Humans Found!

Humans Found!

Cletus M. Ramos 4226 Doctors Drive Santa Monica, CA 90405 Curious what Cletus means? Click here to find out! Phone: 310-399-1942 Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This is a real email address. Click here to activate it! Username: Rore1965 Password: vuuh5ogooB Mother's Maiden name: Simpson Birthday: April 2, 1965 (48 years old) MasterCard: 5101 3932 8262 7518 Expires: 10/2016 CVC2 295 SSN: 606-23-XXXX You should click here to find out if your SSN is online. Occupation: Remote sensing specialist Company: Mostow Co. Vehicle: 2000 Acura NSX UPS Tracking Number: 1Z 99E 506 53 4887 079 7 Blood type: A- Weight: 213.2 pounds (96.9 kilograms) Height: 5' 7" (169 centimeters)   Flynn Menzies 3453 Leisure Lane Newbury Park, CA 91320 Curious what Flynn means? Click here to find out! Phone: 805-499-6171 Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This is a real email address. Click here to activate it! Username: Dazint Password: kib2IeMie Mother's Maiden name: Stones Birthday:...

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  88069 Hits

Horrific pirate attack off Togo

Togo pirate disasterA truly shocking pirate attack occurred early today off th coast of Togo. A typical chemical tanker was spotted by a boat-full of pirates. The tanker could not outmaneuver the speedboat, and well over 20 pirates , armed to the teeth, entered the boat.The first man to be taken was the commanding officer. He was forced to take all of his men and order them to the deck bridge of the ship. All crew members were gagged and forced to kneel. One pirate took the butt of his ak-47 and began savagely beating the crew one by one. As a finishing touch, the lone pirate smashed a glass vase over one crew member's head, causing severe injury.The robbers then asked the captain what was in the tanker, when he tried to trick them by telling them it was water in the ballasts, the pirates beat him and forced him...

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  61397 Hits

Miguel Angel Trevino Morales captured

Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, a brutal Mexican drug lord (not more brutal than chapo guzman) has finally been captured. After years of slaughtering innocent civilians, and displaying the bodies for all to see, a few people will be able to sleep well at night.Regardless of the fact that the cartel leader is caught, his organization will quickly elect a new leader and the violence will continue. Miguel Angel Trevino Morales will be held in a prison for the rest of his life, but the Mexican drug war is far from over. Miguel Angel Trevino Morales arrested

  60995 Hits

Cory Monteith found dead

Cory Monteith, a star on the hit tv series "Glee" was found killed to death in his apartment housing unit. Shortly after police arrived and probed the body, they concurred that Cory Monteith was not killed to death, but rather that a drug overdose was to blame. Cory Monteith deadAs is often the case with young stars, people's expectations and their ability to perform begin to conflict severely. The use of drugs to soothe pressure, stress , and the daily act that needs to be put on usually develops rapidly in such cases.Over time, the actor/star develops a dangerous addiction ; they can't quite be "themselves" without the drugs. Some will often seek help, but this is a feign because they will secretly always lapse.Eventually, regardless of expensive therapies, rehabilitation centers, and persona trainers, the lack of close familial support , and the inability to cope with the reality of "getting...

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  61417 Hits

George Zimmerman found not guilty

zimmerman not guiltyYesterday was a very tense moment, the families of dead boy Treyvon Martin , and the alleged shooter , George Zimmerman met in court to hear the verdict of a 6 person jury.The verdict came after over a year of trial and other court procedures. As anticipated, Zimmerman was found not guilty by reason/virtue of self defense. You see, when you are having your head slammed against pavement by anyone, regardless of race, color or religion , your instinct will always be to fight -- for if you don't you will die.Because it is very proper to defend yourself by all means necessary , sometimes people that go mad end up dead. As the old saying goes "its either me or the other guy". In a life and death struggle , there is no racial based fury, there is no hatred, only the will to survive.In response to the...

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  61497 Hits

Tesla S type sedan

The world is indeed moving into the future. Now, wee have something much stronger than a hybrid : a fully electric sedan. Heck, these things can go 0-60 in 5.3 seconds (better than some v8's).We of course are talking about the hyped up tesla model s. This sedan defines a luxurious , technologically advanced , smooth ride with an economic edge. The car looks pretty amazing from the inside and out , it is quite literally a luxury trim car.The vehicle has options to come with a panoramic sunroof , chrome wheel, a rear spoiler and very nice looking interior leather/wood matches. Best of all, the company delivers the cars to your door.We would love to get our hands on one and do a full review of all the features, including highway/road/ off-road performance, but at almost 100,000$ per unit, it's not possible for us to get our hands on one.Tesla...

