Wild alphamale monkey attacks tourist

Wild Monkeyman ape sasquatch goes bananas berserk angry kills manThere are moments in your life where you wish you had your recording videocamera with you. Unlike most of us, some people get really lucky and get some neat footage.Here we see a typical poop-flinging alpha male pouncing on an unsuspecting tourist, only seconds after doing some neat gymnastic work. Just imagine what would have happened if there was no safety glass. Monkeys can rip your face off pretty quickly.

  61960 Hits

Cheerios commercial prompts racial discord

A recent commercial distributed by General Mills' own Cheerios brand has caused a wave of controversy throughout the internet. In a mystical land dominated by lolcats , minecraft fenatics , and pretty much anything else you could imagine , there are all sorts of people participating.Of course, since the internet keeps us all (for the most part) anonymous, many people have slammed racist comments on this commercial(due to the highlight of a mixed race family). And since the Cheerios company can't possibly handle these comments, they have withdrawn commenting from their new commercial.Here is the "controversial video" :As for our own personal input? We don't have one , General Mills and Cheerios don't concern us at all.

  61678 Hits

Man killed by wasps

wasp stealing a poor cicada -ncsu (photo credits)According to coroner reports, a Minnesota man was stung early today by over 400 North American wasps , producing over 3,000 stings to the face, abdomen and throat, resulting in his premature death.The coroner noted that although the man was clearly not allergic to the dangerous insects (lack of instant reaction), the tremendous amount of poison injected into him caused a slow and painful death.When the poison from the wasp stinger is injected into the human bloodstream, the body reacts by clotting up around the poison , in an attempt to stop the poison from reaching the brain through the heart. This results in massive clotting, which usually will then be filtered out of the body , but as in this case, the sheer amount really made it impossible to prevent fatality.Coroners have claimed that the man probably knocked a huge wasp nest ,...

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  62169 Hits

Another pirate attack off the coast of Belawan, Indonesia results in more chemicals being stolen

pirates steal pesticidesAfter the first reported pirate attack off the coast of Belawan, Indonesia, resulting in the thievery of many pounds of coal, another , more shocking attack has taken place. Armed men boarded an anchored bulk carrier. There were two security personnel on-board. The men allegedly gagged, beat and killed the security personnel.The pirates then went to the stowage decks below, plundered everything in sight, and made off with thousands of pounds of pesticides. The attack is further being investigated by port authorities a this time.No security footage has been present at the current investigation , primarily because this carrier lacked a security system. This is the second time this year pirates have made it out of a storage ship , looting dangerous chemicals. The first incident took place just four months ago , where "pirates stole chemicals used in bomb making".Indonesian port authorities have taken notice of this event and...

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  61907 Hits

aclens.com coupon

Aclense.com (Acuvue Lenses) is an online contact lens distributor.  They sell contacts, eye glasses , drops and pretty much anything else you could imagine. And as a promotional offer , they entrusted us with a coupon code.So , the next time you visit this website , use the coupon code "ACLS5" and save 70% on your entire order! Not to mention , there will be a 5$ deduction if you hit 30$. Check out this promotional offer by clicking the banner below.

  62106 Hits

Huge pink slugs found on mountain

Large ping slugs If you thought that slugs were "disgusting" (for whatever reason) , you probably won't enjoy this news. Scientists and biologists in remote areas of the Australian continent have discover fluorescent giant mountain slugs. These things are literally over a foot long and five inches thick(bigger than most men -_-). Scientists believe these are left over organisms from a time before Australia became a desert. These new slugs are actually rather common. Scientists and observers claim these creatures frequent the mountainous region in the hundreds of thousands. Just imagine the horror of climbing up a local mountain , sliding off and falling into a pile of giant pink slugs.

  62105 Hits

The mobilization towards globalization

The mobilization towards globalization

The Cthulhu Portal has matured since the beginning of times. We went from a forum to a full-blown social network in less than one year's time. The fact that we have grown and will continue to grow does not necessarily mean we are capable to afford the server capacity that we need to run comfortably. In other words we are not making any money The anticipated solution to this issue is the addition of the store and the ability for advertisers to "purchase ad space" on the website. Which, although it sounds simple, is a difficult task to accomplish (we would need money to buy products to sell) :/ Regardless, we need your help in quite literally globalizing this website. You can help us by posting forum posts about relevant topics, asking questions on the Q&A , writing blog posts, adding some photos or videos and so on (especially sharing with...

