(8948) 1997 CW27

(8948) 1997 CW27 is a planet very far from our own. It was discovered by Chinese scientists in 2010. It is rumored that due to it's small size, it is hardly a planet, much like pluto.(8948) 1997 CW27 should be noted, it appears alien life forms clearly live on this planet. Use caution when approaching this planet, aggression levels seem rather high.Research shows evidence of intentional interference with radio waves, perhaps in a ploy to remain invisible to fellow intelligent life, although we don't seem to be fooled.   (8948) 1997 CW27 concept (c) NASA   

  65440 Hits

Hércules Florence

Have you ever heard of a badass painter named Hercules? Well if you have not, like most of us, today you will know, Hercules Florence, the most manly painter ever!Hercules began life as a child, although some may want to believe he never was a child due to his awesomeness. He was created in France, fathered by a Frenchman and a Brazilian mother. This already makes him sound exotic and sexy no?He , much like any Greek hero, loved the sea, in fact he had many revelations in his dreams in which god told him to use positive/negative light intake glasses to create a still image. He would begin his life aboard the French navy vessels of old, studying, painting and inventing.Hercules was fully pushed into his passions when the Russians began sending scientists to Brazil, with them they brought many Germans, and those Germans brought with them art, sculpture and...

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  65565 Hits

David E. Orton

David E Orton was the president of ATI technologies from 2000 to 2007. He was the chairman behind the planned merger of ATI and AMD. He was also responsible for the purchase of the smaller graphics company "artX".His merger made him seo of the entire merged company. In 2007 , he basically retired, stating he wanted to spend more time with the wife and kids.Mr Orton is rumored to have erectile dysfunction, we cannot confirm that. There he is (c) JapanToday  

  65521 Hits

Alaskan serial killer commits suicide

Alaskan serial killer, Israel Keyes , found guilty of murdering a couple this weekend is confirmed dead, apparently the sap hung himself in his prison cell.Many questions do remain unanswered, such as how he admitted to five more murders before killing himself.There is little doubt in our mind that Isreal could have killed more people, he brutally murdered a couple, it makes us rather sad to see such things happen in our country, but as with anything, there will always be those few" oddities" in society that are simply not quite human in the head. Isreal Keyes Serial Killer

  65857 Hits

North Korea will launch a scientific satellite this month

Following the failure of their first scientific satellite/rocket, North Korean scientists have done their research and are planning on launching another rocket to space.They will be bringing a universal camera to photograph the planet, much like google maps.Now as with everything that has to do with North Korea, people think this is a ballistic missile test, and the scientific part is a ruse. We want to think the best, so we will just leave it at a satellite.Now, if you would like to know how we could help North Korea entirely, it is quite simple: we should start talking with them. Secrecy has caused more wars, death and destruction than anything else in the world. Secrecy is bad, people are quite eager to think the worst, usually with good reason.Unfortunately, when you assume the worst, sometimes you assume wrong, and tragedy can follow. North Korean Rocket  

  65747 Hits

Help! I need a loan fast!

Getting a loan these days can be difficult. If you are a college student, a recent graduate, or having to deal with the daily hassle of needing money for a car, equipment, or maybe even you need something for your own business, you should try QuickerLoanz!QuickerLoanz can tell you if you are approved in three seconds. If you have no credit, bad credit, good credit, you should still be approved. The limitations are endless(it does cap at 1000$). Sometimes taking a loan is much better than taking a lease on a vehicle. The higher your credit score, the lower your interest rate!It's quite easy, just click the image below, fill out your basic information, and you will be given a decision in seconds. This does not mean you are obligated to take the loan, but if you like it, feel free to take it :)

  66229 Hits

Contactless smart card

The future of the banking world has always been shifting. Just twenty years ago, people were still adamant about using cheques over credit and debit cards. But as you can now see, this has changed drastically. In fact 78% of all transactions done by merchants in 2011 were done on credit or debit cards (source=international service of revenue census of credit processing).Much like the cheque, the credit and debit card might be the next thing to become just a thing of the past. For over five years now, Contactless smart cards have been used over in Europe, and Asia. Analysts predict the trend will move into the united states and Canada in early 2013.What is a contactless smart card? Well, a contactless smart card is pretty much the 75% the size f your average credit/debit card. Now instead of having to slide it, you simply put it against a contacless smartcard...