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  62832 Hits

Insomnia and Obesity

Insomnia Have you realized recently that due to lack of exercise and weight gain, your sleeping routine has freaking went haywire? Have you realized that you wake up at night, unable to fall back asleep? Well, the reason behind this generally unknown phenomenon is actually a bodily reaction to the lack of energy usage. Yes, just like your body will begin making you feel sick, weary and in pain when you don't eat, over-eating and not using enough of the energy from your body during any given day will drastically afflict your ability to get a good-night's sleep.   Now, you might be thinking that this is all because of excessive weight on the lungs, and extra thermal insulation of body heat. This is partially right, but just imagine eating a few spoons of sugar as a very skinny man/woman and trying to go to sleep. Everyone will see that this...

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  62425 Hits

Muhammad Morsi ousted, Muslim brotherhood arrested

When we spoke last about the demand by all Egyptian commoners to oust Muhhammed Morsi, the now former leader of the Egyptian government, we told you this would be " something to keep an eye on". Today we speak for a changed Egypt. Morsi was taken down from power by a democratic military , most high ranking members of the dangerous Muslim brotherhood have been arrested, and Egypt is now commanded by a high-ranking judge, age 83 to be exact. It appears that the efforts of the people of Egypt to rectify their wrongs during that failed uprising which partnered with the death of a United States senator overseas has finally turned "full moon". Egypt is now a more democratic nation , as it has been liberated from Morsi and his supporters. Egyptians will no longer live in fear , there might no longer be silencing of people that are "outspoken" ,...

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  61104 Hits

The end of wireless car remotes

With the future advancing ever so rapidly in our technology infested world, we tend to take a variety of things for granted. For example, you no longer see people using radios to listen to music, simply because using your smart-phone to tune in to satellite radio (every station imaginable) , and having your favorite songs all in one place is just so convenient (who needs CDs nowadays other than "hipsters" right?).Well, since the radio is dead (a one hundred year old project in the making), we are looking towards other things our smart-phones are slowly superseding. We know alarm clocks , calenders , stopwatches, watches, cameras (unless you're a photographer, which within 10 years might apply to you as well) , and the list goes on. GPS , house phone , etc. Some stores have even made their primary scanners for checkout based on smartphones (99.9999% of apple stores). Some places...

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  61325 Hits

Ford unveils ecoboost tremor

Ford has revealed their newest truck for the year of 2014. The truck is said to be the "most fuel efficient" truck ever made, and as Fords tend to be on the more powerful side, Ford promises not to sacrifice performance like Ram's 1500 ecoboost does.The truck is promised to be "commute worthy" and economically much fairer than the lower tiered f150.  The ford tremor will debut some time in the late fall this year , it might be interesting , and it might not. It will however be cheaper than the ram 1500 and ford f150 , that might make it the most popular pickup truck fast.The tremor promises well over 20 mpg combined epa estimate. We know that the good old taurus SHO could barely get 12 mpg combined, the world is clearly moving forward, we would say. ford tremor 2014

  61350 Hits

Egyptians revolt again

Egyptians protesting in 2013 against presidentWhen those Egyptians began setting fire to flags and killing each other on the streets to kill their current regime, we sort of predicted that a Islamic extremist would take the spot. What we never told you is that the "democratically elected" leader was actually using similar tactics to the previous leader to gain power :intimidation.Yes, people were threatened, polls were burned , people were killed etc. The usual chain of events ended when a new leader , and member of the dangerous Muslim brotherhood, was elected. All seemed happy as people were oppressed , and Egypt soon faded from the news.Now , millions of people are taking to the streets (I guess they think if you can do it once, why not do it again) , again armed with weapons and fire bombs, ready to topple the current "democratically elected" leader's regime. Can you imagine,...

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  61397 Hits

Obama to waste American money on Africa

Obama wastes tax moneyAlthough this might sound a bit heartbreaking for all of you Obama fans out there, president Obama has decided to give almost 9 BILLION of your tax dollars to African countries in an effort to give them "electricity".These countries include some of the worst infested pirate regions in the world, including Somalia and Nigeria. And instead of dealing with financially challenged Americans , homeless people , people that can't afford an education and people that need government assistance to pay their own bills, Obama is sending huge paychecks of your tax dollars to give Africans some electricity.In the most crippling financial times since the great depression , we have to get a higher tax on gas and cigarettes to pay for some random people's air conditioning. Perhaps this is going to get severely criticized, but seriously, is there a stupider , less believable way to pretend like you...

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  62266 Hits

Australian oldman's carjacking scheme foiled

Old man arrested for jackingIn a very normal event *sigh* , an old man has been arrested for jacking it, no no no no! He was not doing the kony thing , no no. Much rather, this old man was jacking a car.In the middle of the day, in the outskirts of an Australian town , a 22 year old girl was driving about, doing her typical errands. Suddenly, as she was getting near a shopping center, a 64 year old raisin takes out a large knife and puts it to her throat.Being the wimp she was, the woman fled. Authorities arrived at the scene minutes later , only to find grandpa putting his walker and shopping bags in the trunk of the car. Busted!Grandpa will now be serving a short sentence in prison for grand theft auto and threatening a life with a weapon.

