Mitt romney is a bank robber

In what appears to be the most bizarre bank robbery in decades, a bank robber wearing a Mitt Romney mask has stolen a few millions in cash from a Wells Fargo bank.After watching the video above, you will notice that he is also wearing a college sweater, and he will probably never get caught, like a pro.Now Mr Romney robber, just don't get too cocky.

  64904 Hits

Many people killed in elementary school shooting

We have this coming in live, from medias all over the states. A gunman walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School, located in Newtown, Connecticut, and opened fire. Children, women , men , everyone shot in a bloody massacre that seems to echo nothing more than appalling sickness from us.Children have been killed, this is a fact, staff have also been killed. Coroners have confirmed many people are dead, many are also critically injured. Amongst the dead is the gunman, for whatever reason, this comes one day after the Oregon Mall shooting.We are worried that there is a pattern starting, and that these mass killers are becoming too frequent in the States. We will keep you updated as this story moves further. Children escorted from massacre

  64934 Hits

Google safe search fails

As of yesterday, developers at google must have come drunk into work. You can no longer search words like "dick"  and get the good stuff. No , no, now you get stuff like this: DickI guess the problem is, the devs at google had one too many beers, and just came to work drunk.  So now your safety search button can say "filter explicit content" or "report image like so: Google safe searchSo, do you want the good stuff back? Well there are a few ways to do this.- Switch to bing/yahoo images after the thing below this is also changed or-Go to or , and you will see your good old friend, the "disable safe search" bar :) How to turn Safesearch offAnd that my friends, is how to turn safesearch back off, please also tell Google to wake the f up :)

  66584 Hits

Happy 12/12/12

In commemoration of 12/12/12 , here is a Cthulhu statue! And don't forget to check out the Cthulhu Portal! We have forums now, question and answer, like yahoo answers, personalized blogs, personalized profiles, games, image galleries, image sharing, video sharing, and so much more! Check it out right here: The Cthulhu Portal 12-12-12 Cthulhu Statue

  65306 Hits

Senator Robert Menendez's intern sex offender illegal immigrant

Senator Robert Menendez has been dubbed many things today. The prime of it all comes from his intern, apparently a guy with a nasty past. Not only is this guy an illegal immigrant, and therefore can't work for the government, but he is also a registered sex offender.Police officers took this guy in today, and he probably wont be seeing freedom in the USA ever again, deportation is scheduled later this week. Furthermore, we will try to keep you updated on this matter as it progresses, if anything "spicy" like a "master/slave" relationship was present between him and the senator. Robert Menendez 

  65542 Hits

Another coward goes on a rampage

Jacob Tyler Roberts, 22, another nutcase in what appears to be a string of gun murders that just don't end. This started with James Holmes  , and there is no sign that the endless wave of idiots will stop.Ok, so this a hole walked into a shopping mall, wearing a hockey mask, and a vest, we cant even confirm that he was wearing pants.Then he shot and killed three innocent people, and ran away, screaming like a madman (as he is).The poor sap then blew his brains out in a bathroom stall. Now you can see, there is something wrong here when nutjobs like this can simply wake up one morning and do this.We don't lament his loss, and may god have mercy on his putrid soul. The killer Jacob Tyler Roberts  

  65330 Hits

Changes to the Cthulhu Portal December 2012

Dear ladies and gentlemen, after carefully taking opinions from website designers, users, and a adding a bit of common sense, we have decided to move the main menu to the top of the portal. We also want to not that an issue is present with this, we wanted to leave the menus large, but creating submenus is a hassle, so there is a small green arrow below the "home" button, you can click this to access the main menu submenus. Now we also want you to note, the background image was changed a bit, it got distorted, we are not too sure how that happened, but you can ignore it for now. Cthulhu answers is up, and fully functional, the Cthulhu store is growing as we find more products that may interest you. We have also updated the "search function" so now you may search people's profiles, making it easier to...

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  61699 Hits

Wonderful news! 25,000 teddybears thrown on ice!

