Perfection at last

Hello everyone! We are very proud to announce that at last we feel we have made the portal the way we dreamt it to look! We wanted to do this right before Christmas, and we feel we have done it correctly. We invite any new member with open arms, as we still don’t have very many users available at the moment. We would also like to take a moment of our time to thank anyone that has registered, and submitted "bug reports" to us throughout the "beta" session of this website. As promised, we will roll out a movie, although we sort of are lacking time and money, for we are too few to accomplish so much in so little time. We also want you to note that regardless of how much money and time we spent to make the portal perfect, we would still love to hear any further suggestions...

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  60535 Hits

Indian rape protesters to be hosed

A gang rape involving 24 men and woman who was thrown off a moving bus has caused wide protest throughout new Delhi. New Delhi is now experiencing an influx of rape cases, a 400% increase to be exact.The reported rapes from 1970 were sub par 2500, this has now arisen to well over 20 thousand in the year two thousand and twelve. This is a crazy increase in rapes, or perhaps people are less afraid to actually go out and report them?Well, in this case, the poor woman that was raped by almost 30 men at once, and beaten to unconsciousness is still in intensive care. Her assailants (all 24 of them) were not charged with anything, nor does anyone now their exact names, motives or anything.The Indian government, apparently turned a blind eye to the incident, and the people resulted with protests (which were ironically violent). Unlike Gandhi's salt marches,...

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  65154 Hits

Merry Cthulhu Christmas

Ok, so we went out of our way to get you in the ho ho merry spirit with your favorite elder god! Enjoy the slideshow!

  61413 Hits

Lord Cthulhu Spared Us

Fellow friends, followers and so on, we are excited to tell you that lord Cthulhu has spared our lives today. The apocalypse is over, it did not happen because we were kind to his majesty, and very few of us don't know how not to pronounce his name, right? Well today we are happy to announce that in Cthulhu's graceful honor (and Mr. Christ) , we will be bringing back the facebook style chat, adding more games, and videos. We also want you to note, our forum now "blends" better with the website, don't you agree? Furthermore, chat comments (which you have to log in to use) have implemented a click-able username, which will link back to your profile. We also added baby Cthulhu, to tell you what to do. What else now?  Ah yes, we reorganized the right side bar to make it more user-friendly. We are also excited about what...

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  60568 Hits

We survived the apocalypse

I am proud to announce that on the twenty first date of the month of December, in the two thousand and twelfth year of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, we have not been destroyed by pagan gods.It is my pleasure to confirm that we are all still alive and well, and at the same time ask you all "what is there to look forward to now that the apocalypse is over?" .I guess this means it is now time to get back to our boring office jobs, and to the Christmas shopping. How are the wife and kids anyways? Well? Splendid?We for certain will try to keep you in the Christmas spirit! Our first step was to add some snow to our blog, but that is step one of many! Stay tuned! Forever Alone This Christmas 

  65422 Hits

If this day was our last day on earth

We just made the following status on our facebook page ,hopefully you are one of our 27 followers :) :"We shall be with you dear followers, and although the world will not end, take some time to ask yourself "if today is my last, am I proud of everything I have done", "Do I live a life of regrets?". And at the dawn of December 22nd, change everything you do not like about yourself. Be who you want to be, overcome anything you might later regret, for this day may be your last :)"And since we only have 27 followers, we want anyone else that actually finds this post to hear our word of advice, and to simply come to terms with their existence. Life is very fragile you see, and if you think about it, astronomical comets and gravitational shifts are beyond our control.We may feel at the moment that...