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  60819 Hits

Beaver kills fisherman

In a very strange breaking news story, there has been a report from Belarus where a fisherman attempt to take a photo of a beaver (probably female during hatching season). The fisherman leaned in for the photo , and that's when his life ended. The beaver ran at him , biting his leg.The man would later die due to blood-loss, simply because those sharp incisors tore apart a vital artery. Although the man's friends tried to stop the bleeding , the 60 year old native succumb to his injuries and died.Beavers , believe it or not, are as fast on land as they are in water. And those teeth that tear up trees can easily penetrate human flesh and bones. Not to mention, mother beavers, like all nursing mothers, are very defensive of their babies. Look at this harmful serial killer

  62331 Hits

When you should switch from shared hosting to vps hosting , and where to get the cheapest (high quality) vps hosting!

We all now that when your website expands it's capabilities, you begin to grow your presence. More often than not, you might realize that shared hosts don't allow you to upload functional extensions like ffmpeg and flv2 tools, along with imagemagick (for online editing and meme generators). This is motivation enough to switch to something where you have more control over matters. vps serverAnother issue might be disk space , there are ffmpeg hosts that offer "shared hosting solutions" , but you will quickly run out of those tiny 5 GB they allocate you. Not to mention you still have less than half a gigabyte of burst RAM at any given moment. Going past this will automatically suspend your account for a few seconds , causing (your conversion maybe) your work to go down the drain.You might also simply have a blog or something that is getting tons of traffic, this...

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  62203 Hits

How to properly sparate egg yolks

Are you sick and tired of having to get your grubby paws into egg yolks every freaking time you have to separate them? Well, luckily, we just stumbled upon this neat Japanese GIF , which shows you how to do it properly: How to separate egg yolks The logic behind this is that squeezing the bottle spits out air, then releasing it forces it to suck up air. Since the yolk is nearly weightless, it is easily sucked into the bottle , then just push again to take it out. No more having to shove your hands in there , and probably also crushing the yolk in the process.

  61773 Hits

Snow slams Vermont and New York

Yesterday, what appeared to be just an average 30 second "rain to snow" sprinkle turned pretty intense. At around 12:00 eastern time , small little flakes of snow began to pounder in the areas of high elevation.What locals predicted to be "the final fluttering of flakes" of the 2012-2013 year quickly accumulated to more than three feet in depth. Highways in both states were shut down , and this memorial day, people will be left to shovel over three feet of wet snow.What can we say, perhaps this is a farewell gift from this rather bitter winter? Whatever it is, it was record snowfall for both areas , especially for this "last month of spring". The weather in this country is just acting up recently , isn't it? record may 2013 snowfall in new york and vermont

  62933 Hits

Indonesians Pirates raid bulk carrier , steal all spare engine parts

Only four miles off the coast of  Cigading Anchorage, Indonesia, several armed men bearing American-made m-16 (identified by security image) rifles boarded a moving bulk carrier, ran to the decks below-- finally running back to their own speedboats and getting away.After security camera footage was looked over , local authorities confirmed these were  Indonesian Pirates , and that all spare parts for the main boat engine were stolen. Although the crew raised an alarm , the authorities arrived far too late to pursuit the attackers.Investigators believe the pirates made for land, deflated the boats, and began walking into the near-by populated suburbs. No injuries or conflict were reported. Stolen spare engine parts

  61773 Hits

Get a free redbox dvd on may 26 !

Today's freebie (and we know we haven't done this in a while) is a free redbox dvd! Just enter the code "KROGERFREE" when checking out , and one dvd will be absolutely free (or blueray).Enjoy :) -Because sometimes the best things in life are free - Code expires 05/27/2013 redbox free movie may 2013

  62398 Hits

Why co.cc died

Just less than a year ago, co.cc was a thriving website, the place for anyone that wanted a domain name to get it free! Yes, it was a subdomian of a guy that owned the entire co.cc network, but it was almost like a regular domain , almost like co.uk :)Well anyways , the entire thing went from a "generous project" to getting banned from google within one year. The reason behind that was , the casual spammer. People would take like 10 names and use them to spam and generate back-links to their own websites.Because google is the largest provider of searches , the devs of co.cc decided to call it quits, and in late 2012, the website was demobilized. Kind of reminds us of ex4.me and Adbrite/Blacklabelads ...It's ironic, the order of the iron phoenix started out as a co.cc website you know :) , we naturally transferred over...