At a hockey game in Canada, a cheerful crowd gathered, after the home team scored a victory goal, 25 THOUSAND bears were thrown on the rink! 25 THOUSAND! Teddy BearBut rest assured, none were murdered! Instead, all 25,000 teddy bears will be donated to children in need this holiday season! Doesn't that just make your heart melt?Check out the footage right here:

  65170 Hits

New cacoon found

Scientists in Antarctica have done it again, they have discovered another one of god's creations, although we have to wonder why god made this one, we wont challenge his decision for sure!So what the word on the streets, directly from men in black robes selling this stuff on the streets is that this is some monster that was wrapped in a cocoon of mucus by some massive leaches.We also know that it is strikingly similar to the apocalyptic being Cthulhu, perhaps they are genealogically related? Here is the enemy of mankindWhat we also know is that this animal grew to a mature size, about the same as a human, every 24 hours. Scientists claim the the lifeforms only lived about 24 hours, so we fear this one may wake up, and perhaps eat those poor scientists alive.It would be fitting to start a donation for their families, because this doomsday parasite wont...

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  65705 Hits

America has become too sensitive?

We all look to America as the leader in the first world, and yet, some things seem very strange on the global market. One of these that can no longer be ignored is American sensitivity.We are writing this in regards to some young ladies that received a bill that called them "fat girls".  The check is below: Fat Girls Check (click to enlarge)Now, these girls went out of their way to punish poor "Jeff" by taking this to the media. Talk about freaking sensitive!As the story goes, Jeff wrote the names into his computer to keep track of the clients, he did this by appearance, but this time he forgot to undo it before giving them the receipt, we are all mortal, we all do this sometimes.But these women not only informed his manager, whom found it funny ,much like we do. But they also notified the press, the police , and...

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  65473 Hits

You did not get into artschool eh?

Just a bit of background on the only person that runs this massive website, my name is Ferdinand, I am a failure. My only goal in life was to attend the Academe of fine arts in Vienna/Linz, Austria. In early 2012, I was rejected because my art simply did not stack up to their high degree of standards.My goal in life has always been to pursue my passion of sculpting in marble, although I did very limited work in actual Italian marble, I would still adore to go back in time and  get into the KUK academe , alas this can no longer be an option.Since I can never be a sculpture now, I am giving away all of my works, I will start with two done in oils, some of my "uglier ones". I will post these snapshots directly from my deviantart account, in hopes that somebody wants them.I will...

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  65417 Hits

The crazy future of contact lenses

If you even for a second sat down and wondered "how do contact lenses work" , well, you have simply asked the noobiest question on earth. The reason being is because contact lenses might seem like they are only created to help people see better, but that is completely irrelevant to what we just recently read, saw and watched.First, as a mark of good measure, all images you are about to see are properties of, we will simply show you ones that are available to the general public.Just as a bit of background, this is a concept called "coolviue 2020" , they are created as normal lenses, that change from day vision, to dimmed vision in extreme light, to night vision in the nighttime.They are capable of tracking people's faces , much like crimelab technology, or facebook image recognition software, this then goes through a database of known people, allowing...

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  65497 Hits

Codex Sierra

The codex sierra is perhaps the first and final look into the adventures of a lost generation of French explorers into the North American wastelands prior to British colonization of the continent.The Codex is an important piece of literature because it contains loose translations for many of the now dead "indo-american" tongues. Although the Codex was not officially put together until 1933, it has been written for 300 years.It is also a written account of the years before encountering French men in the 1600s in central America, a detailed analysis shows encounters with first Europeans as early as 1670's.The book then loops a few decades, somewhere in the SouthWest. This leads archaeologists to believe that the writers, and bookkeepers were forced by Spanish explorers to move further north into the continental United States. Perhaps they then merged with the Cree near 1740 and on?The weird thing about something like this is,...

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  65729 Hits

Will the world really end in two weeks?

