Man killed to death at Lebron James sneaker debut

Of all things, the words "man killed to death" in headlines usually mean serious business. Today this business involved one bum, one "homie" and a pair of ultra-fancy sneakers marketed by locally famous basketball guru Lebron James.Lets see, according to eye witness reports, around fifty customers lined up at a local shoe store for the the debut of Lebron's signature sneaker brand. Although only about twenty one pairs were available, more than fifty patrons lined up outside the shoe store.Only half an hour before the store opened, a bum wielding a knife was asking for donations, or perhaps shoes (ambiguous). Perhaps the an wasn't wielding a knife at all, suggest police reports.Well anyways, things got bitter, people got harassed and one man pulled a gun on the bum , shooting him to death. Then , without a hint of remorse, the shooter got back into the line and waited for the...

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  61115 Hits

A new civil war on the verge in Turkey

turkish protester with Molotov cocktailThe nation of turkey is a frail imp compared to it's once vast empire. But, unlike most of it's neighbors to the east, Turkey (after it's defeat in world war one)  has practically separated religion and state. This in the general consensus is a very good thing , mainly because it has allowed Turkey to move ahead while it's Persian neighbors have been left in the stone age (no offense).Unfortunately, the new Turkish leadership has begun a regression to archaic things, such as separation by sex and emphasis of religious holidays over National holidays. The second thing is perfectly fine, it truly is because this is their country and they can make whatever they want more or less important. However segregating sexes in schooling is an archaic practice, sure there are all boy and all girl schools throughout the world, but public school segregation stopped in Europe...

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  61729 Hits

Actress sends ricin to Obama and Bloomberg

An actress has allegedly sent poisonous letter to New York mayor Micheal Bloomburgers and president Barrack Obama. After sending the letters, the actress dialed the nearest number for the CIA , and informed them of the  plot --claiming it was orchestrated by her husband.Soon, the woman was beaten to the ground by men in SWAT uniforms --apparently her scheme failed. The 26 year old actress could not be found a lawyer willing to work for her, and sequentially has been canned into a near-by prison until further notice.This only comes two months after the souther senator being sent ricin -- see that here: senator sent ricin letter. The actress will be held until further notice, and any new updates on the case will be noted here, on this post. actress sends president and mayor ricin

  61677 Hits

Man killed by wasps

wasp stealing a poor cicada -ncsu (photo credits)According to coroner reports, a Minnesota man was stung early today by over 400 North American wasps , producing over 3,000 stings to the face, abdomen and throat, resulting in his premature death.The coroner noted that although the man was clearly not allergic to the dangerous insects (lack of instant reaction), the tremendous amount of poison injected into him caused a slow and painful death.When the poison from the wasp stinger is injected into the human bloodstream, the body reacts by clotting up around the poison , in an attempt to stop the poison from reaching the brain through the heart. This results in massive clotting, which usually will then be filtered out of the body , but as in this case, the sheer amount really made it impossible to prevent fatality.Coroners have claimed that the man probably knocked a huge wasp nest ,...

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  62120 Hits

Beaver kills fisherman

In a very strange breaking news story, there has been a report from Belarus where a fisherman attempt to take a photo of a beaver (probably female during hatching season). The fisherman leaned in for the photo , and that's when his life ended. The beaver ran at him , biting his leg.The man would later die due to blood-loss, simply because those sharp incisors tore apart a vital artery. Although the man's friends tried to stop the bleeding , the 60 year old native succumb to his injuries and died.Beavers , believe it or not, are as fast on land as they are in water. And those teeth that tear up trees can easily penetrate human flesh and bones. Not to mention, mother beavers, like all nursing mothers, are very defensive of their babies. Look at this harmful serial killer

  62276 Hits

Snow slams Vermont and New York

Yesterday, what appeared to be just an average 30 second "rain to snow" sprinkle turned pretty intense. At around 12:00 eastern time , small little flakes of snow began to pounder in the areas of high elevation.What locals predicted to be "the final fluttering of flakes" of the 2012-2013 year quickly accumulated to more than three feet in depth. Highways in both states were shut down , and this memorial day, people will be left to shovel over three feet of wet snow.What can we say, perhaps this is a farewell gift from this rather bitter winter? Whatever it is, it was record snowfall for both areas , especially for this "last month of spring". The weather in this country is just acting up recently , isn't it? record may 2013 snowfall in new york and vermont

  62891 Hits

Two women drown in San Antonio, Texas flooding

In a strange turn of events, torrential downpours in Texas have caused massive flooding. It's weird how all this doomsday weather has occurred, including the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma , sounds almost like 2012 all over again.Well , anyways, there has been tremendous damage caused to the infra-structure of San Antonio. Flooding has fell trees , damaged power-lines, water has sunk homes,destroyed automobiles, and even caused two deaths (maybe three).It is very shocking to see flooding in Texas , which is still one of this country's driest states. The flooding prompted local authorities to perform almost 300 "life risking" operations to recover stranded or "near-dead" persons. All of these ended pretty successfully, but two women were not so fortunate.A woman in her 60s was swept by the currents in her car. Authorities attempted to try to save her, but the car overturned and she drowned. Authorities were unable to flip the car or...

