Couple charged with chip and dip assault over a beer

Chips And Dip Assault A Canadian couple will be facing a civil fine for an incident that took place today involving the smashing of a plastic bowl of chip dip over a man's head, who subsequently smashed a plastic bowl of chips over his wife's head. And do you want to know why? Because there was one beer left! That's right, they prepared to slaughter each other over the last beer. No serious injuries have been reported, aside from minor scrapes. -Almost 18 other cases of domestic abuse and disruption have been reported at this house prior to this incident.-

  63256 Hits

Justin Bieber takes his shirt off in London

Let's add some gossipy shjt to this website! Ok, so the 19 year old tween pop star, and internet idol was caught naked outside of a suburb in London. Unfortunately for us, he didn't go all Jason Russel on us and jerk it. No, No, he just took his godamn shirt off.Oh, so sexy, and spicy, yeah, keep reading this post for no reason. Well, anyways you can just imagine the sexual tension of a boy taking his shirt off, so here is the picture. Justin beieber jerking it nakedYes! We are s proud, this is our first celebrity based post :)

  65539 Hits

Decline of soda pop

Soda seems like such a normal part of our lives. But in reality, just a decade ago, people literally drank it instead of water. So now with the bashing soda has received from scientists and doctors-even the diets are carcinogens- , soda revenue a a whole has plummeted 40% in just 8 years! youre doing it wrong tyroneThis might seem absurd, in an era where the only thing you can buy to drink at fast food restaurants appears to be well.... soda.But in reality, you don't go to the market and buy 12 bottles like people did before. In fact, most people have given soda up altogether, opting instead to healthier alternatives such as teas and water.Although we don't blame you, things don't look too good for the coca cola company if this trend continues. Likewise pepsi co and minor producers have shifted to alternatives, such as the famous disani filtered...

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  64066 Hits

Man does the unthinkable -tries to replicate Mary Poppins' umbrella-

Mary Poppins Man Mary Poppins Man

Pro aeronautics bro Erik Roner  , being the ultra-pro daredevil dawg that he is, decided to do the most pr0 trick in the book: jump out of a hotair balloon and gently glide down to earth with an umbrella. Well, as you will now see, he would have died had it not been for his parachute:   Morale of the story, don't f***ing jump out of a hot air balloon thinking an umbrella will save you , even if you are a pr0 daredevil dawg pr0.

  63538 Hits

Why it is important to release illegal immigrants

After reading a post on fox news in reference to a recent decision to send massive amounts of illegal aliens back to their countries of origin, and seeing the crooked viewpoint of whatever imbecile wrote this article, we just want to make you fully aware that what they have stated is a load of lies.First of all, are you aware that DEA and Immigration officials that create these asylums to process immigrants for months are paid with your tax dollars (165$/day/person+fees)? ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTSSo basically, the longer they hold these poor commoners, that simply want to pick fruit or work in construction to provide for their families, the more money these officials make.And for what? To keep people held prisoner for no reason whatsoever? Because it totally takes 6-12 months to process a guy and send him back to Mexico, right?Well, as we have seen in Fox News' report, many are being...

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  64149 Hits

Man eaten by sinkhole

om nom nom man eaten by sinkholeToday, a Florida man entered his house for the last time. Jeff Bush , a middle aged man was, according to his brother "simply swallowed by the planet".What appears to be mother nature taking a bite at humanity is truly mournful. Police cannot even confirm the exact location of this man's body. They can't even begin to estimate how deep he has fallen into the earth, and how much more he has to go until he gets "suspended in sediment".Regardless, search teams and excavators will continue to survey and move the sinkhole's superciliously harmless top. We can't imagine how horrible it must be to be eaten by a sinkhole, slowly crushed into submission under the sheer weight of thousands of tons of earth.God keep this poor man safe.Perhaps he might actually be lucky, in a sick way, he might become fossilized, them millions of years...

