NASA claims aliens are approaching

Nasa's flagship telescope, Hubble, has unveiled what appears to be a space invader heading right for earth, and we all thought we were safe. This thing is traveling at 200 light-years a day, and it is on a direct collision course with the world.Some say it is an alien spaceship, some say it is a rogue planetless galaxy , whatever it is , it was nice knowing you all. Here is the image of our attacker: Aliens are coming says NASA

  63556 Hits

AIDS cured

aids curedThis outside of Mississippi : the first ever documented complete annihilation of the AIDS (HIV) virus has been removed from a child that was intrinsically exposed at birth to this virus.This is a great step forward for all of humanity, we can only marvel at what humans have left to conquer? Cancer should be next on our hit-list,  we must go at it with everything we have, we must destroy it at the core , with a vanguard of scientific formulas.Now, the results with this child are not typical, and there is no guarantee that the substance used (mainly comprised of bee stinger poison -lol-) won't bring up other conditions or side affects. Also, doctors say that although the "current status of the patient shows no sign of the aids virus, it may resurge at some point, therefore this child must be kept for testing for a few more months".The...

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  63534 Hits


Cat and (cat), the (Carnivore) eye cat in the narrow sense - domestic cat is a medium sized carnivorous mammal classified in the genus cat - subfamily cat - feline - Feliformia: is the common name of the (scientific name Felis silvestris catus) . It is widely kept as pets in the world, along with typical dog because they get easily attached to humans.The origin of the cat is the domestication (Felis silvestris) (in a narrow sense). The wildcat began to be kept for the purpose of capturing the evasive mouse, and is one of the wildcat subspecies , although in more recent years genetic modification has yielded thousands of variants.. People often get attached easily [as they did in the past] with domestic cats, and many have been kept as pets. wild housecatOn the other hand, the "cat" in the broad sense of the term refers to the comprehensive name...

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  63800 Hits

Pakistani Christian disses Muhammad -Muslims burn down Christian homes-

Lets see here... a 20 something year old Christian Pakistani (rare mix there) was drinking with his Muslim friends.   I guess they were so shitfaced that they began telling him they would accuse him of blasphemy against the prophet Mohammad.Now we also know that this guy was indeed accused of this, and if proven guilty, will be executed by firing squad.  Yes, in Pakistan, you still get shot if you insult Muhammad.So yes, this peaceful bunch of Muslims wanted to take the guy in themselves, and stone him until dead. When the local authorities decided not to allow this to happen, they themselves were stoned by this crowd of angry Muslims , not to death thanks to their high-end American made riotshields. Here we see some of these peaceful peopleBut the crowd couldn't go without bloodshed, so they went to a town harboring a small Christian community. And being the peaceful...

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  64210 Hits

World says "no" to helping polar bears

Sadly, an international committee headed by the USA and seconded by Canada decided to shut down an international regulation on hunting, near extinct and critically endangered polar bears.WHY? WHY???? It's very sad to watch rich scumbags just disrespect an entire species like this to save a few bucks. Damn the human race, we aren't even giving them a chance, but on top of that we are hunting them just for their furs. It pains us to say this, but the Polar Bear will be another passenger pigeon. These poor polar bears, they will be no more in our own lifetimes.How can a world that is so scientifically motivated let this happen? The world is a sick and horrible place it appears, and no mercy shall be bestowed on those less fortunate. In the end the polar bear stands no chance. No matter our efforts, the will of many [corrupt] people shall...

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  63555 Hits

Dow remains at an all time high for fourth strait day

Is the economy getting better? Well, if anything international trade and income have skyrocketed this month. We are not sure if someone is hoaxing the world into buying American stocks, like overseas investors maybe?Not to be paranoid, but our country hasn't had 14,393 mark point in all major markets, ever. It sounds a bit fishy, but as long as it may possibly lower gas prices, why would we complain? dow all time high

  63100 Hits

Old lady makes expensive guy's airbag deploy

So this mother was filing her kids doing skateboard stunts, then this happened. Classic fail ahahaha.

  68655 Hits

Why is North Korea back in the news?