We all want to believe that something exciting will happen in our lifetimes, unfortunately, what we fantasize about , and what is reality are never one in the same thing.We were once obsessed with the notion of a doomsday, in fact we read articles, reports, examined real pieces of Mayan scripture. We studied the language, we studied their culture.We then went on a loop, studying "T he Book Of Revelation ". We really were genuinely interested in this, you could say we were a bit obsessed. We were so into it that we began paralleling things. Like the fact that ancient Babylon(Iran) and Israel were on a collision course, all prepped for nuclear war. We wanted to believe, we wanted to prove that natural disasters up to now have been all part of some uncertain destiny.Hell, we even wanted to add the North Korean Missile to this mess, assuring that somehow...

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  65250 Hits

Frankie Muniz gets a stroke

Indeed, the once talented, young child actor Frankie Muniz received a stroke this past weekend. His family and friends claim he was acting weird and began foaming at the mouth, this caused concern and panic, at which point he was sent to the emergency room. The doctor claimed it was a "minor stroke"Muniz does not claim to know why this happened, he claims to have never done cocaine, or so much as smoke tobacco products. Frankie Muniz

  65357 Hits

The gathering tempest in North Korea

With the world finally moving towards peace in the middle east, we cannot help but focus on something else. As the hierarchy of the Islamic extremists have been all but crushed, they no longer seem to be the center of our concern.But there is a new fear, one that has plagued the west for a long time, the fear of communist rogue republic North Korea. We personally have nothing against them, in fact , we would urge them to be more open about everything. Perhaps their long time friend Russia might be able to prevent what media is making look like "a gathering tempest".We already spoke about the Korean satellite launch scheduled to be launched tomorrow, we believe. We don't fear it, but apparently , the rest of the world does. We believe that North Korea may be capable of peaceful missions to outer space. The reason why the rest of the...

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  65671 Hits

December 2012 google update

Yesterday, as you may have all seen, youtube changed a bit. We see now that Google intends to merge youtube with Google-plus entirely, this is why the new update made it feel more like a social network, and less like the good old youtube. Im not quite sure whether what they are doing is a good thing , or a bad thing. With the near death of facebook, and it's certain impending doom, we certiany dont understand why google wants youtube to become more social. People might simply move on to dailymotion, for the restrictions on dailymotion are far less, making it feel freer. Youtube might have become too "child friendly" for our tastes.     See what we mean, new youtube  

  65443 Hits

Thieves steal pounds of coal off a merchant ship near Belewan

About fifty men, without noticeable arms , wearing veils on their heads, broke into a Chinese merchant coal ship. The men plundered well over two tons of coal, and escaped noticed.Authorities and the crew noticed that something was missing shortly after boarding the ship at 12:00 Mariana time. Authorities have been notified, and action will be taken to seek the perpetrators for questioning. Area Of Attack

  65482 Hits

Put a Stop to Hair Loss and Look Years Younger with a Natural Hair Loss Product

No matter what you constantly tell yourself, the truth is that hair loss is an embarrassing medical problem. Balding does not look sophisticated or experienced, and it is a sad fact that lack of hair is often one of the first things that people will notice when they meet you. This is exactly why so many men are desperate to find a hair loss solution that works, and end up paying thousands of dollars for surgery or hormone replacement or turn to products full of harmful chemicals.But what can you possibly do? Is there a natural way to prevent hair loss and inspire your hair to re-grow?The answer is absolutely, thanks to the Profollica anti-hair loss system.If you are tired of looking older than you really are, hiding your hair (or lack of it) under a cap, and worrying about what others are saying about you behind your back, then Profollica...

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  65878 Hits

Winged Cats

Winged Cats

In years of research, scientists have never discovered, or been able to show us an example of the concept of "evolution". Now, this is sort of old (forgotten) news, but at the same time, it is still relatively new. I, of course, am talking about winged cats. Winged cats are a phenomenon of "mutation”, which in essence is the core definition of evolution. What appears to happen is that every cat in the world possibly carries a gene for wings. When two cats get together, the chance of their baby inheriting wings is like 0.0001%, roughly the same as winning the powerball. But much like the lucky f#$%^$ that won the powerball, this will happen from time to time. According to science, mutation is intentional by nature, and if it is a "beneficial mutation”, the mutant will live and breed-- passing down that "good" mutated gene (in this case wings). Since...

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  69495 Hits