Volcanic eruption in Indonesia kills 15

Mount Sinabung volcanoThe recent Volcanic eruption that took place this Saturday has already taken the lives of 15 people (confirmed) and many others still remain missing. Officials have stated that "the ash cloud's heat would be nearly impossible to survive". Rescuers wielding chainsaws and breathing barriers were only able to recover a "ringing cell phone" from an apparent victim that dropped their bag while running away from the ash cloud.Officials are claiming some 170 people inhabited the Mount Sinabung volcano area prior to the eruption. However, of those that lived there, only about one half have been accounted for. Officials are fearing that the death toll might be very high at this point.We will have more updates on the situation as more bodies are unearthed.

  60382 Hits

Groundhog prediction 2014

Looks like a few more months of winter are on their way! The famous groundhog saw his shadow, and ran back to his burrow! If you thought that this was more than enough snow to handle, you better get your shovels ready for more! groundhog sees his shadow 2014

  60456 Hits

Man arrested naked in driveway with just a swimcap on

mark mertzA 44 year old schoolteacher living in Walpole, MA was arrested for allegedly going outside of his house in nothing but a swim-cap and a pair of swim goggles. Apparently, he really wanted to be "one with nature" and there was no better way but t do it when it was 11 degrees Fahrenheit outside!On top of that, he was caught by a another guy (who apparently was not gay). This "distressed guy" decided to be a total wuss and called the cops. Soon, the cops had this fat bearded guy in chains.As of now , Marc Mertz, is being terminated from his position as a teacher. (jeez idiot couldn't you just go to the back-yard?)His many classmates only had good things to say about Mr. Mertz, as did their parents. However , a criminal investigation showed that he was a "repeat offender" -- uh oh.

  61047 Hits

Barrack Obama addresses the public on his plans against Syria

bombing beginsObama has stated the following today " Good evening -- I just addressed the nation about the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Over the past two years, what began as a series of peaceful protests against the repressive regime of Bashar al-Assad has turned into a brutal civil war in Syria. Over 100,000 people have been killed. In that time, we have worked with friends and allies to provide humanitarian support for the Syrian people, to help the moderate opposition within Syria, and to shape a political settlement. But we have resisted calls for military action because we cannot resolve someone else's civil war through force. The situation profoundly changed in the early hours of August 21, when more than 1,000 Syrians -- including hundreds of children -- were killed by chemical weapons launched by the Assad government. What happened to those people -- to those children -- is...

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  61260 Hits

People of America begin to protest Syrian approach

demonstrators against war in SyriaFollowing congress' vow to "maintain order" in the world away , a declaration of non-restricted air bombardment was approved. Regardless of what happened, congress never really took the public opinion into account. Much like the days of the Spanish American war, the Korean war and the war in Vietnam , the people rather than the enemy seem to be a larger "cork" to the fountain of maintaining the war effort.Just today , a few hundred gathered outside of the White house , calling for a true test of democracy (implying all of America wants no more war, and our government is not acting in our interest).The results were really quite baffling. The crowd simply marched , sang and chanted against a "war built on a lie". Completely unopposed by police, the crowd clearly made their point heard (and that's why they get some coverage on here).Although this (much...

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  60935 Hits

Airstrikes on Syria authorized by the Senate

Accordingly toxic gas has been used in Syria , prompting congress to declare airstrikesToday is a very painful day for the United States. You see, our congress has elected to begin airstrikes on Syria. Not that this in any way is outrage at the fact that we are attacking in support of anarchist rubble , but we like to view this more as another reason why gas prices and taxes will rise.We have experience with this bullshit in the past, I mean after going after Iraq's "huge army" and obliterating it to pieces, our gas hit an all-time high, our currency value plummeted (and is continuing) , and the American people cant have as much fun anymore because we don't have as much money to spend on entertainment (no beer money brah).For the love of god, if our government wants to fight another war , even if it is "air only"...

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  60842 Hits

Naked burglar found covered in peanut butter and chocolate

Workers were rather shocked to find a 22 year old naked man on the ground of a local supermarket yesterday morning. According to police reports, 22 year old Andrew Toothman was found lying in peanut butter and chocolate , naked in a local IGA market.Toothman not only left a mess, but he also wrote " I'm sorry" in nyquil all over the floor. Naked, drunk and covered in sweets. Toothman was charged with burglary , various other misdemeanors, and of course public indecency!This is a case of severe failiure. naked man covered in peanut butter and chocolate arrested

  60925 Hits

Is the civilized world going to stand against Syria?