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  61759 Hits

Filthy terrorist chops apart British soldier in broad daylight

Early today two Islamic radical militants, residing in the U.K. , attacked and killed a British soldier with a meat cleaver. While screaming filthy blasphemy in their native tongues, they "chopped the man like a butcher does a piece of meat". The head was rumored to be removed as were a majority of all limbs.The men were confronted by armed enforcement, but they precoded to chop like the mad dogs they were, so like mad dogs, they were shot but not reported to be killed. This was an "ideology led craze" say British authorities , prompted by Islamic extremism, just like the Boston Bombers.The voracity of the attack and the extent of obvious hatred awakens us all to a grim reality : this "religion of peace" appears to be the root cause of recent attacks. Even with people that preached violence being killed  (bin laden and al zwahiri) , random radicals...

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  61999 Hits

Oklahoma tornado causes severe damage

A sever Tornado reported in Oklahoma has caused severe structural damage, destroying multiple school and shopping centers. The damage up to this point most certainly is not well documented.Some claim that "numerous casualties have been sustained". Although possible, these sources are heavily unreliable.Just a few miles away from Oklahoma City, images might speak better than words. Clearly the fact that the damage is being addressed hours after the storm has passed is not a good thing. destroyed townThroughout the afflicted area, citizens have taken and submitted images of the carnage to twitter. Luckily, we got our hands on two of these images. Oklahoma tornado 2013 Oklahoma tornado destroys townThere are still many horrific rumors of ongoing fires, trapped people and body counts. We can't confirm any of this, but we will do a more detailed report when we get more information in.Update 05/22/2013Death toll stands at 132 , mostly children. This...

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  62349 Hits

Female vigilante chases down kidnapper

A mother was out for a stroll at a local park in Albuquerque, NM early today. Unfortunately, she took her eyes off her child for less than one single minute, and her child was kidnapped.As oppose to what the average person would do, this clearly dedicated mother took things into her own hands. Thats right! She sped right after the alleged kidnapper!The chase ended when the mother allegedly crashed her car into the kidnapper's car. The kidnapper then took off on foot, official word does not disclose the condition of the child, or if the child was even located in the car. Perhaps the kidnapper took her with him?Anyways, the kidnapper ran as fast as he could into the surrounding woods. Police have set up a five hundred yard perimeter, and are using every man they can spare, and many dogs as well.The kidnapper is alleged to have conducted an earlier...

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  62067 Hits

New Orleans mothersday shooting

Police gather evidence in new Orleans shootingWe have many "reliable" sources pointing to another unexpected surge of violence; this time in New Orleans. Sources state that during a peaceful "Mother's Day" parade, a string of three individuals rushed the crowd, and poured them with lead.At least  nineteen people were injured. Four suffered "life-threatening" injuries, but don't appear to be in "unstable" circumstances as of this hour. No deaths have occurred as of this moment.Police indicate that this is most likely common "street crime" , probably over money. Not that it really matters, this is appalling.Under these circumstances just remember , future tragedies will occur, and panic or action against anything other than the perpetrators is improper.Likewise , the situation of "gun control" should not come up , because remember , even police offers pull guns on innocent people.

  62501 Hits

Israel preemptively attacks Syria

Israel, the product of wester pity, has decided to (without reason) attack and bombard Syrian targets. It is not understood why they have suddenly become so "trigger happy" , as we have stated before , the civil war in Syria should be decided by Syria alone, no external forces. Israel bombards SyriaIt's kind of strange how a country has the nerve to enter another's airspace without a formal declaration of war , killing people and then the rest of the world does not turn on them. Sure , Syria is a mess. Of course, there are rumors that they are using chemical weapons against whatever in hell the "rebels" are.Remember, we thought Iraq also had these types of weapons, and they never did. Even though Israel is not directly being threatened by Syria, it is only possible to assume that they want to test their armed forces on a more modern...

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  62442 Hits

This lettuce died because of you

The image you are about to see is extremely shocking, it might bring you to an impasse about what you should eat for the remainder of your life.... This lettuce died because of you

  63183 Hits

Boston Bomber older brother's youtube

The older Boston bombing terrorist ,Tamerlan Tsarnaev has a clear motive for what he has done. We have done some investigation work, and we have found his youtube channel. He has clearly taken an extreme liking to videos promoting anti-western Muslim action. The most shocking video he seems to have liked pictured a cameleon walking over a par of sunglasses , entailing that a true terrorist would be the most effective undetected , which we already posted as a possible reason why al-queda and the chechans would send these guys (with military training) over. Source : "Boston bomber motives" Tamerlan Tsarnaev youtubeHis video playlists included music by the extreme chechnan singer "Timur Mucuraev" , a compilation on the teachings of Islam and lastly, a play-list entitled "terrorism". Tamerlan Tsarnaev boxingAside from his islamic militarized views , this guy seemed pretty normal. He was a boxer , had friends (not American) , and...

