Cthulhu Portal Made More User Friendly

Let us start by stating that we still did not get any solid users, perhaps we have made it difficult for you to register, perhaps you don't like the way the website looks, perhaps you fear this website will fail? Well, we did a few things to make your experience not only easier, but more enjoyable. Let us begin at the basics. We wanted to implement a wall, quite a while back, really, and so we did, feel free to check it out the next time you visit a user. Then , we added the ability to rate users. Yes, it's rather unnecessary, but it might make you happier. We then added the ability to register automatically using facebook , or twitter, you can then log in at the touch of a button, no more need to type anything in :) In general, we made this more community based, feel free...

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  61165 Hits

Pirate attack leaves one man badly injured off coast of Malaysia

We have word that a pirate attack took place , again off the coast of Indonesia, this time six men boarded a Chinese vessel. About 1:02 am, the men brought the crew to a cellar compartment on the vessel, they beat and tortured one man, forcing the rest of the crew to give up the ship's documents, and anything of value, including cash. The injured man was sent home, we are unaware of how severely he was damaged.Indonesian police are claiming to be investigating the issue. We have no word on what they have uncovered, as we usually are left in the dark on such matters. Indonesian police investigate a craft 107 degrees south of Jakarta

  66096 Hits

Ant Lion

The ant lion is an odd bug indeed, often called the doodlebug for it's odd appearance.We think it's kind of cute. Ant LionThe ant lion is one of the most adept killers on earth. What it tends to do is as potential prey approaches, they dig a sand pit. When the idiot noob bug falls in the pit, the ant lion continues to dig at the walls until the prey no longer has energy to attempt to climb the impossible sand walls. The prey is then crushed with the ant lion's enormous jaws, and much like a spider, it drinks their bodily fluids.Those massive jaws are actually hollow, two small pieces of tissue form two canals, which are used to channel insect fluid into the Ant Lion's system from it's prey.Ant lion babies may be some of the coolest things on earth , but when they grow up, they just become...

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  67937 Hits

Woman found cut in half

Accordingly, in the drug infested Mexican city of Juarez , Mexico, police found a police woman, torn apart, hands cut off, torso chopped in half. Accordingly, she had been simply "walking in the area" when drug dealers took her in a van and fled, the following morning, this is all police found. Woman cut to bits (graphic)

  66086 Hits

Setting pepsi on fire

Do you want to dazzle your friends? How about making yourself look like some sort of pro alchemist? Well, there is an easy step by step guide on how to do this. Lets start at the basics.Pepsi is much more acidic than cola or any soda known to man, it is all carbonic acid, drinking it too much can cause your enamel to crumble, leaving you with sensitive teeth, kind of like a bolemic person that keeps puking, eroding their enamel slowly.So now let us gather some crucial ingredients.#1) A bottle of pepsi, a can, anything that contains pepsi, please feel free to use anything as long as it is regular PEPSI PepsiNow, you can't simply take a lighter and catch it on fire, no,no that won't work at all. Instead, back in the day there use to be a brand of candy called a "necco wafer". We only recently heard...

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  66379 Hits

Former director of the CIA resigns amid scandal

David Petraeus, war hero, leader of the CIA, and all American bad-ass has decided to resign amid talks of a scandal involving one of his cohorts. Unfortunately, it was due to Patraeus that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have turned from all out domination to changing power over to local leaders.As such, we are not sure what might happen since he already resigned. Patraeus was a firm believer in giving power to the local militaries with the intent to crush Taliban and other terrorist groups. Relying heavily on sending weapons and vehicles to local allied forces would pull our men out as fast as possible. Transferring power to the locals is the last logical thing we can do anyways (since we seem to have given them a bit of order).Without Patraeus, we are not too sure what might happen. We hope his replacement will follow in his footsteps, we are...

