World's fattest man sheds pounds

Paul Mason Transformation - Paul Nixon PhotographyPerhaps one of the most inspirational moments for anyone suffering from obesity; 52 year old Paul Nixon, the former 980 pound man has dropped down to barely above 320 pounds!This notice came strait out of the United Kingdom following Paul's bypass surgery in 2010, which he opted for following the need for a hernia surgery that cause fire rescue to chop apart his house to get him out.The bypass went splendid! Paul now has a chance to put himself into control of his own life. He has made a commitment to never let himself go again. He stated "it feels almost like I finally got out of my personal prison [body fat]".Just imagine, this man literally lost 2/3 of his body weight! It must bring some sort of inspiration into anyone suffering from excessive body fat!Although we would NEVER recommend surgery, we appreciate anyone's commitment...

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  65789 Hits

Female prison guard arrested for having affair with cop killer

Nancy Gonzalez, 29, prison guard and pregnant. Nothing seems out of the ordinary here, until DNA tests have confirmed that the child is Ronell Wilson's ,a serial murderer.According to her lawyer, she is "mentally incapacitated" and a product of a "savage childhood". She appeared in court bitterly unprepared, and looking mentally unstable.Since she is almost expecting, the judge had some mercy on her and placed her on 150k administrative bond. The bond was paid, and she was released, lamenting.Gonzalez did not comment on the matter, nor did any of her friends/relatives. Nancy Gonzales - courtesy of yahooIt is actually unfortunate, but many female prison guards tend to form attractions with inmates. Some famous cases have shown that they could help the inmates escape out of "passion" , and in rare cases, they can be lead to kill or commit other crimes, such as smuggling contraband for their estranged lovers.  We cannot...

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  63949 Hits

Virginia bill to move back to gold

Virginia, originally named after the virgin Queen Elizabeth, and perhaps the first truly "American" colony has proposed a bill to move back to the gold standard. The goal of this bill is to allow Virginia to control their own monetary status. It's a bitter and extreme counter measure to growing dissent towards federally operated mints and banks. The bill was voted upon democratically today, and an overwhelming majority opted to pass it. As a result it will now move towards the US senate, where it will likely be crushed , and omitted from the history books. This is worrisome because the people are beginning to distrust banks as they did before "the great depression". This comes only one month after California and Texas attempted to secede , both of which were denied. Regardless, it is a shame to see the country in a pitiful state of disorder, unable to solve it's...

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  64066 Hits

Blacklabel ads 404 not found

Ok, so on February 01. 2013, the famous ad host network "adbrite" had decided to shut down. We were never made aware of this, and our main source of income, which we never collected was from blacklabelads and adbrite. blacklabeladsWe never even received notification, because we were a publisher, not an advertiser. All emails we have sent to adbrite, and blacklabel have come back as "server could not be reached" errors.We cant even tell you, as our dear readers, how detrimental this course of action is to our existence. Just imagine, this is our only way of paying for everything, and now it's gone. So you can safely say, we will look for alternatives, but we are losing much time and money working on our beloved project that yields no income.We made you a promise, we will not allow this to set us back, we will come out of this turmoil...

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  64023 Hits

Promising new band discovered

Heliosaga, a relatively new band I just discovered looks like it has a promising future. Their solo  hit "The Light of Ardor" has given me an almost nostalgic feeling prevalent in older gothic metal bands, such as Nightwish and Penumbra. As we have the tendency to share things of interest , such as lolcats and good music, here it is ! Their hit solo "The Light OF Ardor"! Enjoy!

  64156 Hits

Hunas Falls

Hunas Falls are two waterfalls located in Sri Lanka, a country we are not too familiar with. these two waterfalls cascade 125 British feet per piece. There is a smaller one above the larger one, that is all we know from our clandestine sources. Hunas Waterfall compilationFurthermore, during the season of Asian monsoon, many, MANY commoners have been known to drown in the overflowing river created by the waterfall.Rare species of animals such as the Asian cayman , known to eat human flesh, and spiked tuna have been known to live in the Hunnas Waterfall area. According to the locals, there is actually an underwater cave that houses a monster, local drawing make it appear like a giant Cayman , with an elongated neck.We personally wont bother to actually go here, ever :)Today, it houses the finest hotels in all of Sri lanka, or so they say.