Incidents involving Syria have had a very predominant place in our public media for some time. Most recently, chemical weapon rumors --claiming both sides are using them-- have surfaced, and in some cases confirmed.As this is happening, countries like Russia have finally given up , they too now want to preserve humane discipline within the confines of their cold war ally. As such, the Imperial Russian fleet has amassed in preparation for a conflict around Syria, and in case of a conflict, they are ready to react accordingly.Regardless, Britain, France and the United States have already had their triggers on this part of the world for some time. It seems eminent that if a conflict is to arise, the Syrian regime and all the rebels might be obliterated in just a few hours -- and thus a new puppet regime will be set up--.It is uncertain as of now , but...

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  60808 Hits

Transgender Jamaican killed

Sixteen year old "Dwayne Jones" was murdered today in Jamaica. Eye witness reports claim that Jones, a 16 ear old transgender man turned woman was violently stabbed, shot and run over by twelve cars after attending a "strait party" as his female alter ego.Accordingly, the boy dropped out at age 14 because his peers couldn't stand his devious behavior. On occasion , his own father tossed him out of the house (permanently) and helped fellow neighborhood boys beat Dwayne with sticks.Jones lived with four other transgender males, all of whom lamented at his loss. One claimed that seeing the body was "shocking and sickening". In a country like Jamaica, the tolerance for this type of behavior is below zero , especially when it's proudly displayed in public.Nevertheless, this is a tragedy that could have been avoided had the boy kept his fantasies to himself. Whoever killed him clearly took the wrong...

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  61125 Hits

Man kills wife and posts pictures of body on facebook

medena kills his wifeIn a shocking turn of events, a Miami man killed his wife, and posted pictures of the body on facebook. Derek Medina wrote the following facebook status:Im going to prison or death sentence for killing my wife love you guys miss you guys takecare Facebook people you will see me in the news" my wife was punching me and I am not going to stand anymore with the abuse so I did what I did I hope u understand me "Medina claimed that his wife was abusing him , threatening to kill him , and lunging at him with a knife. He was quoted to have said it was self defense and that the abuse he suffered was too much to bear Madina will probably get the death sentence.

  61309 Hits

Football player fired and arrested

A West Virginia Mountaineer player has been arrested following an idiotic attempt to rob a house. So, this guy takes three of his buddies, they put on ski masks,wore their football outfits (oh so smart) , and grabbed a resident by the throat, beating him with a gun.The resident was threatened that "you will be shot if you don't do as you're told". So the player , Korey Harris stole an ipod and a few hundred dollars in cash. Just a few hours later, police arrived at his home , found the money and ipod , and sent Korey Harris to jail on 75,000$ bond.Korey Harris' other accomplices were also caught, and are facing similar charges and bonds. Due to armed robbery in their football outfits, all three boys were fired from the college football team. It's almost too ironic because of the Aaron Hernandez story. Korey Harris Robber

  60989 Hits

Zimmerman emerges a hero

George ZimmermanYou would think that following the great riots post the acquittal of George Zimmerman under the "stand your ground law" in the Tryvon Martin case would leave Zimmerman in a relatively bad position. Just that occurred for the past few days, causing Zimmerman to go into hiding for the fear of his own life.Well, today this "public enemy" emerged, and ironically it was Zimmerman that pulled a man from a overturned truck (in serious danger of fatal injury). Yes, yes, after days of fearing for his own life, the very man we expected to get severe negative reps has emerged as a hero. Now what would have happened to the truck driver if Zimmerman got jail time?Well, this is certainly something nobody saw coming. Rumors state he saved three other people from the wreckage as well.Here is something absolutely ridiculous though , WND is stating the family was white, in an...

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  61639 Hits

Miguel Angel Trevino Morales captured

Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, a brutal Mexican drug lord (not more brutal than chapo guzman) has finally been captured. After years of slaughtering innocent civilians, and displaying the bodies for all to see, a few people will be able to sleep well at night.Regardless of the fact that the cartel leader is caught, his organization will quickly elect a new leader and the violence will continue. Miguel Angel Trevino Morales will be held in a prison for the rest of his life, but the Mexican drug war is far from over. Miguel Angel Trevino Morales arrested

  60962 Hits

Cory Monteith found dead

Cory Monteith, a star on the hit tv series "Glee" was found killed to death in his apartment housing unit. Shortly after police arrived and probed the body, they concurred that Cory Monteith was not killed to death, but rather that a drug overdose was to blame. Cory Monteith deadAs is often the case with young stars, people's expectations and their ability to perform begin to conflict severely. The use of drugs to soothe pressure, stress , and the daily act that needs to be put on usually develops rapidly in such cases.Over time, the actor/star develops a dangerous addiction ; they can't quite be "themselves" without the drugs. Some will often seek help, but this is a feign because they will secretly always lapse.Eventually, regardless of expensive therapies, rehabilitation centers, and persona trainers, the lack of close familial support , and the inability to cope with the reality of "getting...