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  66177 Hits

Seven seals punished for revealing secrets

Seven navy seals, having participated in the raid that killed Osama, have spilled the secrecy of the operation to videogame making company that has been developing the "Medal of Honor" series for years. Perhaps they face a court martial for being on the side of pride in the face of idolship?We think this is a bit absurd, although these secrets were useful, Osama is gone, the USA is safe, let the boys be cheered on for their accomplishments. Medal of honor team 6 

  65589 Hits

Obama wins another four years

Barack Obama, the first African-American president wins a second term. Sadly, Mitt Romney was writing a victory speech a bit too early. And senator and former presidential candidate Gingrich's prediction of a "landslide victory" for Romney was "a mistake".We are happy that we PREDICTED THE OUTCOME OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION months ago :) And congrats, the bruthah won again! We hope his second term will be better than his first! Obama HopeWhat does feverishly surprise us is how one of the top three people the world would like to punch got into office : Elizabeth Warren!? I mean for the love of god, look at her haircut people, Scott Brown might not be perfect, but he doesn't quite look like a mushroom. Really , America? 

  65799 Hits

Halo 4 review

Halo 4, perhaps we should write a detailed review of the game, long, complex, boring? No no, we would rather summarize it for you in one word: AWESOME.When we first heard that the Halo franchise was moving out of the hands of bungee and onto the tentacles of Microsoft, we expected failure, and perhaps we didn't even anticipate this game as we did halo reach.But we are glad to announce that as with any other halo game (save that nightmare ODST) , halo 4 brings a boatload of new features, weapons, and modes  so you can pwn the hell out of the enemy noobs until your eyes burn out of your eyesockets.Live(multiplayer) is pretty much the same, the addition of some major overpowered vehicle things, and removal of power weapons was a harsh blow, but in light of the removal, earning kills and killstreaks allows you to call a weapon drop,...

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  66131 Hits

Cheapest gas of the year

Hello peeps, we want to remind you that today, election day, gas will be a full 40 cents or so cheaper than it will be on this same day next year. It's a way to show how well this country is doing, and get the current president some more votes. What should you do? Well, since we already voted for the brotha, we couldn't help but fill the tank to full at 3.50$/per gallon.Remember, it may be 8:00 eastern western Atlantic time (easter time in the states) , but you still have a chance to get some of the cheapest gas of the year :)  Thats right boy, get that cheap gas in there

  66057 Hits

Is hitting children bad?

Hitting children is a divided topic, most people would concur that it is rather brutal to beat the living f$%# out of some poor sap with your granddaddy's 3"x3' lead pipe just to teach him a lesson.But could we all be brainwashed by idiots, people that don't understand child psychology? People that don't understand progress?Let me go over some of the basic reasons why people believe they should refrain from hitting their child: 1) The child is special, something harmless, something much like a pet, something that requires attention and care, therefore hitting it is an act of evil. 2) The child is defenseless, and therefore hitting it is playing the part of god, you cannot play the part of god therefore touching the child in a brutal manner is not allowed. 3) Hitting the child can cause accidental permanent damage or death. 4) The child will bide the pain, and...

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  66204 Hits

Top three people we want to punch in the face

#3) Clint Howard Coming in at number three is Clint Howard! Yes, he might be dead, but every bloody time we see this guy, we keep asking ourselves how he became so popular. I mean for the love of god, have you seen this guy? Beady eyes, curly side hair, and a major baldspot, we cant imagine how he didn't get sucker punched for being an oddity. But we really  would adore to punch him in the face, just for the fun of it, have you seen his teeth by any chance? :P Clint Howard#2)Kelly OsbourneOh for the love of god when you see this picture you will understand. Sometimes, some fruity people are just so sick looking that a punch in the face could quite possible make one feel better deep down inside. Kelly Osbourne#1) Elizabeth WarrenYes, her ads are all over youtube, her hideous face is all over the news,...

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  66179 Hits

Best product for beating your kids

Has your son recently been using cuss words in front of you? Are you sick of his fruitcake attitude? Well you should invest in a Unbreakable Spanking Paddle with Holes. It is an impressive two pound paddle, with holes to make it more aerodynamic, and reduce drag, thus giving more force when hitting your child.The thing is impressive, made of a metallic polymer used to create Armour in armored vehicles, it will teach your child who's boss. Get your's today, and show your son why daddy shouldn't be disrespected. Update: is hitting kids bad?