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  62557 Hits

Two women drown in San Antonio, Texas flooding

In a strange turn of events, torrential downpours in Texas have caused massive flooding. It's weird how all this doomsday weather has occurred, including the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma , sounds almost like 2012 all over again.Well , anyways, there has been tremendous damage caused to the infra-structure of San Antonio. Flooding has fell trees , damaged power-lines, water has sunk homes,destroyed automobiles, and even caused two deaths (maybe three).It is very shocking to see flooding in Texas , which is still one of this country's driest states. The flooding prompted local authorities to perform almost 300 "life risking" operations to recover stranded or "near-dead" persons. All of these ended pretty successfully, but two women were not so fortunate.A woman in her 60s was swept by the currents in her car. Authorities attempted to try to save her, but the car overturned and she drowned. Authorities were unable to flip the car or...

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  61822 Hits

Is the cashier going to disappear by 2020?

Robots will replace workers by 2020It has sparked my interest , in recent days I have visited the local grocery "super-stores" and have found an increasing number of "scan it yourself" registers. These are all automated , fully functional and semi-intelligent cashiers.It made me wonder : "if we went from signing paper to touch pin-pads, what's next?" Rather obviously I can't be positive that the pin-pads and smart-card readers will be ancient history compared to this new-aged concept of fully mechanized cashiers. In fact, a "Trader Joe's" somewhere in New England (I forgot the exact location, sorry) actually has a "scan it yourself" line where all the products are scanned, put on a conveyor, then they are bagged by a machine that separates them by weight, class (eggs for example would be in the "fragile" class) and content , then are bagged accordingly.All you really do is put all your items...

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  61942 Hits

How to make someone think you're looking into their eyes when they speak to you

Lets be honest, looking into people's eyes at times is painful. Sometimes it's your boss that makes you clean toilets all day for minimum wage. Sometimes it's your wife, giving you attitude and yelling at you.Luckily, we have discovered a trick that will give whoever you have to deal with the impression that you are showing them respect. This will not require actually looking into their eyes, or even wearing fake eyeball glasses.The trick is to just stare at the tip of the nose! Believe it or not, staring at the tip of the nose is indistinguishable to 100% of people compared to actually eyeballing them in the eyeballs.Now you can pretend to be showing respect , and never show a hint of hatred to whoever you are in contact with! EyeBall

  62438 Hits

Man benches 772 pounds -do you even lift bro?-

eric spoto liftingHere is something for the records. Eric Spoto makes you look like an absolute wimp. To you, lifting 200 pounds is an achievement. Spoto can lift 772 pounds, that's almost half a ton!This makes us all think of "lifting" in a whole new way. This guy could literally lift about three guys his size without breaking a sweat. And you know what? This is a world record!This guy is truly a hero in his own unique way, but hell, one day I will beat his record :P

  62922 Hits

Filthy terrorist chops apart British soldier in broad daylight

Early today two Islamic radical militants, residing in the U.K. , attacked and killed a British soldier with a meat cleaver. While screaming filthy blasphemy in their native tongues, they "chopped the man like a butcher does a piece of meat". The head was rumored to be removed as were a majority of all limbs.The men were confronted by armed enforcement, but they precoded to chop like the mad dogs they were, so like mad dogs, they were shot but not reported to be killed. This was an "ideology led craze" say British authorities , prompted by Islamic extremism, just like the Boston Bombers.The voracity of the attack and the extent of obvious hatred awakens us all to a grim reality : this "religion of peace" appears to be the root cause of recent attacks. Even with people that preached violence being killed  (bin laden and al zwahiri) , random radicals...

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  62052 Hits

Oklahoma tornado causes severe damage

A sever Tornado reported in Oklahoma has caused severe structural damage, destroying multiple school and shopping centers. The damage up to this point most certainly is not well documented.Some claim that "numerous casualties have been sustained". Although possible, these sources are heavily unreliable.Just a few miles away from Oklahoma City, images might speak better than words. Clearly the fact that the damage is being addressed hours after the storm has passed is not a good thing. destroyed townThroughout the afflicted area, citizens have taken and submitted images of the carnage to twitter. Luckily, we got our hands on two of these images. Oklahoma tornado 2013 Oklahoma tornado destroys townThere are still many horrific rumors of ongoing fires, trapped people and body counts. We can't confirm any of this, but we will do a more detailed report when we get more information in.Update 05/22/2013Death toll stands at 132 , mostly children. This...

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  62407 Hits