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  65699 Hits

Massachusetts small business owners could be saving thousands a year.

Just as a general warning to the public, as of October 2011, congress did indeed enact a clause to the law (amendment) which stated that banks would be limited to the percent which a merchant could be charged per credit/debit/cheque swipe. As such, anyone in the Massachusetts area could quite possibly be spending thousands a month with their current processor.You might be asking "WHY?". Well, the clause deemed "the Durbin Amendment" does address the banks, but it completely skips out on processors. Therefore, processors (always a third party working with your current bank) are charging you from 50%-75% more than what they should be charging.Now, what can you do? Well for one, you can google "The Durbin Amendment" and look at the percents the bank is LEGALLY allowed to charge. Now this should be no greater than 1.4% base(before additional fees). Following standard fees, a decent amount per credit card should...

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  66018 Hits

Cthulhu Holiday

As we inch closer and closer to doomsday, we have decided to name December 1st a national holiday to celebrate Cthulhu, right before Christmas so everyone gets extra presents.  In honor of Cthulhu day we are giving you this free Facebook background, which in time might become the top of our website.     We also invite you to listen to some Cthulhu-esque music through our friends Nox Arcana. Youtube it, and enjoy!

  61575 Hits

7 Egyptians sentenced to death over anti islam film

Following the collapse of a regime that separated religion and state, Egypt has now become plagued by radicals of Islam. Just as an average example, do you remember the movie "innocence of muslims" yes, that stupid sh** that caused the attacks on benghazi. Well, we have word that seven men currently living in Egypt were sentenced to death over the filmIt is hard to understand how radical a zealot government must be to put people to death over religious purposes, sounds kind of like the Salem witch trials, no?Furthermore , the men are Christians, we don't know if that has anything to do with it (hint) as the creator of the film was admittedly a Jewish-American. Putting religion aside, this is quite wrong. And we predict, in time, Egypt may become another Iran.   Area Of Execution

  66016 Hits


Niue is a small island, well kind of small, off the coast of New Zealand. Niue is actually relatively rich for being one tenth the size of rhode island, in fact they generate 17 million dollars a year from agriculture, tourism and much more. Niue- Oceana (c) mapquestNiue was founded in 1917 by the British, the natives were cleansed, converted to Christianity, and the country became free by the end of the first world war.Niue uses the new Zealand dollar as international trade currency, but the native currency, which is actually worth more per piece, features bizarre things such as English regents and pokemon. Niue Money (pokemon)

  66595 Hits

Weird but true, the song of suicide

In 1933, following the collapse of the great imperial and royal Austria-Hungarian empire, the world was a changed place, especially Hungary. Hungary had become a paradox of a country, as it was not allowed to have a regent, it was still called "the kingdom of Hungary" , a kingdom without a king, the people lamented at the loss of their once great country.In face of being stripped to only the Hungarian borders, most of Hungary was ceded to the new Czech republic, Poland and Romania. Unity with the twin fatherland, Austria was prohibited. For this very reason, Hungary which was the economical center of Austria Hungary (Austria being the technological and military portion of the great empire) , had completely collapsed. It had suffered an even worse fate under the great depression than the twin fatherland.As fate would have it, the battered remnants of a once great country had reached the...

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  65417 Hits

Twinkies Discontinued

Hostess, a company that has lasted for almost a century now. But alas, much like Maybach ,  all good things must come to an end. This does not come as a surprise, Hostess has been facing rioting/striking union workers for months now. apparently, firing 18,000 of them was not the smartest move on the company that keeps America fat.Rather than submit to the will pf commoners, Hostess has declared discontinuation of the brand, and is on it's merry way to shut down production lines , factories, and a piece of American culture and history. We will mourn the loss of the famous spongecake.A general update is suggesting that quite possibly, Hostess may be saved by various businessmen. We have little to no word on the validity of this claim, it all seems like rumor at the moment. Deep fried twinkies ( we too want to puke)  

  66339 Hits

Idiot in prison attempting to shoot people at twilight premier

You would think that when an idiot like James Holmes killed people at a movie premier, including women and children, nobody would possibly be stupid enough to try to copy him.But as with everything else, you can't simply assume things, it is natural for idiots to copy each other, and thus  twenty year old Blaec Lammers, the twilight killer was born.Lets get this strait, this guy bought tickets for twilight, and an ar15 assault rifle with 400 rounds of live ammunition within a one hour period. Hmmm , seems really intelligent, so smart that his own mother foiled his plot, and called the police.Now he is going to have some fun rotting behind bars, nice work, really, smartass. Maybe one day you might meet general butt naked. Blaec Lammers posing naked (c) facebook inc 

  65931 Hits

Why do people still watch western movies?