  66364 Hits

Tip for November 3, 2012

On Sunday, November 4th, at 5 am , set your clocks back one hour due to daylight savings. You can do this at 12:00 on November 03,2012 , turning it to 11:00, or you can do it at 5:00 am the following morning.  Tips the cat 

  65861 Hits

Mitch Lucker dead

Mitch Lucker (leader of suicide silence) , perhaps not too popular with most Americans, but still a lucky man, in a band, unfortunately died today from injuries suffered during an extreme motorcycling accident.We lament the loss of someone that had just started out, although we have never heard his music, we can only assume that the 360k people that have decided to attend his candlelight vigil means he was quite famous ( we admit, even 100 people would be impressive).But hopefully, he lives on, rocking hard in heaven. RIP Mitch Lucker Thats not him  

  65572 Hits

New York City marathon canceled

Yes, it is a sad day today in New York, as the organizers of the New York marathon, and mayor Blomberg have confirmed that this will be a year without a marathon. Most agree that rather than spend funds, food and water on a huge event like that, the money should be rationed to help victims of Hurricane Sandy  , which much like Hurricane Isaac, did only property damage, and cut out power to certain parts of New England for extended periods of time.But indeed, people that have been training like crazy this year will be bitterly disappointed. Men from all over the word lamented in rage today upon this decision, it is a sad day in running history. Awwwww 

  65551 Hits

Thieving pirates steal bread

On October 27th , on a port in Indonesia, the strangest pirate attack to date took place. Four armed men boarded a vessel, which was in dry dock on repairs. The vessel was then moved to a seaport, after repairs were finished. The pirates hid on board until then, and began stealing the merchandise on board, in this case it was bread. Well, they were spotted, quite quickly by security guards, whom raised audible alarms. Upon hearing the alarms, the pirates jumped overboard with the bread and sped off in speedboats. Strange Pirate Attack

  65632 Hits

Nigerian pirate speedboat evaded

On October 24, 2012, off the coast of Nigeria, a startling attack occurred. The usually inflated speedboat, full of armed men sped towards a Chinese oil rig. Upon arrival, they attempted to throw a hooked rope onto the ship, the vessel responded with a quick right maneuver, creating force that pushed the enemy boat a few yards away, panicked, the enemy retreated. Nobody was hurt and no shots were fired. The-oil-rig

  65629 Hits

Pumpkin Carving Ideas

Hello friends, even as Hurricane Sandy is pounding half of the country, the other half will still have the pleasure of celebrating Halloween! So, we will give you three little secrets on how to make your jack-o-lanterns look more dazzling than your neighbor's!  Warning: your neighbor may end up pouring benzine on your lawn in an act of Shakespearean revenge Trick 1) After you have carved a facing for your pumpkin, you can buy a 16 inch latex balloon from pretty much any recreation store, and shove a battery operated led light inside. You can then proceed to turn the light on, shove it inside the balloon , and put the flat balloon inside the pumpkin, with the hole area outside of the pumpkin.Now simply air inflate the balloon until you see and feel it to be firm. Don't allow too much of the balloon to exit through the actual pumpkin or...

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  65872 Hits

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane sandy, another so called "doomsday hurricane" has begun to hit the eastern coast of the United States early last night. But in face of what has already happens, we can simply compare the wrath of this natural disaster to nibbles committed by a toothless kitten.Nothing gives us the slightest hint that this fruit of a storm is anything serious. We look to mankind in pity when we see that places like Massachusetts and Rhode Island have suspended their public transit systems until the storm calms.We may expect a few lawn chairs to fall down, maybe even a branch, but as far as flooding, or anything of that nature, you can simply forget it. Nothing major will happen, perhaps gas prices will rise?We will try to keep you updated if anything gets more exciting. But for now , it just seems sandy came in to ruin every little child's Halloween hehe....

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  66164 Hits