Famous Rapper “Mac Miller” Found Dead at 26

Rapper Mac Miller has been found dead at only 26 years of age --as indicated by his lawyer David Byrnes. A very young age for any star to die. According to local authorities, Miller "was discovered lethargic in his Los Angeles home”. "As of now, a dissection is pending and a reason for death has not been resolved." Through the dissection (autopsy), a likely culprit responsible for the fatality will be discovered. Speculations have risen about potential substances found in the home that may have contributed to this unfortunate event. The Los Angeles Police Office raided a home in the 11600 square of Valleycrest Street around 11:50 a.m. for a demise examination, an officer representative explained. According to second hand sources, Mill's passing was first announced to the public by tabloid media giant TMZ. The family discharged an announcement claiming Miller was a "brilliant light in this world for his family,...

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  58618 Hits

Mount and Blade Warband Cheats

Prior to using any cheats in warband, you must click “enable cheats” on the game launcher. Failure to do so will result in all the following not working. We will categorize these by the nature of the cheats. In the game, there are two ways provided by the developers to cheat. The first involves a combination of buttons to perform certain actions (shortcuts), the others involve the use of a console command, like many other paradox games. The following involve a series of button presses to perform the action: While in a battle: CombinationEffectCtrl+HHeal yourselfCtrl+Shift+HHeal your horseCtrl+F3Damage yourselfCtrl+F4Damages a random enemyCtrl+F5Become an AI. Ctrl+F6Deliver damage to random allyCtrl+Alt+F4Deliver damage to all enemies (knocks out, does not kill)Ctril+F9Enable slow motionCtrl+F11Freeze time While in the inventory tab: CombinationEffectCtrl+XIf pressed when viewing your own character;'s stats, your character gets 1000 exp.Ctrl+XIf pressed on a soldier's stats , gives the soldier 1000 exp. This can be...

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  60076 Hits

When Will Mount And Blade BannerLord Be Released?

 After months, make that years, almost a decade of waiting for the much-anticipated sequel to warband, we finally have news to bring to everyone ...

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  59248 Hits

Maternal Death Toll On The Rise In United States

While many things have been improving in the United States interior over time, it comes as a shock to learn that maternal deaths are on the rise. The ...

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  67624 Hits

Man Dumps Porto Potty In 7-11

A disturbing new breaking story just came out of Florida today. A man, later identified as 41-year-old Damian Simms, was caught throwing feces at cust...

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  58791 Hits

Morton Grove, IL Cat Walks Like Human

A new wave of social media trends has been tirelessly coming from little known Morton Grove, Illinois. A town that few might ever have said "I know th...

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  58947 Hits

Bridgewater MA Resident Visited By Raccoon

 A disgruntled Bridgewater visitor notified police at around 9:45 pm of an unlikely visitor. What initially appeared, in the eyes of the visitor,...

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  58850 Hits

News To Come

We are currently re-vamping this website into the future. New news will likely begin to be posted after a two-year drought! Thanks

  68371 Hits

Barbara Bush Dies

Barbara Bush Dies

The end of an era. Barbara Bush passed away after a complicated series of battles with Graves disease, congestive heart failure, and chronic obstructi...

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  53855 Hits

Airline Companies Hate Him. See How This Doctor Made $200 Into $800,000

David Dao David Dao

Doctor David Dao is hated by airline companies, continue reading to find out his trick to making thousands of dollars from the airline companies. Keep...

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  76920 Hits

Yik Yak Dead

Yik Yak Dead Yik Yak Dead

​Yik Yak, one of the most frequently used anonymous communication apps on the market announced it's move towards dissolution today. This comes amidst ...

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  56757 Hits

Man Stabbed Over Yu-Gi-Oh Cards

Yu-Gi-Oh Stabbing Yu-Gi-Oh Stabbing

A Stroudsburg, PA man was allegedly stabbed this afternoon over Yu-Gi-Oh cards. In what appears to have been a heinous act of revenge for the victim "...

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  54055 Hits

New Jersey Man Helps Dad Plant Tomatoes From Prison

FBI Tomatoes FBI Tomatoes

An elderly Italian man lived alone in New Jersey . He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, since the ground was h...

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  63060 Hits

Controlling People’s Minds

Getting people to do your bidding might sound like something straight out of a science fiction movie. However, research has yielded that concepts such as hypnosis (which will be the target of our discussion today) are actually pretty freaking real. Imagine having the power to manipulate people’s minds; the power to have others do your bidding the true power of persuasion. An interesting example of the abuse of such a power was observed in Italy in 2010. Watch the video below to see how someone can abuse the power of hypnotism. What you have observed in this video is an individual that understands the core principles of hypnotism. However, this individual has chosen to abuse his power rather than exploit it for more practical purposes. For example someone with such power may be able to be a more powerful leader, interrogate others without using force and even making people perform undesirable...