It is a question that puzzles the modern generation, and seems ever more puzzling when someone from that generation actually also takes interest in this genre. We will dedicate a few words to explain this phenomenon.First, western movies are all considered classics, although we have seen about twenty different versions of" Custer's last stand" , each recreation is slightly different, there is absolutely nothing repetitive about western movies (lol). Second, the jokes and comedy are just too much. We saw one movie where a youth asked a bearded , large man "hand me over a gun" , the big man responds" i'll give you a gun" , next thing you know, the big man gunwhips the boy across the face, this is very classic and enjoyable.Third, the open drunkenness, and support for alcohol and tobacco is VERY manly, men love manly things, so naturally , manly men watch western movies rather than...

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  65634 Hits

Moses Sithole

You think of murderer, and you probably think of jack the ripper or some perverted man that ended up making children into pies. But you probably never once hear the name Moses Sithole, and perhaps that is a good thing. Back in the day, South Africa was run by a British held apartheid government. This government made South Africa the richest country in all of africa, but accordingly the class system was racist, favoring white minorities over the 99% African indigenous. Among the indigenous, there lived a man (last name Sithole) who was an abusive father, he even kicked his infant son, Moses, like a ball when he was only one year old. Sithole SR decided to walk out on the family, and he was never heard from again. His son, Moses Sithole, grew up in the slums of South Africa with his brothers. His mother would later abandon him, calling...

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  65883 Hits

The launch of Cthulhu Answers

Hello friends, we have a pleasant surprise for you, with the cooperation of a few external sources, we were capable of cultivating a question and answer section to this website. We know, we are trying to add everything imaginable, so this could be a nice twist on things, especially if you have never used a forum. Feel free to check it out, it is currently the last item on the menu! Regards, The Cthulhu Portal Team.

  61407 Hits

Dear Millionaires

Millions dollars Millions dollars

This is an odd rant, but heavens knows, there are tons of people with millions of dollars in the world. We want to simply ask those that do, how would you like to venture the ultimate project, by donating massive amounts of money to us, not only will you let our dreams flourish (we always did want a Maybach), but you can also ave your soul when the end of the world comes in a month.Heck, the only reason why we have the audacity to ask on the internet is because we fear we have barely a month left to enjoy ourselves. And if the apocalypse does come, and you have all that money, how will you be judged?Why not share your wealth with us? If you do, this website can perhaps become greater than a combination of facebook and twitter , and we can have a Maybach hehe.We also wouldn't mind...

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  65855 Hits

The death of the best car company in existence

Daimler-Benz has announced that 2013 will be the final production year of the Maybach ultra-luxury brand executive car series. Maybach was the name of a car company that actually existed in Germany since 1908, later Maybach would produce diesel engines for Tiger tanks and Uboats, along with various cooperative efforts with Henschel to create super heavy tanks.Unfortunately, even though the brand name "Maybach" was brought back in the early 2000s, it has been confirmed that the brand will be liquidated next year. Why? some sort of bs about how companies like Rolls Royce and Bentley produce cheaper cars, and how most people have never even heard of Maybach.Lets just go back and show you a few beautiful models Maybach has created for billionaires.Maybach 57:The Maybach 57 is perhaps the cheapest model of Maybach ever produced, the 2012 model starts at about 500,000$, and comes loaded with all sorts of luxury features....

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  66025 Hits

Florida boy impersonates doctor, gets jail time

Matthew Scheidt, 18, accordingly applied for a receptionist job at a local clinic, but whoever did the paperwork screwed up bad and put him in as an assistant physician.Mathew, being a boy of 17 at the time, naturally took the higher paying job, and thus he practiced without a medical license for a good year until being caught.Now , the police have sentenced him to one year of jail time for impersonation, and  practicing medicine without a license.What would you do? Is it his fault , or is this just a case of a child being a child. We could personally care less, his is a funny blunder though :) Matthew Scheidt -cnn 

  65672 Hits