes 18 hour flight". This people, is us living through a VERY important piece of history. all solar pane makes 18 hour journeyBecause this plane used nothing but the sun to fuel the journey , future improvements to the concept will also only need solar energy to produce immense power. What we are trying to get at is: this is an enormous victory for the people of Earth.This is generally a step in the very proper direction of keeping our planet alive, at least long enough so that we may escape to other planets , and destroy them as well -_-.Ehem, yes humans might be a plague, but this swiss invention is probably the most "breakthrough" development or innovation of the past 40...

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  62210 Hits

Man wearing "jail sucks" shirt arrested

A Florida man was arrested early today on his way to a welfare party. Ironically, the man was wearing a "Jail Sucks" t-shirt, which made this case hit global headlines. Jail Sucks Shirt ArrestedAnother man was wearing a "f*** the police" shirt, he was taken to the backroom and beaten unconcious with a salami, if you know what I mean.The police caught both of these men in an undercover act , looking for people that were committing welfare fraud (getting welfare when they don't qualify). This was such a heroic "sting" operation , honestly. 40 other people will be joining these idiots in prison.

  62712 Hits

Are minivans for women?

This question has long puzzled the modern world : are vans feminine? We tend to assume that every van we see on the highway is some soccer mom with her stupid kids riding in the back. Often , these vans cut you off and you see a woman talking on the phone as she slowly comes to a stop at the red light in front of you. Chrysler Town and country minivanIt's kind of ironic, every time this has happened it has always been a woman behind the seat. This leads us to ask and wonder why men don't buy or use minivans. The simple answer to that is probably thata) Minivans are too expensive for the features you're gettingb) Why buy  a minivan when you can get a truck-bed SUV for the same price?There are many more features that need to be weighed such as the ability of disabled to...

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  62902 Hits

Top 5 most dangerous jobs

man dying In today's world , jobs have been made much safer, working conditions have been improved, and people are generally not afraid to go to work , for fear of losing their lives.So to commemorate our safe work environments, we have decided to rate the top 5 most dangerous jobs of all time, we did put a ton of consideration into this , so please appreciate our efforts. logger killedWhat is a job that has had over 30% fatality rates since the creation of man? Professional loggers! Thats right, more than 30% of all people that have been "professional loggers" have been mowed down by falling timbers. This should give you a new found respect for lumberjacks , they serve to keep you warm! Without them, your house wouldn't exist! , and yet even today, it is one of the riskiest jobs in the western world , fatality rates in 2012...

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  68856 Hits

Some guy is selling celestial land

If I told you you could freaking own a piece of the moon , or Venus, or Pluto for just 19.99$ an acre, you would stick a stake of wood through my putrid sinning heart. But, as absurd as it sounds, some guy in California, running a scam operation called the "Lunar Embassy Corp" made over 27 million dollars in selling people portions of every celestial body in our solar system. And why does this guy think that he owns all of space and can simply sell it?Who really knows. So after you purchase your acres , this guy gives you the deed to your newly acquired piece of "celestial" real estate.  You might be asking yourself who in the hell or what would fall for this blatant scam. After all , humans don't exactly own everything that we see, hasn't history taught us anything?.These idiots that have bought this land...

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  62460 Hits

Man loses 2600$ at carnival

The 30 year old New Hampshire man never saw it coming, a simple ball toss game cost him his savings-2600$ to be exact-. And what did he get with these 2600$? A stuffed banana with dreadlocks!The man, identified as 30 year old Henry Gribbohm , had come to the New Hampshire carnival with high hopes to win a brand new "xbox360 kinect " complect through a ball toss game. Gribbohm tossed and tossed, but luck was not on his side, and the ball kept coming back out. Rather than just walk to the average "Best Buy", Henry kept going. Soon, he spent 10x what the prize was worth, although he did manage to win a banana with dreadlocks.Henry is now considering a civil law suit, claiming the game was "rigged".At least he has that banana to keep him company for the rest of his life. guy spends life savings on stuffed banana 

  62794 Hits

Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

We think that it is about time to write a "quick start" tutorial on the Cthulhu Portal. We will try to cover the basics in this tutorial. Keeping that in mind, this should be the first article any new user , or pre-registered user should read. Just to get a rough idea on why this website exists, and more importantly how to use it. Ok, lets start at the basics. When you hit that "register" button , that is your first step onto our wonderful community, you will be asked to supply a password, a username, a real name, and everything else is pretty much optional. You should, however, supply a gender (you wont be able to change this after registration unless you contact us). Once your registration is finished , you need to confirm your email address through the link we will send to your email address (basic stuff huh?)...

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  61359 Hits