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  62517 Hits

Boston Bombers Identified

The perpetrator of the Boston marathon bombing has been identified! After only two days, two men identified as Chechen youthes attending Boston University have been positively identified as the killers. Chechnan Boys Bomb BostonEarly this morning , one of them killed himself with a suicide bomb strike when the two men got into a gunfight with two police. Both police officers were killed , but one of the Chechen terrorists managed to escape,  apparently seeking refuge in the city of Watertown, a few miles south of Boston.And what are their intentions? Well, for now you need to just understand, and hopefully educate those around you , that these men are not Russian. These men are a racial minority that exists on the Russian border with Georgia, the people that inhabit it are Muslim. They have for over 200 years waged war with their Russian occupants, and every time , they have...

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  63109 Hits

Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi sent poision

senator roger wickerSenator Roger Wicker of Mississippi got a ton of (what he perceived) to be "fan-mail". At the end of the note, there was a small notice stating "the letters have been poisoned".Naturally, the senator handed the letters over to the authorities, which after careful testing, had revealed the presence of  ricin , a nuerotoxin. The senator is now on "high alert protection" from outside sources and everything is being investigated at a normal pace.If you want to know about ricin, it is a highly potent toxin that affect the human system diversely. First, much like other nueropoisons, it can halt or alltogether stop functionality of reception between nerves and the brain, causing numbness and paralysis.But ricin does something far worse, it blocks the human body's ability to form protein. As such, upon initial ingestion , there are no affects. But over time, the compromised areas afflicted will bubble up,...

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  62303 Hits

Two Explosions in Boston leave many injured

explosions bostonIn what appears to be an absolute horrific end to the Boston marathon, two medium-sized explosions have caused massive amounts of carnage. Multiple people have been confirmed to be in "critical" near-fatal condition.People in the surrounding buildings [above and below] appear to have also suffered damage. The surrounding buildings' structures may have been compromised due to the explosions, and access to the general public has been restricted at this time.The main cause of the explosion may be a gas line, but that was quickly ruled out because the warning sign prior to the explosion was white smoke, and natural gas is colorless.People have, as they usually do , just rampaged the hell away from the explosion.  We will continue to give coverage as the event continues to be reported publically. explosion in Boston leaves many injured aftermath The explosion -perhaps a gas leak-The Marathon website has stated "it is presumed...

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  62939 Hits

China And USA will deal with North Korea peacefully

China, the country that prompted the creation of North Korea ,after it's own post ww2 communist revolution , has stepped up today and dedicated itself to disarming North Korea of it's nuclear weapons peacefully.The United States' own senator Kerry met with consul Yang Jiechi , who acts as the secretary of state of china (international relations).  The two men discussed the most current issue in the easter Asian region : the two Koreas.Appropriately , China has promised to help keep it's ally , North Korea from utter destruction by taking and deporting all North Korean nuclear weapons. This would reach a diplomatic solution and end this "gathering tempest" in one swift and righteous move.If we think about it like a game of chess, north Korea would now have a king in between two kings, no matter where they move, they will be in check.Since china is still North Koreas ultimate supplier...

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  62474 Hits

Two people shot in mall near college campus , gunman in custody

Another shooting just happened, this time a deranged man shot two people, and then tried to undress himself. He did this in a mall that was part of a local community college campus.He submit himself without resisting to authorities, he will now be held there until whatever court will carry out his sentence will see him.Apparently , these two women were targeted at random, and local students now fear coming to school. Either the radiation in the drinking supply has gone up, or we are getting more shootings reported by the media -both appear to be true-. two women shot by naked gunmanHere is my hint to news agencies : stop freaking broadcasting this crap, it inspires other mentally ill individuals to do the same thing! N00b reporters! 

  63145 Hits

Jonathan Winters Dies

At age 87, the all-American stand up comedian has died of natural causes. A man that could make even the rich elite of his day burst into laughter, Winter's is noted as one of the "funniest men" in American history.His mimicry and ability to improvise on the spot gave him a near uncontested status as the funny guy of his time. He would prove to be the inspiration behind hundreds of famous comedians today, most notably Jim Carry (who I personally don't think is funny).Jonathan Winters will be missed severely by all those that idolized him, and all those that loved him. May he rest in piece knowing that he has ceded his name into the history books :) Jonathan winters dies at age 87

  62704 Hits