Imagine this , a bunch of hunters are chasing a fox, the fox is backed into a corner, but the hunters cant enter this small , confined area. Furthermore, other foxes can't come into this area because the hunters would overpower them. What will the fox do? Well, as with anything, being backed into a corner will mean fight or run.And since the siege cannot be bypassed, the fox will bite.This is exactly the situation with North Korea, they fear they might be a fox amongst hunters. They feel that old allies, and supply chains through China and Russia have been severed due to hunter pressure (UN). So, now they may or may not be threatening to preemptively strike.Do we really need to give a f***? No, because the men that took part in the Korean war are either dead , or close to death. So, if you can imagine, the...

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  63490 Hits

Woman killed by male lion

A 24 year old Californian volunteer at an animal sanctuary was mauled to death by a 550 (British) pound adult male lion. Accordingly this poor n00b victim was in a "lion play area" when the massive kitten pounced on her, causing instant death on impact.The kitten then preceded to devour her slowly. The authorities shot poor CAUS CAUS , who has been stationed at the sanctuary for over 3 years. Regardless of what happened, please don't think ill of the lion, he was just trying to "pat her on the back" , then instinct came in and he pounced. Most likely, she went against her training and screamed, or began to run, at which point much like with dogs , the meow liger began to chase and killed her "accidentally".Scientific evidence reveals that the lion had no intent to devour the woman , but blood was drawn, causing instinct to override...

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  64349 Hits

A Bunch Of Fat Cats


So, I see that there is a trend going around where people are just reposting all of these fat cats, so we will do it too.[gallery ids="2121,2122,2123,2124,2125,2126,2127,2128,2129,2130" orderby="rand">Now people , please don't let your cats get this big. It's unhealthy and kind of sad, imagine the cat's feeling towards being immobile :/

  64559 Hits

A Bunch Of Fat Cats

Please Let Me Eat You

So, I see that there is a trend going around where people are just reposting all of these fat cats, so we will do it too. Now people , please don't le...

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  65569 Hits

Natural Relief For Joint Pain -improves movement too!-

Natural Relief For Joint Pain and Arthritis?Roughly 70 million Americans are living with joint related pain. Just getting from point A to point B can be as excruciating as popping out a child. Not to mention, there is no comfort in sitting or standing whatsoever. What's worse is , our lack of exorcise and proper nutrition is making this rise (USFDA census 2012-2013).The sad truth: traditional joint pain medications, like NSAIDs and cox-2 inhibitors are not recommended for long term use for a series of side effects ranging from gastrointestinal bleeding to increased risk of stroke , the negatives outweigh the positives! Is your your life enjoyable if you spend every day , suffering? Do you feel like you are still that young-self, but you live in a foreign shell?And here's where a new product (launched early this month) can possibly help you! It's a an all-natural substitute for your current...

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  63974 Hits

Queen Elizabeth II hospitalized

It has sent shock-waves trough our hearts, the 86 year old monarch of England has been hospitalized in London. According to reports, her majesty appears to have suffered a stomach infection , which at her age, can prove deadly. May her well being be assured by whoever controls destiny, we couldn't bear to lose someone of her importance. Queen of England hospitalized

  64000 Hits

The new Myspace

Just when the name "myspace" has begun fading from the pages of history, someone has begun reviving this slain behemoth. And how exactly? new myspace profile cover (click to enlarge)Well, it appears that the new myspace "" only has the concept of a profile with profile music left. It looks nothing like it did in 2004 as an example.We actually kind of like it, as oppose to facebook, you can have a profile background that spans an entire page. Also, the mouse wheel is the only way to move "across" a person's profile.Now this seems entirely different, but it still comes standard with a status page, tons of customizable profile fields, and an array of music to add to your profile in your very own customizable playlist, which has always been the largest plus of myspace over google + and facebook.It might not catch on because it still lacks many customizations...