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  59444 Hits

Making It Big On The Order Of The Iron Phoenix

Making It Big On The Order Of The Iron Phoenix

Are you struggling to make ends meet on this website? Are you not earning enough points to buy sh&*? The problem is not you; it’s your content! We currently support points for activities in the blogging, discussion and social media part of this website. Of course we will be getting our media section and classified ads in on the actions as well; but for the time being how the hell can you go from nothing to actually buying prizes with our available features? Let’s start at the most basic common sense we have to offer. Because you accumulate points through people reading your crap, you need to output some good quality crap. Nobody said that anything in life is easy; so you need to write crap that people actually want to read. When you create a good quality post, share it on your facebook, pinterest, twitter and google plus as well...

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  60525 Hits

Paranormal Radio Host Kidnapped By Aliens

Paranormal Radio Host Kidnapped By Aliens

68 year old paranormal radio host Art Bell has mysteriously disappeared after only a few weeks of hosting his show on paranormal activities, conspiracy theories and aliens. The 68 year old radio host apparently had a following of over one million people who are now pretty certain that his disappearance was, in part, due to unexplained circumstances. Quite possible, we can conclude that aliens might have had a hand in the kidnapping of someone that had “too much knowledge”. Although it is unlikely that he will not reappear in time, Bell has not been heard from for well over a week now. Is this the first undeniable case of alien abduction? Is Bell being silenced by something else? And why can’t the press get into contact with Bell? We will add additional information to his developing case as it progresses.

  59489 Hits

Naked Man Breaks Into Home To Eat Chips

Naked Man Breaks Into Home To Eat Chips

An Indianan man woke up early last Friday to a very atrocious site. A naked man wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and some sneakers had broken into his home and was eating his chips. The needy perpetrator, now officially released as 19 year old Andrew Wozniak, apparently broke in hungry and immediately pounced on the unsuspecting chips. The official 911 tapes literally illustrate the homeowner saying “there is a naked man in my kitchen and now he is eating my chips”. Police were told that the homeowner physically pushed the man outside at 3 a.m. that morning. Later, police found the man walking down the street in just his underwear. A breathalyzer was issued and Wozniak failed it (although he insisted he was completely sober). Police immediately arrested Wozniak, charging him with breaking and entering, public drunkenness, disturbing the peace, theft and lewdness. Wozniak was then taken to a...

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  59487 Hits

Raccoon Rides Alligator

Raccoon Rides Alligator

There are some really cool things that pop up on the internet. Sadly, most of them end up being photo-shopped fakes. Every now and then, something genuinely cool pops up that makes your mind bleed in bliss. Today, we found out that a man took an amazing photo of a raccoon riding his alligator to work. Nobody could ever imagine how this furry mammal managed to tame the dangerous predator. Apparently, the raccoon was off to catch some fish for the wife and kids. Florida is a strange place, as we were told by people living in the direct area, and this is not uncommon. Raccoons have apparently been known to have pet alligators…

  60030 Hits

How To Optimize Human Growth Hormone

How To Optimize Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone is often attributed as the single most important and valuable amino acid when people (men in particular) attempt to lose weight (usually caused by estrogen increases in later years) and gain muscle (along with proteins). Optimizing Human Growth Hormone or HGH for short is not an easy or scalable task (as it is naturally produced by the body and supplements could potentially be harmful). The number one doctor recommended solution for combating low HGH or even producing standard HGH is sleep. During sleep, humans produce the largest quantifiable mass of Human Growth Hormone. This has been monitored and documented in several external studies (in various institutions throughout the world). Primarily, HGH production is at its most potent during REM (rapid eye movement) which occurs during the 2-5 a.m. hours.And although production of HGH does not decrease with age, it is actually completely and utterly nullified by estrogen. The largest...

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  59684 Hits

Xenoverse DLC Pack 3 Released

Xenoverse DLC Pack 3 Released

The Dragonball Xenoverse DLC pack 3 was released late last week. This update included characters from “the resurrection of f” movie, new moves, new costumes and new masters. The update also included emperor’s death beam, golden Frieza and a level cap raise from 85 to 99 (which should give anyone that has the game plenty of more time to level up). The update also included 7 new z souls and a few new parallel quest missions. There Is, however, no new story mode in this update which is a letdown. This is the final update for Xenoverse and thus concludes one of the best dragonball games made in the past 5 years. Feel free to check us out on steam.

  59788 Hits