  63961 Hits

Man plants apple seed

41 year old Miguel Hernandez has planted some apple seeds today. When we came to his door , questioning him , he said " I always dreamed of having an apple tree". We were so baffled, we began FOAMING AT THE F#$%%& MOUTH! Why the fvck would you want this?It came as an absolute shock, why would someone want an apple tree!? What on earth prompted this man to wake up one morning and tell himself " gee, I think today I want to plant an apple tree". We began foaming at the mouth again, and curling into a fetal position, our camera man even began sucking his thumb.After we did the whole session, Hernandez headed off to work, he works for some small company as a telemarketer, and guess what? We found out our camera had a "safety lens cap" only to be disabled "by the little red -practically invisible-...

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  64909 Hits

Standoff ends , Jimmy Lee Dykes dead

Jimmy Lee Dykes DeadJimmy Lee Dykes, the lone insane Vietnam vet -known for beating dogs to death- had taken a child to his underground survival bunker shortly after gunning down a bus driver, was fatally shot by police forces in the afternoon today.The sudden course of repercussion taken by the FBI seems to have been spurred by Dykes' irate tone of voice, claiming he would "shoot the boy in an instant". Apparently,  police forces saw Dykes put the gun to the child's head, or something they perceived as "do or die".This ends the almost six day long standoff between Dykes and police. The child is alright, and nobody other than Dykes and the busdriver, Poland appear to be dead. The police forces refuse to comment on how Dykes was killed, be it suicide or assassination, it really matters not. We can all rest easy tonight, another psychopath has been neutralized.

  64313 Hits

Dutch artist creates clouds

Berndnaut Smilde , an artist currently residing in the kingdom of the Netherlands appearantly had a vision, and his background in physics helped. What he did was simply adjust his personal studio's temperature and humidity, then he used a common fog machine, and bam! A synthetic cloud was formed.He did this over and over to show us it was no illusion. It might sounds impossible, absurd or whatnot, but it's real! A synthetic cloud! Berndnaut Smilde Synthetic CloudNo watch this video if you doubt the irrefutable evidences presented before you :) 

  63985 Hits

Three best free apps for iphone 2013

Apps can have a variety of functions , effectively removing the need for having hundreds of individual devices. I know for a fact that my iphone go rid of my radio, mp3 player, alarm clock, timer, watch and so much more. So today, I will share with you three of my personal favorite free apps, these are functional and fun. Make sure to click the images to check out the apps yourself!Coming in at number one: a free voice guided GPS! That's right, why waste 100$ on a GPS when you can get one absolutely free? Thats right, people! A voice operated, precise GPS. Once you get the hang of it, it really is pretty freaking awesome. My only problem with this app is that unless you change preferences to avoid toll bridges and pikes, it will take you there every bloody time! What it does is: calculate traffic on each...

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  65329 Hits

Schoolboy held captive in underground bunker for third day

A kindergartener was allegedly snatched from a school bus by a deranged man, and subsequently confined in a deep underground bunker.The man holding him captive, although we don't have the name disclosed. was suppose to show up to court for attempted manslaughter on his neighbor over small 4x4 foot piece of property.Instead of heading to court, this man found a school-bus, shot the driver (66 year old Charles Poland) , and abducted a child , sending him to his underground layer.We also know that the child suffers from some illness that requires him to take medication daily, if he fails to do so, he might die. Bus driver Charles Poland, 66 RIP*Update*The man is confirmed to bee Jimmy Lee Dykes, a retired truck driver and Vietnam Vet. Police suspect he might be suffering from paranoid delusions, and his bunker indicates he may be a "doomsday prepper" , like that show on...

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  64628 Hits

Chris Brown punches another famous person

Chris Brown, the self proclaimed king of wife-beating has been found guilty of voluntary assault on rock sensation "Frank Ocean". Accordingly, brown had just arrived at some event , where an associate of Ocean was singing. Brown brought a few hoodlums with him to stir up some trouble (or thats what reports say). chris brown strikes againSo, what the TMZ report states is:"Brown tried to push his car into Ocean's parking slot, Ocean was jammed and could not move himself back or forward, neither could Brown." Instead of trying to talk a solution out, Brown and his hoodlums pounced on Ocean, leaving him in a pool of blood (shocking). Ugh, oh yeah, he got arrested, again, for ASSAULT. We are really shocked lol :P 

  64528 Hits

Rick Ross' car targeted by drive-by shooters

Rick Ross possibly deadPopular rapper Rick Ross was identified as a passenger in his Rolls Royce , which was machine-gunned and drove into a building. He is probably not dead, but we cannot confirm anything. Rick was in the car with a woman, nothing more has been disclosed. Authorities claimed "no injuries were sustained" which is great, but is it the truth?