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  63857 Hits

Bad idea? US drops poisonous mice on Guam

What are they thinking? Us wildlife conservationists have dropped thousands of poison infested mouse carcasses all around Guam to settle a snake problem.  It sounds very archaic and blatantly stupid because this wont just kill the snakes, even if they are invasive, lots of things will eat the dead mice, subsequently wtf are they thinking?The brown tree snake has decimated local wildlife populations, claim these scientists. But rather than going out and killing the snakes manual, they have decided to poison the entire Island.We dont see anything good coming out of this because snakes smell better than humans, dogs and bears combined. They will sense the poison and ignore the dead mice. Instead, dumber animals such as decomposer will eat these pieces of junk and die. This might be the stupidest thing we have ever heard. uhuh hi there please eat my poison infested body

  63712 Hits

Contest for a free car continues

We are still awaiting that surge of people that will follow us on facebook and twitter (links to your bottom right) in order to win a free car! As we stated, in the closing of 2013, we added a few small time prizes of a free car along with microsoft points. So, right now we are reminding you, along with sharing a change in the prize , unless you want a civic.We are announcing that the prize will be changed to a 2013 Honda Accord V6 ,heated leather, sunroof , chrome limited time wheel rims, a sports package rear tail spoiler, wood-trim with chrome lining  , and quite possibly we might install xenon headlights. Also note that it does have on-board navigation, which is pretty standard today, bluetooth synchronization, and like the 2012 civic , an ipod charger in the armrest/ center console.We hope that you join us, and help us...

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  63641 Hits

vk3601h -Henschel-

In 1942, the panzer4 medium tank no longer cut it for the German army. As such , all assemblies had to move forward, pushing out innovation after innovation every year. Amongs these came the vk3000 (medium) series , as oppose to the 1000 light and 4000 heavy series.Of these , three heavy contenders came about , it is still very difficult to understand why none of these base models went into circulation. These were two Henschel models , and one Porsche model.The Porsche model was too difficult to build, and at that time being resourceful was important. It was not garbage in the least , but it was probably not a popular design (reference vk3001p).Henschel on the other hand created two vk series tanks that would both become very popular. The second of these was the vk3601 h , which was a revolutionary move towards a heavier tank. Vk3601HThis tank was...

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  65447 Hits

How to take care of that wet device

How to take care of that wet device: have you recently dropped your 1000$ phone in the toilet? Have you dropped your psp in the swimming pool? Are you worried that it will never work again?Well, there is still hope! Before you turn your wet device back on, put it in a huge bowl of rice, thats right, rice! All you have to do is let the device soak in rice for 12 hours. Please don't make the mistake of turning it on before putting it in rice[raw]. At that moment an electrical currents will be conducted by the iodized water particles through your negligence, frying key components in the device within seconds.So, the reason why this works is because like any other seed, rice tends to absorb water molecules from the air, as it evaporates from inside the device, the rice will quite literally suck it up.It's really a neat...

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  63417 Hits

The hammer thrower arrested

Darron Lynn Koenig the alleged man that attacked railroad workers by throwing hammers  has been captured. This comes after Darron Lynn Koenig, 51 began throwing hammers at railroad workers, and exposing his penis.When police arrived on the scene, Koenig brandished a knife, threatening to "gut you[the police] like piglets". When the police gave chase, Darron barricaded himself inside of his own tool-shed-- apparently he was some sort of construction worker.Koenig took out a tinderbox, and his penis and began setting a fire inside his shed. Police responded with tear gas and tazed Koenig , then wrestled him naked to the ground until he tapped out for mercy.Koenig was taken downtown, and booked on three counts of assault with a deadly weapon, for throwing that stash of hammers at fellow workers. He was also charged with threatening police officers and resisting arrest.His bond is set at 1/5 of a million dollars(200,000$). Poor...

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  63255 Hits

Man arrested at Gatwick airport for hoarding 207 pounds of dead caterpillars

"They were for eating" claimed the 22 year old detainee that was caught trying to smuggle 207 pounds of caterpillars. This guy was from Barkina Faso, where accordingly this is a delicacy.He was allowed to carry this eerie stuff from a port in Burkina Faso, and also from a port in Istanbul, Turkey. Unlike these two countries, england has safety regulations, for purposes of keeping the public safe, items of animal origin cannot be imported without a special permit. The 207 pounds of caterpillar meat were taken, and incinerated. Caterpillars found incinerated eaten

  64204 Hits