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  61384 Hits

George Zimmerman found not guilty

zimmerman not guiltyYesterday was a very tense moment, the families of dead boy Treyvon Martin , and the alleged shooter , George Zimmerman met in court to hear the verdict of a 6 person jury.The verdict came after over a year of trial and other court procedures. As anticipated, Zimmerman was found not guilty by reason/virtue of self defense. You see, when you are having your head slammed against pavement by anyone, regardless of race, color or religion , your instinct will always be to fight -- for if you don't you will die.Because it is very proper to defend yourself by all means necessary , sometimes people that go mad end up dead. As the old saying goes "its either me or the other guy". In a life and death struggle , there is no racial based fury, there is no hatred, only the will to survive.In response to the...

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  61462 Hits

Egyptians revolt again

Egyptians protesting in 2013 against presidentWhen those Egyptians began setting fire to flags and killing each other on the streets to kill their current regime, we sort of predicted that a Islamic extremist would take the spot. What we never told you is that the "democratically elected" leader was actually using similar tactics to the previous leader to gain power :intimidation.Yes, people were threatened, polls were burned , people were killed etc. The usual chain of events ended when a new leader , and member of the dangerous Muslim brotherhood, was elected. All seemed happy as people were oppressed , and Egypt soon faded from the news.Now , millions of people are taking to the streets (I guess they think if you can do it once, why not do it again) , again armed with weapons and fire bombs, ready to topple the current "democratically elected" leader's regime. Can you imagine,...

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  61360 Hits

Australian oldman's carjacking scheme foiled

Old man arrested for jackingIn a very normal event *sigh* , an old man has been arrested for jacking it, no no no no! He was not doing the kony thing , no no. Much rather, this old man was jacking a car.In the middle of the day, in the outskirts of an Australian town , a 22 year old girl was driving about, doing her typical errands. Suddenly, as she was getting near a shopping center, a 64 year old raisin takes out a large knife and puts it to her throat.Being the wimp she was, the woman fled. Authorities arrived at the scene minutes later , only to find grandpa putting his walker and shopping bags in the trunk of the car. Busted!Grandpa will now be serving a short sentence in prison for grand theft auto and threatening a life with a weapon.

  61446 Hits

Man killed with ipod

ipod killerA North Hampton, Ohio man was killed today in a bizarre killing. According to eye witness reports, a man was jogging around with an eyepod in his ears, probably attached to his utility belt. All of a sudden a "would be thief" grabbed the ipod from the man's rear utility belt.After over ten seconds of struggling , the thief finally grabbed the ipod and began running. The thief tripped on his own shoelace, which was untied, and the ipod owner tackled the thief to the ground.Following a bitter struggle , the ipod owner took his utility belt, put the ipod in on one end of the leather pouch , and began using it as a handle. He then grabbed the thief by the neck and began strangling him.As a crowd grew around the two men , the ipod owner got off and merged with the crowd. Paramedics would soon arrive....

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  61808 Hits

Justin Miller found dead

Justin Miller, the thirty five year old pro baseball pitcher has been found dead. The cause of death at this time is unknown, and foul play is not being ruled out. The location of the body is unknown and the status/state of the body is relatively unknown. Miller was a career-driven pitcher that played on several teams including the Blue Jays and Dodgers.He will be dearly missed by his adoring fans and fellow ball players alike. We hope we will have more news on this matter soon. justin miller dead

  61566 Hits

Aaron Hernandez led from home in handcuffs

From his million dollar mansion , Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez has been led away by by police in handcuffs. Obviously , this means there is significant evidence pointing to Hernandez , whom was questioned earlier by police, as the culprit in the resent murder of a young wannabe football player. Evidence suggests something drug related was the spark that began the entire confrontation.Recently, an unidentified woman was also questioned in regards to the case, as her car was seen in the dumping of the body of the dead football player Odin Lloyd who was found murdered earlier last week.No further information is exactly freely available at the time, but arrrests usually don't exactly signal "innocence" , which would explain why the body was found close to Hernandez' house...Hernandez has a five year multi million dollar contract with the New England Patriots, and well, he might have just blew it over some...

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  61073 Hits