  64246 Hits

French success in Mali

When France intervened in Mali a a week ago, we were never concerned with the outcome of this tiny war, nor did we expect there to be much loss of life. Luckily for us, the French aided attack has had success after success this past week. Timbuktu in ruinsFrance has helped regain about 84% of the country's cities within one week, and the barbaric extremists have been sent to the arid wastelands to the north. There, hopefully , they will starve and die off. Unfortunately, in order to assure full blown success, the joint strike forces will have to pursuit these barbaric people into the north, which as Afghanistan has shown us, may be costly.Timbuktu has literally been leveled. As a primary source of ancient scriptures, and human knowledge, this once thriving metropolis turned city fortress lays  in absolute ruin. The ware-abouts of all the ancient scriptures , artifacts and the...

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  64547 Hits

Boyscouts considering ending ban on homosexuals

The boy scouts of North America have proposed today that "perhaps it is time to lift the restriction on homosexuals in the boy scouts" -this includes members and leaders-. Many would argue that this is a move in the "right direction". We think otherwise, and it really has nothing to do with gays.We think it is a move in the wrong direction because people will refuse to allow their children to be sent away to these training centers due to the high probability of getting raped or being forced to play around with other young boys, effectively exposing them to something morally dangerous that can alter their psyche later in life.Again, we personally could care less, but this might be a detrimental mistake for the preservation of these organizations. There is a reason why men no longer willingly want to be priests, rumors are more powerful than one can fathom. Ask...

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  64091 Hits

Points for items?

Points for items?

Hello everyone, as usual we have been at work trying to get something good in for you. As a result, we have added a "points system". Upon going to your profile, you will see a referal link. For each person that you refer, you will get a few points. These points will then be redeamable for xboxlive memberships, ultimategamecards or something of that matter. Enjoy :)   

  68632 Hits

Vision test

We are positive 99% of you wont be able to find the leopard in this picture withing one minute. Comment below if you even manage to find it :) Can you find the leopard?Now imagine how "at loss" gazelle, water buffalo and African antelope are compared to this master of evolutionary disguise.

  65064 Hits

6 tips in life in pictures

Sometimes people say "certain people learn from others' mistakes" , we say "it's time to learn from others' success!" Here are 6 illustrated tips to make your life easier :) Use doritos to start a fire to dazzle your friends Poke holes in trash cans to prevent vacuum type suction that gives you resistance. The position of highway signs tells you the direction of the exit Dont know what to do with old juice cartons? make litterbox shovels Use an old Piano as stunning a fountain Never throw snowballs at your cat, he doesn't have any hands :/     

  64655 Hits

Peter Robbins, Charlie Brown Arrested For Stalking

chucky goes to jail forever GGPeter Brown, voice of the iconic Charlie Brown has been arrested for stalking. The 56 year old man was arrested early today for allegedly following a woman, and making threats of decapitation against her.Upon deportation to the local police department, a background check issued on the spot yielded a criminal background, and an arrest warrant in another county.We don't have much more, but this sounds freaking hilarious, poor Charlie Brown, secretly grows up to be a rapist stalker.

  64928 Hits

Atari files for chapter 11 bankruptcy :(

Atari, for so long the leader of innovative new video games in the United States has finally come to it's final days of life in the United States (not the Japanese branch which was sold over twenty years ago). The French (originally Japanese) based company has been creating innovative products for us since 1975! AtariAtari was indeed the creator of pong, centipede and pacman. Many of us older folks would call it the beginning and "foundation of all video games". But alas, all things must come to a miserable end.Atari has been having a horrible time trying to compete with much of anything since 2000, and Nintendo in 1980 already had a clear advantage in the field of innovation.Atari had changed hands over three times  in the past ten years. They were destined to fail, but rather than merge with the larger companies, they chose to cut their losses, and thus...

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  64882 Hits