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  64358 Hits

How to make a one million dollar website fast and easy using ads

You know, this is unorthodox of me, but it recently struck me that if you write articles that are nonsence, people will still be directed to these articles through search engine. And you know what? They will read them.So let us just make sure that you understand , advertising is a multi billion dollar industry, people actively seek "ad networks" which pay people like you to show these ads to visitors.If you are not familiar with this methodology, check out google adsence, we would only say to check it out first because google is probably not going to shut down like adbrite did.What adsence does is pay people like you to display these ads. Now the trick is, you usually get a penny per 1000 views, which "come on!", that sucks. The trick is to get thousands of people to visit your website a day, that way someone might click your...

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  63725 Hits

Engagement off the coast of Eyl, Somalia results in injury to attackers

A Typical Somali SpeedboatEarly yesterday, approximately four speedboats, loaded with men, sped towards a Nigerian naval anti-personell battleship. The speedboats, for whatever reason, began opening fire on the sides of the thick ship.The men aboard this "patrol ship" fired an on-board deck machinegun, injuring about four of the attackers. Seven men in total were injured , one is reported to have been in "possible lifeless" condition.No crew on-board the patrol ship was injured. Unfortunately, an RPG did hit a petrol[gasoline] tank on-board the ship, igniting a tank which burst into flame. As of today, the patrol ship will be in port in Kenya awaiting repairs.

  64258 Hits

Weatherman blacks out in weatherchopper on live television

Lol this awesome weatherman gets pwned by gravity! Watch as he blacks out! People faint all the time? The worst thing is the reputation :) You can only imagine how excited he is to get down from there :)

  63783 Hits

Im a fat bald guy

"Thats right gentlemen, I'm a fat bald guy. I'm like 40 years old, and I live in my parent's basement, alone. Every couple of months I come out to see the light. My eyeballs burn when I look at the light too directly. Then I get in my car to go down to the store to buy something. I hate it so much when my GPS makes me go through the ghetto. Sometimes I think technology is the reason why god doesn't talk to us anymore. When I get home with all the tonnage of snacks I had wasted all of my money on, it really pisses me off how I can't hear the television while I chew. What pisses me off even more is how my ps3 cant be turned on from a distance. Its very painful when I have to switch the cables on the television. God I hate...

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  63570 Hits

Why does the American school system suck so bad?

murica fvck yeah!You know what has always puzzled us? We have always wondered "why is it that the American school system is so far behind that of Europe?". Well, after about one year of reading journals published by prominent economists, and leaders of coalitions for education , we have an answer.This answer is not very easy to understand unless you understand how America shifted it's political ideology following the war in Vietnam.Well, in order to completely get rid of any sort of feeling of school being government controlled (as was the case in Europe and the soviet union -our arch enemy?-) , we privatized sectors , most schools these days, although federally funded, are privately owned.Now this sounds radical, we know, but we will explain why this is, and how it is hurting this country. Furthermore, and quite off topic, who the f@#% can reverse this? ---> Imagine this: oh yeah, coffee...

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  68869 Hits

Holy shit chapo guzman is still alive!

Chapo GuzmanThe infamous drug lord "el chapo" guzman , yes the guy that had like one thousand shows on his cocaine trafficking operation is still alive. Although reported dead years ago, he did not die.No , no, el chapo went on to move to Guatemala , leaving a look alike behind, as a sacrificial lamb.  looks like the name Chapo Guzman will be back in the news for a while now, he is responsible for so much carnage between his drug cartel and that of the now dead Ramon Arellano Félix.We don't know how to react to this. Maybe we can capture him alive and slap him around. You know, with a meat? Ah yes, anyways, shocking news story, yes, very shocking, yes yes, indeed...Should you be shocked? Well unless you live in Mexico , no , chapo guzman has no beef with you, but all those living in Mexico, especially Tijuana...