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  65228 Hits

Five hours remain

Well gentlemen, it has been an honor working with you. I remember when the first mushroom spore was created one hundred trillion years ago, wait, no I don't. Anyways, people of earth, we had some good times together. Like the time that one noob was playing minesweeper and said "give me free itams plox" , and the funny looking noob that fell in that pond a few months ago. But alas, we are destined to go together. So, in the name of being pros for life, share this post through social media, it is your destiny to buy stocks in the Cthulhu Portal before the world ends! What should you do on doomsday Honda admits 2012 is real (c) Honda Japan Grumpy cat's last words on doomsdayI need moar itams plox I need moar itams plox (halp me)

  65423 Hits

Ten hours remain

From what we see, we have ten hours left to determine whether December 21st is the end , or a hoax. Although unlikely, if the world does end, it was nice knowing you all.Furthermore, you can join the Cthulhu portal right here: The Cthulhu Portal and talk on the forums about why the world will or will not end. Blah blah bah blah blah  Goodbye Cruel World 

  64887 Hits

Shocking Footage! Child picked up by eagle!

We hope we are the first to report on this, but a family in Montreal, Canada have actually filmed what appeared to be a myth for so long, an eagle attempts to abduct and eat a child. Golden eagle eats child This is freaking epic footage, and had the child not been wearing so many layers of protective clothing (adding much weight), the child would have easily been eaten by the eagle. So the next time someone tells you "eagles eating small children is a myth" , you can show them this footage! Watch the shocking video here: eagle eats child .

  66229 Hits

Squirrels need to be nerfed because they are op

It has come to my attention that squirrels are op(overpowered). I think that due to their absolute invulnerability to everything around them, they deserve to be nerfed. Just the other day, a squirrels with a spall liner, and camo net sneakily rushed into a child, ammo racking him. Freaking nub op haxEvery day we sit at home, they attempt to break in, hungry for human flesh. The more we wait, the stronger they grow, which leads me to believe that they are overpowered. So, I think that they need to:1) stop using hax2) get nerfed3) stop using HAX!Also, all the noobs that QQ abut how op the squirrels species is need to grow a pair. I mean, it's not like the average commoner has been pwned one too many times by squirrels? But if you do get pwned, by all means, call it op, its not like they have any skillz.Squirrels...

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  65138 Hits

two million dollars of wii consoles stolen

Men , armed , wearing ski masks have successfully plundered a stash of "wii-u" consoles (7000 confirmed in total) from a warehouse in Seattle. The robbers had literally broken in with "spy-like" tactics, averting systems, liquidating any security system with blowtorches and liquid nitrogen.After watching what remained of the security tapes, all we know is these pro bank robbers made it away with two million dollars worth of wii consoles. We dont know how long they can avert police, but this was done like true pros. It is a sad day for us Nintendo lovers. Stolen wii u

  65329 Hits

Space Based Solar Power

Have you ever wondered why on a sunny day, you don't simply incinerate in the face of the sun's relentless wrath? Not many of us would question why this would not happen, simply because Earth's atmosphere does not allow it to do so.You see , when the sun fires off heat and light energy, only a very tiny amount of that actually reaches us directly. 99.9% of that energy is either reflected , or absorbed by the earth's atmosphere. You can think about it in the same way as a water filter. If I was looking for iron particles in water, and there was a water filter on my tap, why would I mine that .01% of iron out of the filtered water?This in essence of using solar power is clearly a waste. Although land based solar panes have great potential, one must ask themselves "why fight for the crumbs when...

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  65071 Hits

How to create your own internet browser

Are you fed up with google chrome, mozilla firefox, apple safari, internet explorer, and my personal favorite, opera browser? Well guess what everyone! There is a web browser that you can literally make into whatever you want.You might ask how, why? Well "why" is so you have your own browser, duh.How? Well simply download K-Melon, although it is indeed a 32 bit program, by all means, make it 64 bit functional. The source code is open, and it is under gpl licence type a, free to redistribute, sell etc.Enjoy :)Download K-Meleon windows 32 bit: K-Meleon1.5.4en-US K melion logo