  61487 Hits

Man killed with ipod

ipod killerA North Hampton, Ohio man was killed today in a bizarre killing. According to eye witness reports, a man was jogging around with an eyepod in his ears, probably attached to his utility belt. All of a sudden a "would be thief" grabbed the ipod from the man's rear utility belt.After over ten seconds of struggling , the thief finally grabbed the ipod and began running. The thief tripped on his own shoelace, which was untied, and the ipod owner tackled the thief to the ground.Following a bitter struggle , the ipod owner took his utility belt, put the ipod in on one end of the leather pouch , and began using it as a handle. He then grabbed the thief by the neck and began strangling him.As a crowd grew around the two men , the ipod owner got off and merged with the crowd. Paramedics would soon arrive....

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  61843 Hits

The darkest myth in all of science

Science is darker than you thinkScience is a great thing, for the most part. We have built huge structures through scientific breakthroughs (we are also pretty decent at destroying them), we have nearly made child labor risk free, and most of our children live past the first month of their birthing.However as great as science is, it has come to our attention that there is a very clandestine struggle happening between the use of science to procreate cures (help civilization) , and the use of science for personal gain.You see, in our world today , we are left in the relative "dark" whenever a scientist discovers something. As an example, if someone was to discover that eating eucalyptus cured brain hemorrhages (and it by no means does) , how would that information get away from the said scientist or his employer?The fact of the matter is, perhaps performing an actual hemorrhage...

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  61623 Hits

Justin Miller found dead

Justin Miller, the thirty five year old pro baseball pitcher has been found dead. The cause of death at this time is unknown, and foul play is not being ruled out. The location of the body is unknown and the status/state of the body is relatively unknown. Miller was a career-driven pitcher that played on several teams including the Blue Jays and Dodgers.He will be dearly missed by his adoring fans and fellow ball players alike. We hope we will have more news on this matter soon. justin miller dead

  61600 Hits

Aaron Hernandez led from home in handcuffs

From his million dollar mansion , Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez has been led away by by police in handcuffs. Obviously , this means there is significant evidence pointing to Hernandez , whom was questioned earlier by police, as the culprit in the resent murder of a young wannabe football player. Evidence suggests something drug related was the spark that began the entire confrontation.Recently, an unidentified woman was also questioned in regards to the case, as her car was seen in the dumping of the body of the dead football player Odin Lloyd who was found murdered earlier last week.No further information is exactly freely available at the time, but arrrests usually don't exactly signal "innocence" , which would explain why the body was found close to Hernandez' house...Hernandez has a five year multi million dollar contract with the New England Patriots, and well, he might have just blew it over some...

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  61109 Hits

Pirates near Nipah, Indonesia threaten crewman with knife and steal engine parts

In an anchorage off the coast of Nipah, Indonesia , seven armed men boarded a merchant ship. Four men went to the stowage chambers, and two went up to the captain's quarters.One man was present at the time in the captain's quarters. The man that was captured was beaten and threatened with a knife. The man was then released and all the pirates had fled the ship. Upon access of damages inflicted, the crew noticed spare engine parts were completely missing.Perhaps the reason why these are being stolen so commonly is that they can be used to build faster pirate vessels. The rest of the crew was unscathed , some did not even notice the "silent" intrusion. stolen boat engine

  61672 Hits

Man killed to death at Lebron James sneaker debut

Of all things, the words "man killed to death" in headlines usually mean serious business. Today this business involved one bum, one "homie" and a pair of ultra-fancy sneakers marketed by locally famous basketball guru Lebron James.Lets see, according to eye witness reports, around fifty customers lined up at a local shoe store for the the debut of Lebron's signature sneaker brand. Although only about twenty one pairs were available, more than fifty patrons lined up outside the shoe store.Only half an hour before the store opened, a bum wielding a knife was asking for donations, or perhaps shoes (ambiguous). Perhaps the an wasn't wielding a knife at all, suggest police reports.Well anyways, things got bitter, people got harassed and one man pulled a gun on the bum , shooting him to death. Then , without a hint of remorse, the shooter got back into the line and waited for the...

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  61178 Hits

Man defies death , walks 1400 feet across grand canyon with no harness

One of our grandest fears is the fear of falling. We all usually have a thirst for the thrill of falling, thats why we have amusement park rides that mimic this action, but few of us would take the risk of actually walking 1400 feet across a huge ditch-- let alone with no harness or safety net. nik wallenda defies deathWell, Nik Wallenda did just that, and on public television too. This man walked across the grand canyon with no harness, no safety net, and just a film crew on both sides. This is an absolute first in history, and we should be happy a bit of turbulence did not spell doom for him.In the past, a handful of daredevils have crossed the grand canyon or jumped it on motorcycles, and other handful died attempting to do this.Anyways, this is cheery and we are happy to see his success!

  61494 Hits