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  63614 Hits

FBI to murder the scooter store

You heard it here first people! Those annoying commercials where that guy tells us his life story and about how much better it got with his new mobile chair was working for a company that exploits government funds! Scooter store fraudThat's right ladies and gentlemen, although having a stair lifter or motor scooter to get around would be very important, the scooter store actually funds these through the use of Medicare , a federally funded insurance type thing that help the elderly pay for medical expenses.Now this sounds great, except for the fact that since it is government money, they encourage people to exploit it. And how exactly? Or more importantly , why?Well first of all, government money is just in a state of limbo, since a huge amount [of money] is still set aside while Medicare  has not expired, because it was initially created to allow old people to survive...

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  64052 Hits

MIT on lockdown

As of today, MIT , one of the highest ranking schools in all of America will remain on lockdown. And the reason? A man wearing body armor, and carrying a long rifle was spotted walking across campus. Nobody was hurt, and there are very few reports of this suspicious guy going around. MIT lockdownAlthough it might have been a hoax, the school is advising all personnel to remain withing their enclosures until further notice. Police will continue to take these matters very seriously , due to a large string of school shooting this past year , most famously Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting.Hopefully this is nothing, but we just want you to be aware of what our sources tell us :)

  64342 Hits

Playstation 4 announced -confirmed-

The playstation 4 has finally been "officially" confirmed by sony. The project will be headed by Mark Cerny in North America, and promises to be more epic than the playstation 3. Now we just need to know the release date, and some word on the xbox 720. Playstation 4 Confirmed By Sony 

  63434 Hits

Do alpha house cats eat kittens?

You might be asking yourself "do male cats that breed with a female that already has kittens kill the kittens like lions do?". The answer is , luckily, no. Male domestic  cats are actually very caring to stray kittens, often if left in the wild, these cats will orphan stray kittens, and even share a majority of anything killed with them. Male house cat So no, male cats don't kill other male cats' kittens, although male cats will pwn the sh#$ out of other male cats to preserve their dominance over female house cats, this will never lead to death, but might lead to a few scratches.

  64918 Hits

Kinky Tail dies

Kinky Tail, a male lion whom has been filmed in Africa's vast Serengeti was murdered by a hungry pack of lions. Although Kinky Tail tried his hardest to fight off the attackers, he was literally eaten alive. Kinky tail died protecting those he loved, so we must all remember him. Kinky Tail MurderedKinky Tail's brother , the beta-male of the pack was also torn to shreds by lions. Today is a very sad day for the lion race :(

  64493 Hits

Down syndrome man killed by police

A 27 year old male suffering from Down Syndrome, which is a physical and mental genetic defect, was murdered (judge ruled homicide) by three off duty cops following an incident where he refused to leave a movie theater. Here is the poor victimThe three off duty police officers tackled, beat , and probably beat to death this mentally ill man. They claimed "he was kicking and screaming at us". All three of these men will now face termination, and possible criminal charges.Robert Ethan Saylor , the dead guy, was known for his caring heart, and contributions to the local church -his seat today was laid with roses-.And although down syndrome is not associated with violent behavior -since their brains are retarded  to a mindset of a 7 year old child- , even when a guy does turn violent, it is no reason to murder him in cold blood.NOTE: The officers were off...

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  64121 Hits

Young basketball player dies suddenly

Josh Level , age 17 , a star basketball player from North Carolina died suddenly today after taking a time-out during a basketball match. He died so suddenly, that nobody even had time to react. One second he was standing, the next he was gaping dead on the ground. Eyewitnesses couldn't even fathom that such a healthy looking guy simply dropped dead. josh level age 17 dies suddenlyAuthorities fear it might have been a major stroke , or perhaps an undiagnosed enlarged heart, which often ends in sudden and unexplained cardiac arrest. Today is a sad day for Josh's team and classmates. We are always stricken with grief to learn of such tragedies, our hearts are with everyone that knew and loved him.

  63857 Hits

Have grump will travel

Do I really god honestly have to say more. He has grump and he will travel? Honestly do I need to say more? Really? For the love of god? Do I really have to say moar? Huh? Umadbro ? Huh umad? have grump will travelQQ noobs

  64489 Hits