  65296 Hits

You could own George Bush's 2009 ford f150

Thats right everyone, the ex president and oil entrepreneur is selling off his used 2009 ford f150. This is your chance to own a piece of history! (cough). The proceeds will go to an organization to help veterans of the armed forces, which is a noble cause, but who wants George W Bush's used truck?Well, George will sign the dashboard for you, and maybe throw in a case of beer. The mileage is unknown, although as it was his "ranch surveillance vehicle" , it shouldn't be too high.But hell, starting January 16th, the auction will start! I wish you all luck gentlemen, and if you want to give it to me , and consider the donation "charity" , I will gladly take this piece of history and drive it around with pride!Cheers everyone! George Bush's 2009 Ford f150 for sale

  65330 Hits

Im pro

Hello everyone, I just wanted to tell you "I'm in your backyards" , I'm a hide and seek pro. Please don't hate me. Im proIf you see me in your backyard, make sure to say hello! Don't be a stranger! I will make this post larger as I become more pro. Pro Timeline: -December 15, 2012, I pwned 312 noobs. Thats one hell of a record!

  65250 Hits

The Hobbit Review

When we initially heard that another movie would be added to the Tolkien series, we jumped in excitement (source: new lord of the rings movie). In fact, we expected this to be a huge success, so we even spent an extra 4$ to see the 3-D version. The hobbit - an unexpected journey Let us share a bit about the story: The story begins with the old Bilbo, whom we see in every other lord of the rings movie, writing a letter to Frodo. We are indeed confirming that Frodo does get a few seconds of fame at the beginning of the movie. After that opening little scene , which lasts about 12 minutes, we go back in time, as Bilbo ponders about his "great adventure" 60 years ago. This, of course, then leads to the title being displayed, and thus, the main story is initiated. So, much like the first "lord...

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  69200 Hits

Adam Lanza

When we initially opened up our investigation into the Connecticut elementary shooting, we identified (article: shooter identified) the shooter as 24 year old Ryan Lanza.  This , as we now know, is false. He even confirmed it on his facebook here: Ryan Lanza facebook (click to enlarge)The true killer was Ryan's younger brother, Adam Lanza, age twenty. The motive is unknown, what we do know is that his parents were divorced, and he was unable to connect with fellow children, or humans in general. All we know is , he began the day by executing his mother, taking her car to the school where she worked as a kindergarten teacher, shot 26 people, then committed suicide.Here is the real killer: Adam Lanza Killer (click to enlarge)

  67762 Hits

True extent of Connecticut shooting

We promised an update, and we have much news to share in regard to the Connecticut shooting. First, the 24 year old man shot his mother fatally in the head prior to his rampage, he executed her, and she worked at the school.The man has been identified as 24 year old Ryan Lanza, a troubled boy with a past which went from petty crime, to drug related assault.The man walked in early this morning, with two loaded glock and sig pistols, and walked door to door, shooting anything in sight. 26 people minus the gunman ave been found dead. 19 were children under the age of 18.The shooter did take his own life, but 26 kills make this the second worst school shooting in all of American history.The man was described as wearing all black, maybe a bulletproof vest, and probably on drugs. We will add more on this matter as...

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  64988 Hits

Time's new man of the year

We personally died when we read about this, so get ready for quite a surprise. This year's "man of th year" is not Barrack Obama, it's not Mitt Romney, nononono it's nobody you would expect! And here he is ladies and gentlemen! I'ts Lil Kim Jong Un!These polls were not rigged, and this is preliminary, but we guess this voluptuous dictator wins time magazine's "man of the year" award! Great job there "Lil Kim".

  65472 Hits

The end of male fashion: male leggings

As with every decade, and century , apparel changes. Sometimes for the better, like skinny jeans, and sometimes for the worse like waist high "mom jeans".  But ever since the end of the male "short shorts" , everything has been cool, up to now.Apparently the newest male trend is "man leggings". And the one "man" thats making them popular is none other than child singer Justin Bieber.These things are like sweatpants that stick up your *** and , especial if you have a big one, your junk will be VERY visible, if you have a small one like Bieber, maybe nobody will notice.Meggings, as they are called would be a fashion disaster. It would be like tights, but with no crotch patch. The mere thought of people wearing these is more damning than man short shorts and manthongs combined. Man leggings

  65621 Hits